Monday, July 21, 2014

You Know It's Time

You know it's time to increase the weights when you start to get sets of high reps in big movements. I blame it on having to decrease my cardio on Tuesday and Thursdays, and on wonky knees that feel better when I do a bit less than 5 miles a day. I can tell that my bench is better than it's been. I know I've benched heavier in the past, but for few reps and always with a nagging front delt soreness to follow. I also know that I really need a decent 20 minute warm up before I lift, not just 5 minutes on the elliptical. Using the LifeFitness Cross-trainer has really helped with my bench and BB rows (15 rep sets at 155 lbs means time to up it a tad).

Today I get to the gym a bit late after dropping my son at camp. After a busy weekend, I'm not very enthusiastic to work out although I know that it will ultimately clear my head and energize my body. The gym is only moderately busy and I attribute that to the relatively nice weather. Most people would rather go for a run outside. I take my time on the Bench and I'm not that surprised to get 12 reps at 115 lbs. I've benched 125 before. Heck, I've benched 135. But since my epic fail a few months ago, I'm wary of what I move. What I wonder is if I can get two more sets or not. Because I don't quite trust myself, I pull back after 11 reps for the next two sets. I'm thinking I could up the weight next Monday and see about getting sets of 5-6 reps. The 20-repper that follows is a bit of a grind. Usually it's not that hard. I toy with doing another set but I still have a lot more exercises to do. I'm having to learn to let go.

The Inclined Bench is free so I do a few sets of Inclined Presses followed by DB Inclined Flyes. I could go heavier but the right front delt verges on a twinge. Better not risk it. I use the same 20 lb DBs for Standing Lateral DB Raises. 15 reps means up the weight. I grab a pair of 25s and knock out the bulk of my sets, then finish again with 15 reps at 20 lbs. I still have the 20s when I plant myself at the Seated Overhead Press Rack. It's one of the older models so I can sit in it comfortably with my chest in my lap to do Reverse DB Flyes. Since I get 15 reps with both the 20s and the 25s, I grab the 30s. Okay, this is definitely harder. Only 12 rep sets here.

Now only three arm movements left to go: Alternate Twisting DB Curls; BB curls with EZ bar; Reverse Grip BB Curl for forearms. Done. Well, sort of. 20 min on the Precor barely gets me a mile and a half. Bummer. I need a Mat Stretch to keep my shoulders and back from knotting up. My upper abs have been sore for days and I know it's not from the crunches. As I roll my upper body up from the floor (from a cross-legged position) using my abs to pull myself into a seated pose, I suddenly realize why my stomach's been so sore. Well, duh. The three sets of Dive Bomber Push Ups and the single plank don't feel any easier either. I finish with a few crunches for fun because I won't get the chance tomorrow. We're planning to catch the 11 am showing of Planet of the Apes so I'll be racing through my workout.

Monday Chest, Shoulder and Bicep Workout

Weight Lifted
21657.5 lbs

Calorie :   95 CAL
Distance: 2.2 mile
Speed :    6.57 mph
Duration : 00:20:00
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 95x13
Set 3 : 115x12
Set 4 : 115x11
Set 5 : 115x11
Set 6 : 95x20
Set 1 : 45x12
Set 2 : 65x12
Set 3 : 85x10
Set 4 : 85x10
Set 5 : 85x10
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 20x12
Set 5 : 20x12
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 25x12
Set 3 : 25x12
Set 4 : 25x12
Set 5 : 25x12
Set 6 : 20x15
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 25x15
Set 3 : 30x12
Set 4 : 30x12
Set 5 : 30x12
Set 6 : 30x12
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 1 : 15x12
Set 2 : 37.5x15
Set 3 : 37.5x15
Set 4 : 37.5x15
Set 1 : 40x20
Set 2 : 40x20
Set 3 : 40x20
Calorie :   181 CAL
Distance: 1.63 mile
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 25 x 50
Set 2 : 25 x 50
Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:01:00
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...