Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 and the World Hasn't Ended!

I was really happy that my husband decided that he couldn't do kickboxing after tae kwon do last night. He had to get up early to travel this morning and kickboxing would've meant us not getting home until 8:45 pm which is kinda late for school age kids and folks traveling to Boston in the wee hours. Still, I had trouble getting myself in gear this morning and didn't get to the gym until 9:30. Luckily, the Precors were vacant once again and I was able to do my two 35 minute sessions. After all, it's Leg Day!

Once I got started, I was able to zoom along and managed to get just under 8 1/2 miles in total so I was pretty happy. The Smith was empty, with the bench gone and the bar set to just about shoulder height. I keep wondering if B's retired cop friend M isn't doing this on the sly. In the past, I had the suspicion that he was placing handles (that I happen to favor) on the Lat Pull Down station on days when I'd be doing Back and Bi's. Or maybe I'm just a suspicious person.

I saw B's car in the lot but never saw B. She texted me later to say she'd been there since 7 am and then she had to go and well, we'll see each other later. No matter. I do my squats, and then the dreaded dead lifts. By the last set, I want to puke on my shoes but I don't. Instead, I put my hoodie back on (I take it off when doing dead lifts because I need to wear my elbow braces, and the bar sometimes catches on the front of my hoodie as I pull up) and go do my Cage Stretches and Kicks.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.09 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.39 miles  Grand Total = 8.48 miles Wahoo!
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar (with my butt dropping down to my heels) / 5 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs I still hate doing these
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Ab Curl Machine: 2 x 50 (upper) / 2 x 50 (lower) Now I have a bandaged scab over the scab from the conflict between clothing tags and my backside doing sit ups!
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 52.5 lbs
Mat Stretch (there's a brand new mat that's sleek and smooth and smells like new vinyl!)

I see a few of the regulars. R wanders in and is greeted by J and a few other guys in the free weight area including Middle-Age T-shirt guy. The gym scale reads 109 lbs which is at least going in the right direction: I'm always heavier on Mondays than at the end of the week because hard, vigorous exercise burns a lot of calories, and being a weekend slug doesn't.

Once I shower, my moleskin falls off and I have to enlist a hapless locker room bystander to cover the overlapping scabs with a band aid. I always carry band aids in my bag because I'm such a "mom". At home, the scale reads 106.2 lbs and I look up previous Wednesday readings to see if they're consistent. And they are. It's not until I get home that I realize that today is 12/12/12. Is this suppose to be the Mayan end of the calendar, or something? The sun is shining and the birds are at my bird feeder. I'm thinking I must have the wrong day. But it's a great day for something!

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