Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Eye of the Beholder

At Gold's Gym today
Today's abbreviated workout wasn't all that abbreviated. I did run out of the gym in a panic but was at least 5 full minutes early for the school bus. And I did a full 45 min of cardio, plus Back and Biceps.

I even had a few minutes to chat with B, and she had a few minute to snap a few photos with her brand new phone of my back. Because she told me how "ripped" it looked, and I reiterated that I can't see my back without a mirror or photo. I still can't tell what it looks like because the photo isn't quite in focus either. I know I don't have that V-shaped lat flare although the armholes to my tanks and sports bras are starting to bind. Perhaps I'm just thicker due to all the rowing movements I do. I've really got to look into doing some pull ups or chins if I want that nice shape.

V stops by and I wave at him but don't bother to unplug my headphones. He hovers expectantly for a moment before realizing that I'm actually not going to stop and chat with him. I don't really want to hear anything he might have to say because it's probably nasty gossip about one of our neighbors.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.96 miles
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 5 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 125
   (now I've got a new rug burn over an older one so I've resorted to moleskin)

Mat Stretch

The scale reads 110.6 lbs and I do feel a little less bloated. I'm amused because B had been admonishing me not to get too big because I'll start to look like a guy! I wonder how much of it is unconscious jealousy. (My feeling is that she's used to being the center of attention, which is one of the reasons I don't talk to any of her friends.) Then she tells me how great my back looks. I'm not worried about becoming too muscular. I don't think it's genetically possible for me, just as it's not in the cards for me to see a 6-pack unless I drop down to 14% body fat. I'm fairly comfortable between 18-19% right now. I'm not willing to give up ice cream and half & half in my coffee, nor does there seem to be any credible reason to put myself through such a grueling diet.

I don't have time to check my home scale because I've got to feed my son lunch and then run off to a parent-teacher conference. There's also tae kwon do tonight, and my husband wants to do kickboxing as well. I'm tired just thinking about it. I'd better start taking my vitamins again!

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