Monday, July 30, 2012

One Year Later

The 30th Olympiad started in Great Britain last Thursday so we've all been affixed to the 4 or 5 channels broadcasting various competitions. It's been very inspiring watching these fabulously conditioned athletes perform. Meanwhile, I've been a complete slug. A well-stuffed slug, but a slug nonetheless.

The 45 min cardio gentle hill #6 warms me up but I'm not drenched the way I like. I do get 5.20 miles but I suspect that my cheese indulgences this weekend are to blame. Yes, cheese indulgences. Goat cheese and olive tapenade stuffed into zucchini blossoms, romaine lettuce draped with smoked gouda, crackers smeared with garlic mustard and topped with jarlsberg. I know the scale will not be kind at the end of this workout. I feel big, but I feel strong. What the heck, I'm benching heavy today.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.20 miles
Smith bench: 1 x 12 @ bar / 1 x 12 @ 95 /
1 x 12 @ 115 / 3 x 12 @ 135 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 /
1 x 25 @ 95 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks
Front & Lateral superset dumbbell raises:
3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Rear inclined seated dumbbell raises: 1 x 15 @ 17.5 / 5 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-arm dumbbell tricep extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 /
3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
60° Inclined twisting situp: 125 reps
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders, neck

The scale reads 108.4. I'm tired and a little spacey. By the time I'm done showering, I'm absolutely ravenous. Some people have $5 a day latte habit. I have a $2.50 Ensure Hi-Protein habit. I always feel so much better after I've sucked one down. Every now and then I check my progress by looking at the "big picture" — I check last year's calendar. July 30 of 2011 was a Saturday so I look at the following Monday August 1st. I weighed 124.6 lbs. Wow. I can't even remember what that was like. I certainly couldn't bench 135 lbs either.

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