Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reps for Strength, and to Mix Things Up a Bit

I don't always see the same faces when I go to the gym. There are regulars to be sure, especially when it comes to the Zumba, RPM (spinning) and PowerPump classes. Sometimes people go on holiday, or get too busy at work, or suffer an injury or  health issue. Or sometimes they just show up at a different time. People like me, on the other hand, show up every day. At the same time. And do the same thing. What a rut!

Kidding! But I am changing my workout routine ever so slightly, tweaking it here and there. After yesterday's exhilarating 7.8+ miles, I really doubted my cardio ability today. Especially since I had some minor aches and pains, left ankle, right hip flexor. Oh no! a stitch in my lower ab. But I'm stubborn, so 45 minutes gives me 5.08 miles. Decent enough. I know this is my 2nd Push Day this week and I did manage to get 3 sets of 12 reps of my max 135 lbs on Monday. So, I give myself a break and decided to do reps today. (It's how I got strong in the first place!)

Don't let anyone kid you about reps. Do enough of them and you'll definitely be sore! A helpful tip is to pace yourself. When I get to the 30 rep mark, I slow down and knock out 5 reps quickly, take a breather, then go for the next 5 reps until I get to 50. Or 75.

Today's workout:
Flat bench press: 1 x 25 @ 45 (bar) / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 85 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 65 /
1 x 50 @ bar
Cage stretch & kicks
Torso twist: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Front delt dumbbell raises superset with lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 15 lbs
(superset means done without resting so that it's really 12 reps front raises and then 12 reps lateral raises equals one set)

Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 15 lbs
Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises: 6 x 15 @ 15 lbs
One arm dumbbell tricep extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Abs: 45° Inclined sit up with 10 lb weight: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25
Seated lower ab kickouts: 125
Decline bench press: 1 x 75 reps with bar (45 lbs) only
Mat stretch for hamstrings, back, shoulders, neck & calves

I didn't do any tricep pushdowns this week and feel a tiny bit guilty but hell, I can do them Monday, if the station's free. Tomorrow's a Pull Day and I'm wondering if my elbows are well enough to endure another dozen chin ups at the Cage Stretch. I really look forward to these sort of challenges to myself.

The scale reads 105.6. Probably because I didn't sweat as much as I did yesterday. I'm not concerned. As I review the past several months (I write everything down on those big monthly calendars so I can spot trends), I see that my weight is pretty stable and I'm actually getting stronger. Wahoo!

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...