Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sore From the Walk

Oddly, my hips were aching last night before I went to bed. I doubt it was from all the weekend trekking so I can only surmise that it was a reaction to my normal core routine at the gym, specifically fire hydrants. Doing 25 reps per side every day loosens the tight hip muscles laterally, but it's never made me sore before. My lower back is also tired and the back of my right thigh threatens to spasm if pushed too hard. Bearing all that in mind, I still climb onto the elliptical but cut the time to 20 plus minutes.

I take my time in the Aerobics Room because I'm tired and I'd rather lay on the mat looking at my phone rather than doing crunches and planks. But, eventually I do everything on my list, including eye yoga. Looking down while not moving my head is getting easier and my eyeballs don't ache as much. Side to side is still weird though.

Out in the free weight area, the smallest (1.25 lbs) magnetic discs are missing but there are 3 pairs of the larger 2.5 lb discs. Chatty B and Tank are leaning on the inclined bench backed up to the breaker bench I picked on which to do my tricep exercises. My sinuses suddenly start to burn, as if someone's wearing a lot of cheap cologne and I exclaim to myself aloud, "That's giving me a headache!" because it is. The noxious fumes dissipate once people retreat to their own workstations. I'm not sure if they heard me (I am wearing earbuds so I can't gauge how loud my voice was) but the results are what count: no more irritating odor and no more headache. 

I'm able to do the slightly heavier weight only because I cut back a few reps for the second set when my elbow and wrists started to complain. And took longer than normal rest periods between sets. But I have better things to do than stand around draped over equipment doing mandible exercises. Like taking pups to the park so they can tear through all the wet fallen leaves.

18 October 2022
Abbreviated Late Start Tuesday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd (3920)
Distance: 2.01
Cal: 222
Avg Hr: 137, maximum 200-81

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga x 3

Skull Crushers / Rip Skulls
30 lbs x 12/12 reps
35 lbs x 12/12, 10/10, 12/12

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