Monday, September 19, 2022

The Busy Weekend

I hadn't planned to do as much walking as I did yesterday, and I didn't even leave our neighborhood! I told my son I would accompany him up and down our road to solicit donations from our neighbors for his Eagle Scout project. Part of the project process requires a Scout to fund raise if the money spent on supplies and materials is over a set amount. It is admittedly our least favorite part of the project. But instead of going to stores along the commercial strip, or standing outside a shop with a table "groveling for money" as my son would put it, we carried flyers describing the project and personally spoke to the people who live around us. 

Because the park is less than a quarter mile from our road, everyone knows it, which made explaining the project so much easier. Few people had cash available and my son was appreciative of those who could spare a few dollars. Most folks opted to take a flyer and scan the PayPal QR code to submit a donation. Wow, technology is great! This also gives us their email addresses so we can send them thank you cards when the project is completed. 

I'm exhausted when I get up today. Imagine my surprise to see over 7,000 steps on the phone app. My ears might've gotten a little sunburned as well since it was a lovely, bright, sunny still-summer day. The gym feels crowded. It's the beginning of the week and Lazy Pedals is draped over elliptical #1 while Middle-Aged Guy pedals on #2. I look around and see that the LifeFitness Cross-Trainer is my best option, but this time I won't be doing any backward pedaling. I'm tired. I only do 25 minutes and then a set of pull-ups, doing less than the usual 23, because, well, I'm tired. But it's not the same tired as not having enough sleep, because oddly, that doesn't impact strength for me. 

I do core and that feels okay. But I'm bailing on the 2nd set of pull-ups, especially since SnowBird is in the Stretch Cage when I emerge from the Aerobics Room. Instead, the step machine beckons and I spend 10 minutes climbing and singing to myself. Later, at the park, I sing along to Bon Jovi's rendition of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. (I've embedded the video below.) It's just me and the dogs so I'm not concerned about my lack of singing prowess. One of the dogs ignores me, but the other one sits close and stares at my mouth, wondering at the strange noise. 

I have an eye doc appointment in the afternoon. Pressures are holding steady, not great but not awful at 14/15. The Visual Field test is more interesting with the right eye maintaining the same vision loss in a crescent up top, and the left eye showing actual improvement?! I've had worse tests for the left eye, maybe those were just bad days? But I also remark that I feel as if I was seeing more lights flash, which is so much better than not seeing lights that are supposed to be there. Maybe sleeping on that wedge pillow really is helping? Not with my IOPs but with the more important actual vision...

19 Sept 2022
Rainy Tired Monday

LF X-trainer # 3
Program manual
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd
Distance: 2.69
Cal: 199
Avg Hr: 121-141


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga x 3

StepMill (R)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55)
Steps 527
Floors 32
Cal 77
Hr n/a

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