Friday, September 23, 2022

Exercise Cures It All

I haven't been to the gym in 3 days and my body is starting to rebel. Not the lower back or sciatic nerves, but the upper back and painful knots under my shoulder blades, probably from sitting at my desk all day working our BSA Troop's upcoming Court of Honor. Since I'm the Advancement Chair, I have to make sure all the data is entered into record-keeping software (as well as the BSA's own proprietary software), and coordinate the awards with "blue cards" and advancements with position patches. Plus print out progress reports for each individual Scout.

The badge cards have spaces too tiny to handwrite pertinent info so I print out labels on sticker paper and affix them to each individual card, along with the proof of completion (blue card) and the actual cloth Merit Badge (must be purchased at an authorized Scout shop). I've used my "knot killer doorknob roller" to press out the painful lumps only to have them re-emerge hours later. Too much desk work! When I exercise regularly, I don't have these issues!

Within ten minutes of pedaling the elliptical, I can feel two of the most prominent knots melt away under my shoulder blades. It's weird considering pedaling has nothing to do with the upper body. There's no stretching or pressing involved! I'm just holding the handrail with the flaky heart rate monitor sensors. I carry tension in my upper body, and I grind or clench my teeth as well. Exercise helps alleviate the stress behind these reflexive movements.

The Autumnal Equinox occurred last night and today definitely feels like Fall. Temps started out in the high 40s (good sleeping weather) and never got past 60F even in direct sun. It also means I barely break a sweat doing cardio. Pull-ups feel good until rep 20 and then it's a bit of a struggle to make it to 23. Core is core. 

I have time so instead of a second set of pull-ups, I do triceps. And the Inclined Breaker Bench is far enough away that my feet don't bump into the spotter platform attached behind it. Yaaay! Between sets, SnowBird comes over and starts talking to me. I can't understand anything he's saying until I pull out an earbud. "Think you'll be here as long as me? I'm 83," he says smiling. "Is it your birthday?" I ask him. "Oh no. That was June. But I'm working on making it to 84." I give him the thumbs up and he smiles and walks away. I do all my sets, shower & change, and have enough time to buy some groceries before taking pups to the park. They love brisk weather. Cold temps make them extra frisky.

23 Sept 2022
Brisk Fall Friday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5572)
Distance: 2.83
Cal: 313
Avg Hr: 144, 192-87


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

Skull Crushers / Rip Skulls
30 lbs x 12 reps each x 2 sets total
32.5 x 12 x 6

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