Thursday, September 1, 2022

Maybe I Should Toss That Jug

In spite of finally receiving my order of whey protein (Amazon lost it and then redelivered it a week late), I went back to the old 5 gallon plastic tub that still contained vanilla-flavored whey protein. I looked for an expiration date but couldn't find one anywhere. It's so old that I actually don't remember when I bought it and used it last. But it passed the sniff test, and the taste test. No signs of clumping or mold. No iffy odors. 

I've been mixing it in my oatmeal after the bowl has cooled slightly. I know better than to try and "cook" with it because that just makes an unpalatable gummy mess. But maybe I should just do what reasonable people do, and toss the jug and use the package I just bought. Because I'm sure the protein has degraded somewhat, meaning that 1/2 a scoop isn't giving me 15 gms of protein. I'm not sure what it's giving me...

I get to the gym at a reasonable hour and realize that school started today for this town, but not my town. Our schools don't start until next week. Which means there are no kids. Yaaay! At least, not until later this afternoon when school is out.

Pedaling furiously, I finally make 2.9 miles on the elliptical. Yaaay me! And I manage to do both sets of pull-ups today. I'm disappointed that I can't keep my legs positioned properly though, with ankles crossed and knees bent to form a sort of triangle: after 5 reps my right hamstring threatens to spasm and I have to straighten my legs. At least the crossed ankles helps to prevent body swaying. Trying to pull up with a flaccid torso and dangly legs makes the movement so much harder and expends a lot of non-productive energy. 

There's only one person in the Functional gym area, a red-haired regular I've seen around for some years. She bears a passing resemblance to Miranda on Sex in the City. She does her yoga stretches and I do my core exercises with plenty of space between us. My knee is bothering me. It's the same knee that sporadically twinges every now and then and I wondered if there's an issue with the meniscus. But then I see that today it's sore with a big purple bruise and vaguely remember my dog slamming into me because he wanted to get past the Puppy Park gate yesterday. My knee doesn't have any of the symptoms of a meniscus injury, so it's not that...

My skin takes a long time to heal, probably because of the ichthyosis condition. Last week I wondered about a scabby-looking bruise on my thigh and only just remembered the skin biopsy I had done months ago. The discolored scar from a pigment biopsy is just starting to fade and that was done several years ago...

1 Sept 2022
Crisp Thursday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5780)
Distance: 2.90!
Cal: 325
Avg Hr: 147, 192-96


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

HGPU 21.5

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