Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Backward Shin Splints

I got to the gym and it was crowded, with Lazy Pedals and his pal Middle-age Guy pedaling side by side on two of four ellipticals. I don't like the other two so I choose a different type of machine altogether. All the LifeFitness cross-trainers are vacant so I get on #3. (Number 2 doesn't have a usable cup holder and Number 1 is right next to the Functional Gym. There are more machines to the left but I like the one in the middle.)

It's been a while since I've used one of these. This is not my preferred cardio machine so I cut time down by 10 minutes. And, as a test, I do the 5-minute "cool down" backwards. It's very uncomfortable and eventually my shins start to complain. Yep, pedaling backwards is giving me shin splints. This machine also makes my toes numb if I pedal forward for too long. Suffice it to say, I don't use this unless I have to, or I've completely forgotten why I shouldn't.

At some point I'll use the Expresso Bike or the Octane "elliptical" again. Stationary bikes are boring (plus sitting on my butt makes me feel guilty about not moving). The stair climber can be challenging, but again, after a while it's also kind of boring. That's the reason I change my footing a lot while walking up the machine. The erg rower makes my hands numb and I overheard a lady complain about wrecking her back on it. Yeah, I'm even timid about using the Seated Cable Row just because of how sensitive that lower back/sciatica issue can be. 

But the worst machine, hands down, is the treadmill. Especially since the handles that monitor your heart rate are up in the air, and in my case, over my head, which makes my hands and arms go numb and I feel like those old-time bikers with the monkey handlebars, aka ape hangers. I don't know what the manufacturer was thinking in designing this piece of equipment! 

The Aerobics Room is oddly empty even though Boot Camp is on the schedule. I also haven't seen gym owner today although there are other staffers. Small arm circles have replaced the shoulder circles but another common exercise is causing concern: the back and tricep stretch (clasp hands behind your back and straighten the arms, pulling the shoulders back) seems to be stressing the tricep and lat. WTH? I've been doing this stretch for ages so it doesn't make sense for it to suddenly cause issues... Ugh.

My forearms don't give up until the second set of pull-ups. I thought about skipping the second set completely but figured I had time so... But tomorrow's probably going to suck because I got my combo flu shot today and my shoulder is already sore. Tomorrow's supposed to be shoulder day, and later I'm going to see a show called "Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play." My girlfriend got tickets (buy one get one free) because it got very good reviews, although she's never watched The Simpsons. So, I'll probably enjoy it but I'm not sure she will...

14 Sept 2022
Brisk Wednesday

LF X-trainer # 3
Program manual L1
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd
Distance: 2.59
Cal: 198
Avg Hr: 120-197


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga


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