Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Rainy Tuesday

It's supposed to rain all day intermittently but there's not much accumulation. The lawn is a bit greener though. And it's very warm and humid both inside and outside the gym. There's such relief when the a/c finally kicks on while I'm pedaling furiously. (I look like I've climbed out of the pool when I'm done.) Mileage is a tad better today although the heart rate monitor is all over the place. I'm not concerned. 

Well, not enough to actually pester a doctor about it and get one of those heart rate stress tests... the last thing I want is to be on meds that slow my heart down and make me feel tired and depressed (more than I already am), or worse, ablation "therapy" that kills certain heart muscle cells to even out the rhythm. Of course, having an erratic heart rate isn't good either: it can lead to horrible things like blood clots and subsequently, strokes...

I can skip pull-ups today which is good since my forearms are still sore. My abs are sore. And while I was pedaling, I felt my leg biceps threaten to spasm, but only faintly. It reminded me to be cautious about my foot positioning when I do triceps later.

Keeping my legs slightly extended helps to prevent potential spasms. It's more difficult only because the base of Breaker Inclined Bench has been backed up against the flat Breaker Bench I'm using. And the benches are not aligned so only my right foot meets the standing base (for spotters to use while standing behind someone on the Inclined Bench). The benches are too heavy for me to move so I just use as is. 

I'm so short that the only way I keep my feet planted is to put them on the gray bracing bar under the Breaker Bench headrest. I'm positioned backward with my feet on the base and my head just gracing the edge of the bottom of the bench itself. It's not a problem with the Skull Crushers, but the Rip Skulls need me to anchor myself when I raise my arms over head and past the bench. The shoulders and lats don't hurt today. Only the elbow complains, but that's not unusual. 

I read a mildly interesting article about what bugs to eat (and not to eat) in a survival situation. Of course I think of Bear Grylls because he'll do anything for the camera. Les Stroud is more authentic, but he usually doesn't eat anything while he's in survival mode, and we joke that he just starves while waiting for rescue. He has more credibility but Bear is probably worth a lot more money...

13 Sept 2022
Rainy Tuesday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5708)
Distance: 2.88
Cal: 321
Avg Hr: 147, 196-77

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

Skull Crushers / Rip Skulls
30 lbs x 12 reps each x 2 sets total
32.5 x 12 x 6

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