Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Working Around the Work

There was a 2-hr school delay even though the roads were mostly clear and the sky was a lovely ice-cold blue. I figure it's so they can get the parking lots cleared and the school buses cleaned off. I get to the gym and it's actually kind of crowded for late morning. Oh well... I still manage to grab a cross-trainer, although it's the one closest to the front door so it's quite a while before I feel warmed up. 25minutes to be exact. And I'm only on it for 30 minutes.

I'm happy that I can grab an Oly bar and do RG BB Rows by the mirrored wall. There's a couple working out a few feet away. He's bald with a goatee and she's got black shoulder-length hair. They both look athletic but not overly muscular. I've noticed them on the cardio equipment, and last week, at the cable station. One would be doing cable flyes and the other one dropping to do a few push ups. Today he's got a pair of 10s on an Oly and he's doing curls with them. I'm assuming she's using the same bar for something completely different, like deads.

My OCD kicks in and I put everything back when I'm done. Island Jerk is busy wedging an Oly bar into the corner of the OHP rack and leaving it perched on a big V-grip handle with a few plates on it. Then he walks away and doesn't actually come back to it for a good half an hour. Like he was setting a snare for unsuspecting prey. I'm only doing 3 sets at the One-Arm DB Rows, mainly because at the heavier weights, there's a lot of stress on my elbow joint. My right elbow and shoulder are actually a bit wonky today, and I suspect it's from shoveling yesterday. My son complained last night that his shoulders and arms hurt. He's never experienced that before.

Since the Lower Back Extension machine is busy, I opt to do a few sets on the Seated Cable Row. Just three sets actually. Again, by the last few reps, my right elbow is starting to ache a tiny bit. When I get to the Extension machine, I'm surprised that I barely have to make any adjustments to it. So whoever was there before me is about my height and pushing the same weight? Highly unlikely, but WTH? I'm not overly concerned. I clamber back up to the cardio platform, wipe down an elliptical and punch in Performance Program 1 for 30 minutes. I feel pretty good.

A very large inflexible man is on the Mat I like to use so I put my hoodie back on and drop my stuff onto the other Mat, the Mat in front of the back steps that leads to a side door. Which means there's a breeze blowing through. I do my entire Stretch with my hoodie zipped all the way up, but it's not a complete program. I skip the Plank and Pistol Squats, although I do keep Dive Bomber Push Ups. I've really got to get my head around those Dolphin Push Ups one of these days. Since I need a day to rest my lower back before doing Legs, tomorrow is going to be Arm and Abs Day. Looking forward to it. Wahoo!

Wednesday Back Workout
(total mileage: 6.41; App says 26.845 lbs moved)

Calorie :   150 CAL
Distance: 3.85 mile
Speed :    7.64 mph
Duration : 00:30:15
Set 1 : 45x15
Set 2 : 135x15
Set 3 : 155x15
Set 4 : 155x15
Set 5 : 155x15
Set 6 : 135x20
Set 1 : 55x12
Set 2 : 60x10
Set 3 : 65x8
Set 1 : 90x12
Set 2 : 90x12
Set 3 : 90x12
Set 1 : 210x15
Set 2 : 210x15
Set 3 : 210x15
Calorie :   273 CAL
Distance: 2.56 mile
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 20 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 20 Lap/Rep

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