Friday, August 15, 2014

It's August so Why Am I Wearing Flannel?

I woke up to 52°F and needed my fleece hoodie to walk the dog. It's mid-August. What happened to global warming? My son is shivering in his swim gear and summer hoodie as I drive him to camp, so he's also got a fleece blanket on his lap. I always keep blankets in the car. They've come in handy when friends are woefully under-dressed for the weather at outdoor activities.

The cardio platform is jam-packed with people. I don't know why because 52°F is pretty good outdoor running weather. I do my 2+ miles on the Cross-Trainer and head off to the free weights. Even though I see Island Jerk doing his circuit, at least he hasn't glommed all the free weight equipment. I have to check my log to see how many reps I should be pulling today on the RG BB Rows, and then decide to up the reps a little. Just because. I like high reps because I think I can maintain strength without gaining size. I'm trying to cut some of this bulk without too much drama but it's stubborn.

I briefly toy with the idea of skipping One-Arm DB Rows, but what would I replace them with? The Lat Pull Down puts too much stress on my elbows and shoulders. Maybe I'll venture back to the Seated Cable Row next week and give it a try. I stopped last summer because it aggravated a latent case of sciatica. However, I'm able to do Pistol Squats without any issue (and that really hurt when I had sciatica). So, Seated Cable Rows will either be fine, or aggravate my knees and sciatica and ruin Pistol Squats for me again. Hmmm. Should I chance it? Naw. Today I do DB Rows.

The rest of my workout is fairly routine. I added my 3rd set of Dive Bomber Push Ups back in, and since my iPod was charged, I could use my phone for a timer for the one plank I do. I wish the JeFit App would update their exercise database because they don't have anything for Dive Bomber Push Ups, Pistol Squats (they have kettlebell pistols but that's not the same), Pulse-Ups, Torso Twist machine, or Glute-Ham Raises.

I'm all set to make peach preserves tonight since I bought a 1/2 peck of utility peaches from the local apple and peach farm. Blueberries will be on sale next week and my husband is all excited about making blueberry preserves. I harvested one monster zucchini about a week ago (it was bigger than my cutting board) and made it for dinner by slicing it into two-inch-thick rings, coring the center and stuffing them with turkey meatball mixture. It was really tasty. Didn't even need to peel the zuke either. Dang, now I'm hungry. Oh well. The gym scale read 109.6 lbs. That's the lightest I've been in weeks now so I'm pretty happy.

Friday Back and Triceps

Calorie :   96 CAL
Distance: 2.33 mile
Speed :    6.93 mph
Duration : 00:20:00
Set 1 : 45x15
Set 2 : 135x15
Set 3 : 155x15
Set 4 : 165x15
Set 5 : 155x20
Set 6 : 145x20
Set 1 : 55x12
Set 2 : 60x10
Set 3 : 65x10
Set 4 : 65x10
Set 5 : 65x10
Set 1 : 195x15
Set 2 : 195x15
Set 3 : 195x15
Set 1 : 15x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12
Drop Set
Set 1 : 50x10
Set 2 : 40x12
Set 3 : 30x15
Set 4 : 20x25

Set 1 : 50x25
Set 2 : 50x25
Calorie :   313 CAL
Distance: 2.85 mile
Duration : 00:35:00

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 12 Lap/Rep

Set 1 : 00:01:02

75 Lap/Rep

8 each leg

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