Friday, August 8, 2014

Week Ending Workout

I filled out an online request to have Subaru dealerships contact me if they had 2014 Foresters for sale. I got 6 emails today but haven't looked at any of them yet. I did however, retrieve the vehicle registration from the bank, just in case my car had some sort of trade in value. It's old but it still drives really well, accelerates quickly and turns on a dime. Plus my speakers sound loads better than my husband's 2005 Forester. It's the rust that's killing it.

Today isn't horribly crowded at the gym, probably because it's cool enough for people to go run outside. Autumn feels imminent. My snow peas are done already and I'm considering sowing a second crop. I don't know if there's time. I finally got around to checking on the one zucchini plant that sprouted from all the seeds I tossed into the raised bed. Last time I looked, there was one lone fingerling. Now it's bigger than my chef's knife. It's even bigger than the cutting board. But there are two more fingerlings at the base of the monster plant so even if this one is inedible, at least there are a few more coming.

I get over 2 miles on the LifeFitness cross-trainer and feel pretty good heading into the free weight area. While I'm pedaling, I see Island Jerk following a tall, young blonde. She plants herself on the adductor machine and he makes a sudden about face. He can't offer any help there so he stalks a different young blonde woman, this time helping her get on the assisted pull up machine. Next time I see him he's doing a circuit routine again, but at least he hasn't glommed all the Oly bars. However, he also never re-racks his weights, and he makes a ridiculous amount of noise with the plates. There are no women hanging with him.

My lower back feels a tad achy and especially when I start to lift heavy on the RG BB Row. Once I get the bar up, it's not so much an issue though so I go for reps. The Lower Back Extension machine doesn't really put any stress on my lower back. I feel it a lot more in my glutes and hams. The One-Arm DB Rows aren't getting any easier and that kind of sucks. The RIP crushers are still hard too. I'm only working each body part once a week, and there's probably some overlap since I'm kickboxing the machine twice a week, but still... I glance over at the Cable Tricep Press Down station and creepy PJ Pants is hanging all over the station. Literally draped over the back pad. Eew. I decide to do One-Arm Tricep DB Extensions instead. After a go at the Torso Twist machine, I clamber onto the Precor (which looks like it hasn't been cleaned in 6 months there's so much dust on the runners) and knock out just under 3 miles.

I do a full Mat Stretch with Dive Bomber Push Ups, a 62 second plank, splits, upper and lower back stretches, pistol squats and end with a set of crunches. Done! Yay! The gym scale reads 111.4 lbs. I'm okay with that. I just wish my shorts weren't so tight but I'm not having much luck cutting back on carbs when there's so much fresh fruit and vegetables in season.

My husband left for Boston today and might make it back Sunday so I'll be taking my son to the gym tomorrow so he can work out, and then we have Cub Scout tickets to a local baseball team (the Renegades) game up in Dutchess County. My son has never been to a game and I was hoping it'd be a good father-son event, but looks like it's gonna be a mom-son event. I don't even like baseball. I've been to one game in my whole life at Shea Stadium, seats behind the catcher, and all I remember are the jerks around me splashing beer and smoking like chimneys. My son remarked to me today that he'll probably be bored. I asked him if he still wanted to go, and he said, well, he'd at least like to see what it was like. Good answer. Yep, he's my son.

Friday Workout

Exercise Name
1 RM
Lifting Logs
Calorie :   96 CAL
Distance: 2.24 mile
Speed :    6.64 mph
Duration : 00:20:00
Set 1 : 45x15
Set 2 : 135x15
Set 3 : 155x15
Set 4 : 165x15
Set 5 : 155x15
Set 6 : 145x20
Set 1 : 195x15
Set 2 : 195x15
Set 3 : 195x15
Set 1 : 55x12
Set 2 : 60x10
Set 3 : 65x10
Set 4 : 65x10
Set 5 : 65x10
Set 1 : 15x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12

Set 1 : 50x25
Set 2 : 50x25
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Calorie :   3322 CAL
Distance: 2.89 miles
Duration : 00:35:00
Set 1 : 00:01:02

Set 1 : 12 Laps/Reps
Set 2 : 12 Laps/Reps
Set 3 : 12 Laps/Reps
Set 1 : 50 Laps/Reps

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