Friday, August 22, 2014


End of the Week! EOW! Yay! I'm tired. Yep. I admit it. But it doesn't keep me from doing what has become habit for me: going to the gym during the week. I only work each body part once a week but that doesn't take into consideration the 5 miles I do three times a week or the hour of kickboxing twice a week.

Today is Back and Triceps Day, so after my 2 mile warm up on the LifeFitness I'm a bit sweaty and warm, and ready to hit the RG BB Row. I'm annoyed that I have to tidy up the space first because the Trap Bar and other assorted bars are lying all over the floor. I don't want to trip over equipment so I put everything up against the wall. Now I grab an Oly, do a quick 20 reps and then wrestle the 45 lb plates onto it. Being annoyed makes me much more energetic and I actually knock out more reps than I intend.

Oh well. That just means that I have to pull back on other exercises. Like the One-Arm DB Rows. I get a set at 50, and manage to grab a 60 lb DB, but it's so crowded at that end of the DB rack with a posse of teenage boys and clueless old guys, that I decide to forgo the 65 lb Row. The 60 lb DB is hard enough today. Luckily, the Lower Back Extension machine feels easier. I manage 15 reps per set and that makes me happy.

Again, there are no flat benches available in the DB area, so I hijack one of the Breaker Benches to use for RIP Crushers (or Rippetoe Skullcrushers if you like). It's a difficult movement and even though I can get 12 reps per set, they are hard reps and I'm not confident I can do more weight. So I don't. Instead I add another set.

I know my triceps are too fried to do sets at 50 lbs at the Cable Press Down station, but I like this movement better than DB Kickbacks or One-Arm DB Extensions. I settle for doing a Drop Set starting at 50 lbs, then dropping weight as I add reps. I'm hoping this will increase endurance and perhaps add some shape to my massive arms. And yes, I'm a small person, but dang, I got big upper arms. I wish my forearms were more proportional but we work with what we got, right?

I do two sets at the Torso Twist machine and then finish my cardio on the Precor elliptical. I always feel good afterwards. Since today is Friday and the end of my workout week, I need to finish with a full Mat Stretch to prevent soreness. Today the three sets of Dive Bomber Push Ups don't feel that hard. The plank still sucks though, and if I didn't have the stopwatch function on my phone, I'd probably skip it altogether. I can feel and hear my spine popping as I hold the plank, feel my exhalation cause my torso to tremble, watch time slow to a maddening crawl.

Thankfully, the rest of the routine moves quickly. I've added Pistol Squats and perform them in a walking motion: lift right foot, squat with left leg, rise, place right foot directly behind left foot, lift left foot, squat with right leg. Then once you reach the end of the mat, perform the movement by stepping forward. My quads must be stronger because this is the easiest it's ever been. No crunches today. No pulse ups today. I've been here too long and I have things to do.

Weight Lifted
35105 lbs

Elliptical Training
Calorie : 96 CAL
Distance: 2.31 mile
Speed : 6.85 mph
Duration : 00:20:00

Barbell Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
Set 1 : 45x20
Set 2 : 135x20
Set 3 : 155x15
Set 4 : 165x15
Set 5 : 145x20
Set 6 : 135x25

Dumbbell One Arm Row
Set 1 : 55x12
Set 2 : 60x10
Set 3 : 60x12
Set 4 : 60x12

Back Extension Machine
Set 1 : 195x15
Set 2 : 195x15
Set 3 : 195x15

Torso Twist Machine
Set 1 : 50x25
Set 2 : 50x25
Set 3 : 50x25
Set 4 : 50x25

Barbell RIP Skullcrusher
Set 1 : 15x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12
Set 5 : 37.5x12

Cable Triceps Pushdown
Set 1 : 50x10
Set 2 : 40x12
Set 3 : 30x15
Set 4 : 20x25

Elliptical Training
Calorie : 309 CAL
Distance: 2.83 mile
Duration : 00:35:00

Set 1 : 00:01:02

Dive Bomber Pushup
Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 12 Lap/Rep

Pistol Squat
Set 1 : 10 Lap/Rep

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