Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is Bigger Better?

I was quite disappointed with my cardio this morning, only registering 4.99 miles after 45 sweaty minutes. I think it might be the fact I was on elliptical #1 instead of my favorite #3. I don't quite understand the conversion factor either, since 8350 steps should equal a bit over 5 miles, or at least it does on elliptical #3. Even machine #2 is better than #1 but nothing's as bad as #4 which has a rough hiccup in it's motion, making it very difficult to set up a good rhythmic pace.

Rowing moves pretty smoothly and I finish my sets feeling strong. Lower back extensions, cage stretch and kicks. I finish that with a dozen close-grip neutral chin-ups with my legs curled up against my abs because there's really no room to extend them parallel to the floor, and I hate feeling them hang (there's a potential for your body and legs to swing which makes it much harder).

I still dread doing Lat Pull Downs and squeeze in a set of Torso Twists to buy some recuperation time for my forearms. Because my friend B is feeling chatty today, I actually get more rest between sets than usual. After 6 sets of Pull Downs, there are still Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows and Bicep Curls to do before those last three killer sets of Reverse Grip Barbell Curls.

I feel pretty strong and also get a few inclined (60°) twisting situps in (about 125 reps). B offers to do the Reverse Grip Curls too since she has elbow issues as well, but hers are Tennis (top) and mine are Golfer (bottom). I don't actually have tears in my eyes this time, but B tells me she can't straighten her arm afterwards. She uses a 20 lb bar while I have the 30 lb. I'm done but B wants to knock out a few sets of regular barbell curls and tells me to leave my bar with her. She's bemoaning how much she used to lift. Back when she was younger. And had less injuries. Heck, she'll be 60 in September!

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.99 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 / 1 x 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower Back Extension (machine): 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks with 12 neutral close-grip chin ups
Lat Pull Downs: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Torso Twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
60° Inclined Twisting Situps: 125
Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

The scale registers a whopping 108.0 and I know it's true. I'm bigger. I'm heavier. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm stronger for sure. But I like my clothes and don't want to have to buy larger sizes! Ideally, I'd just like to be really strong and not all that big.

Compared to the Olympic power lifters, I'm neither. And as an extreme example, I give you Kazaktan's Zulfiya Chinshanlo who is 117 lbs and just broke a world record with a clean and jerk of 131 kg (288.8 lbs). Wow.

Monday, July 30, 2012

One Year Later

The 30th Olympiad started in Great Britain last Thursday so we've all been affixed to the 4 or 5 channels broadcasting various competitions. It's been very inspiring watching these fabulously conditioned athletes perform. Meanwhile, I've been a complete slug. A well-stuffed slug, but a slug nonetheless.

The 45 min cardio gentle hill #6 warms me up but I'm not drenched the way I like. I do get 5.20 miles but I suspect that my cheese indulgences this weekend are to blame. Yes, cheese indulgences. Goat cheese and olive tapenade stuffed into zucchini blossoms, romaine lettuce draped with smoked gouda, crackers smeared with garlic mustard and topped with jarlsberg. I know the scale will not be kind at the end of this workout. I feel big, but I feel strong. What the heck, I'm benching heavy today.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.20 miles
Smith bench: 1 x 12 @ bar / 1 x 12 @ 95 /
1 x 12 @ 115 / 3 x 12 @ 135 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 /
1 x 25 @ 95 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks
Front & Lateral superset dumbbell raises:
3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Rear inclined seated dumbbell raises: 1 x 15 @ 17.5 / 5 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-arm dumbbell tricep extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 /
3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
60° Inclined twisting situp: 125 reps
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders, neck

The scale reads 108.4. I'm tired and a little spacey. By the time I'm done showering, I'm absolutely ravenous. Some people have $5 a day latte habit. I have a $2.50 Ensure Hi-Protein habit. I always feel so much better after I've sucked one down. Every now and then I check my progress by looking at the "big picture" — I check last year's calendar. July 30 of 2011 was a Saturday so I look at the following Monday August 1st. I weighed 124.6 lbs. Wow. I can't even remember what that was like. I certainly couldn't bench 135 lbs either.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Only Masochists Go To The Gym

We were lucky with last night's storm and not only didn't lose power, but the yard looks pretty much the way it was before the storm. No branches down, no overturned lawn furniture. My son's summer camp didn't have power this morning, but NYSEG is admirably responsive around here, and everything was up and running in a matter of hours.

The gym looks pretty empty but that's usually the case on a summer Friday where everyone wants to start their weekend early. I get on my favorite elliptical (there are four but they don't all glide as smoothly as I'd like) and put in my 45 minutes. 5.27 sweaty miles on hill #6 seems an okay way to end the week. Today is a Pull Day and I'm excited to try something new. A college gym rat buddy suggested a few postings back that several sets of high-rep, reverse grip barbell curls might be helpful to the elbow issue. I'm game!

I dutifully slog through my seated cable rows, cage stretch & kicks, torso twist, lat pull downs, reverse grip barbell rows and seated dumbbell hammer curls. I get a quick 4 sets of weighted inclined situps in before I reach for the 30 lb barbell. 20 reps for just 3 sets and I'm wincing by the 15th rep. By the last set, my eyes are watering from the effort. I'm sure I could go for another set or two, but that would involve probably a lot more grimacing on my part, and I'm not sure I want to display that face in front of the gaggle of high school boys trying to out-bench each other. But I've added this to my Pull Day routines so I'll be doing it twice a week for the foreseeable future.

Today's Total Workout
45 min cardio = 5.27 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 / 1 x 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower back extension machine: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Torso twist machine: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks & 12 neutral close-grip chin ups
Lat Pull Downs: 1 x 12 @ 75 / 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 10-12 @ 20 lbs
Bent-Over Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 6 x 15 @ 50 lbs
Inclined Weighted Situps: 4 x 25 w 10 lb plate
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 30 lbs
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

The mat stretch feels good and I like to move pretty quickly, using a dynamic stretch for almost all of it. The scale reads 107.0. This morning, my home scale read 105.0. (Yep, always off by 2 lbs.) I put on a dress I bought last summer in the Juniors section at Marshall's. It was a little snug then but I expect it to fit now. What it does is swim. Not horribly flattering. But not horrible either.

Damn. I can hear my image-conscious mom telling me as a teenager that 107 lbs is fat (she thought I should be closer to 100 lbs), and so I don't feel little at all. What I have to keep reminding myself of is the fact that my whole body composition has changed and that I'm a lot denser now. So 107 lbs now is not the same as 107 lbs then. It doesn't help that clothing manufacturers changed the sizing paradigm some years ago. I try on clothes from 30 years ago, when I was a tad heavier, and they fit quite snugly. But I don't think the clothes have shrunk. It's just that "normal" in the year 2012 seems to be on the hefty side.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Numbers Game

I got to the gym a few minutes late but I felt as if I'd been slacking. There are statewide severe weather warnings for later today so I'm glad I get my workouts done in the morning. I am absolutely freezing when I come out of the locker room so I've zipped my hoodie all the way up. 45 minutes on gentle hill #6 gives me 5.32 sweaty miles. Sweat is good.

Today is a Push Day but the Smith is occupied by some over-grown, baby-faced college kid I've never seen before. I do my cage stretch and kicks instead. My butt and calves are stiff, even after a 5 mile workout, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to stretch them out. I do reps at the flat bench and those feel pretty good at a brisk pace.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.32 miles
Flat bench for reps: 1 x 25 @ bar / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 85 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs /
1 x 50 @ bar
Cage stretch & kicks
Front & lateral dumbbell raises superset: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
One arm tricep extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Twisting situps: 125 reps
Smith bench press: 1 x 12 @ bar / 1 x 12 @ 95 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 135 lbs /
1 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Tricep pressdowns: 1 x 12 @ 30 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 40 lbs
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

Shoulders feel a little sore but not enough for me to lower the sets or the weight. 17.5 lbs for front and lateral raises, and 20 lbs for the inclined seated rear delts. I also do a few sets of one-arm tricep dumbbell extensions but I get a twinge on my right side. I know that's going to bother me the rest of the workout. Sigh.

I rest my arms and shoulders by doing Twisting Situps. No Torso Twist machine or Lower Ab Kickouts today. The Smith is finally free and just because I don't want to go a week without lifting heavy, I do sets of 12 until I get to 135 lbs. I only do one set. My right palm, wrist, elbow and shoulder are all twinging. I pyramid down. I tell myself it's enough to do one set at 135 lbs because I don't want to incur serious injuries by ignoring all the warning signs.

Even the tricep pressdowns don't feel bad. I'm just feeling a bit tired. After the mat stretch, I go shower. The scale reads 107.8 lbs! There's no doubt about it: I've put on weight. And again, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm told that I'm tiny (by more than a few people) but I don't feel tiny. I don't even feel short (which most assuredly, I am) until I'm trying to reach something on a top shelf at the grocery mart. 108 lbs sounds kind of big for someone not even 5 feet tall. But perhaps that's just my old body image talking to me. Everything's a head game.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Justifiable Cheating

It's the beginning of another scorcher although temperatures promise to climb only to low 90s. I'm stiff and tired all over. When I go to pee, I feel twinges inside my hip cradle which remind me of menstrual cramps. Except that I'm not having my period. It's Leg Day Wednesday and I told myself I'd do at least 7 miles. But I feel so off that I'm not sure I can do it. So I cheat.

No, I don't mean that I let myself off the hook for the 7 miles. I just give myself an extra 5 minutes on the 2nd leg of my cardio, especially since the 1st leg, gentle hill #6 at 35 minutes, only got me 3.95 miles. Pathetic! So for Intervals #7, I plug in 30 minutes plus the 5 minute cool down (which BTW, I never use to cool down), for a total of 35 minutes. Perhaps because I'm completely drenched and probably because I'm thoroughly warmed up, but I get 4.18 miles for a grand total of 8.13 miles. I'm so happy I'm grinning from ear to ear. (Actually I was grinning throughout most of the Interval workout but that's just me having a good time.)

The rest of my workout is a blur. I get it done and I'm done. The scale reads a reasonable 107.0 lbs and I'm satisfied. I'm also starving and can't wait to get back to the car to suck down my ice cold protein drink.

Today's Total Workout:
70 minutes cardio = 8.13 miles
Cage stretch & kick
Seated leg curls: 3 x 15 @ 75 lbs
Squats (Smith): 1 x 12 @ bar / 1 x 12 @ 95 lbs / 5 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Deadlifts (Smith) 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Seated leg curls (again): 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Torso twist: 2 x 25 @ 60lbs
Twisting situps: 125 reps
Seated lower ab kickouts: 125 reps
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Using Uncertainty As Incentive

I made up for not being "hung over" by not getting enough sleep last night. Now this really hurt my cardio performance today and 45 minutes gave me a sweaty 4.93 miles. It's been several weeks since I haven't been able to do 5 miles. But I also admit that I used the #5 hill setting instead of the gentler #6 hill on the Precor elliptical today. So was it not getting enough sleep, the #5 setting, or the fact that I feel like a slug today? I'm not quite sure where I am in my cycle but it sort of feels like the part where I put on 3 lbs and feel all bloated and yucky. I think they call it ovulation. Except that I'm 52 and I haven't had a "regular" cycle since February. Sooooo, it could be anything!

Self-portrait Lat Shots are hard to do!
Nevertheless, I keep to my regular "Pull Day" routine and do seated cable rows. In spite of my nagging elbow (more the lower inner forearm), I knock out some pretty easy sets. So easy that at my 3rd set of 105 lbs (where I should be struggling), I get a full 12 reps. I even do a dozen close grip chin ups after my cage stretch and kicks. Even Lat Pull Downs (which always suck) feel surprisingly easy today. I only struggle with the Reverse Grip Barbell Rows, and oddly, the weighted inclined sit ups. My bicep workout is down to one exercise: seated dumbbell curls, and with the heavier (20 lb) dumbbell, I do each arm solo, and keeping my back straight, swing the dumbbell up with a hammer curl motion and a thumbless grip to minimize elbow pain.

Total's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.93 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8/10/12 @ 105 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower back extensions: 4 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Torse twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks & 12 neutral close grip chin ups
Lat Pull Downs: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows" 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
45° Inclined Sit Ups with 10 lb weight: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 10-12 @ 20 lbs
Mat stretch for hams, calves, back, shoulders & neck

The scale is in an odd position and I readjust it. It reads a whopping 108 lbs and I step off and on a few times just to make sure the reading is consistent. Wow. I AM heavier! I'm still not sure where but my shorts do seem a tad tight in the legs. As does the back of my shirt. Hmmmm. Tomorrow's Leg Day. I damn well better do 7 miles! I'm not sure about anything else though.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cardio to Clear the Mind

I woke up this morning feeling hung over. I'd only had one drink at dinner last night! Okay, it was kick-ass strong for an umbrella drink because I was hammered halfway through dinner, and I was eating protein-dense sushi! Not quite sure what was in that little drink, but I'm pretty certain I don't want to try it again either. I had a hard time getting myself motivated this morning. Plus I was having the most bizarre dreams where there were clouds of sheets and blankets up on the ceiling of the bedroom. Perhaps it wasn't a normal mai tai. I was half-tempted to get my blood tested at the local hospital. But what would I say? Someone drugged my cocktail while I was having dinner with my family?

Anyway, I trudged up to the elliptical and after 45 minutes, got a decent 5.11 miles. Not very sweaty though. I was a bit disappointed in myself, but still hoping that all this activity would clear all the fogginess out of my head. I hate feeling drugged and I'm a flyweight to boot, so I'm the person not taking antihistamines because I'll have a drug-hangover the next day. My right elbow's been bothering me all weekend and the Smith was occupied so I did reps today. It almost feels like a cardio workout sometimes. I also upped my weights slightly on rear delts (shoulders).

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.11 miles
Flat bench press: 1 x 25 @ bar (45 lbs) / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 85 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 50 @ bar
Cage stretch & kicks
Front dumbbell delt raises superset with lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises: 6 x 12-15 @ 20 lbs
One-arm tricept dumbbell extensions: 3 x 8-12 @ 20 lbs
45° inclined situp with 10 lb weight: 1 x 50 reps / 2 x 25 reps
Seated lower ab kickouts: 125 reps
Tricep angled-bar pushdowns: 3 x 12 @ 40 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, back, shoulders & neck

I can't weigh myself at the gym because the scale is flashing a Low-Battery warning. Oh well. My completely inaccurate home scale reads 107.2 and I always add 2 lbs to it. I knew I was feeling heavier, bigger, more sluggish. Bleah! But at least my head's cleared and I feel like a human being again. Yay!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Change is in the Air

So it's definitely cooler and rainier today. The heat wave has broken and next week promises normal July weather. Not that it should matter, since gym rats go workout in any weather. I'm dragging myself like the walking dead to the gym because I've not fully recuperated from "bracelet night" at the local carnival and being bad parents, we stayed out with our son until all the rides shut down. That'd be about midnight. Which means not getting to sleep until about 1 am. Bleah!

Right outer bicep
But cardio cures all! 45 minutes and 5.37 miles and I'm sweaty and happy. I'm not even tired anymore! It's the 2nd Pull Day (back and biceps) of the week and my right elbow has been pinging sporadically. Fool that I am, I go all out on cable rows, figuring I'll just baby my forearm for all the other less important exercises. It works for me but it's probably not the smartest thing to do. But something's changed because the 90 lb sets feel fairly easy. Wahoo!

The cage stretch and kicks feel okay but I've become ultra-aware of my right knee so I keep that fairly light. Pull downs suck, as always, and there's too big a social crowd at the machines so I move on as soon as I'm done. Not liking the thickness of my lower abs, I skip the Torso Twists today and only do Seated Twisting Situps. I don't even do the Kickouts because I did them yesterday. I'm wondering if I cut back on my abs, perhaps they'll calm down to a reasonable appearance.

A 6-pack may not be in my genetics.
Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.37 miles
Seated cable rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8 @ 105 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower back machine extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks
Lat pull downs: 5 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Bicep Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 8-12 @ 20 lbs
Seated twisting situps: 125 reps
Bent Over Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 5 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, back, shoulders & neck

The scale reads a whopping 108 lbs. Wow. I haven't weighed more at the end of the week than the beginning in a very long time. Something's different. It might be water weight from the salty food and late night we had. Or I might actually be putting on real weight. It's hard to tell, which is why it's so important to weight yourself everyday to spot trends and make comparisons. My glutes are sore and my thighs feel bigger because my pants legs feel tighter. Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn't be doing a Leg workout after all if I'm going to have trouble with pants again. While it's nice to know that your body is responsive to changes in your routine, sometimes you don't really know what exactly it is that you've wished for. Until you get it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mid-Summer Fallout

The heat wave broke so it feels a tad cooler today. I actually wore my hoodie in the car to the gym. I'm sore and slightly stiff all over. I probably feel like this most mornings but it's so minor that it's not really worth noticing. 45 min on the elliptical gives me a nice sweaty 5.27 miles. Today's the 2nd Push Day this week so I won't bench heavy. I'll just do reps.

I'm noticing some vaguely familiar faces at the gym. People who used to come regularly and then stopped. Now they're back, being greeted like long lost seafarers. Wonder if they exercised anything besides their mouths and handshakes.
Biceps, triceps, delts & pectorals!
I flat bench using a thumbless grip and go for reps. It feels pretty good. During the cage stretch and kicks, I realize that somehow I'm rotating my hip slightly and it's thrown my knee off when I kick. Aha. That's why my right knee bothered me during squats yesterday. I have to be more cognizant of my stance positions. Today I actually remember to pick up the 2.5 lb magnetic disc weights at the desk before I start doing dumbbell raises for shoulders. My shoulders are sore but I don't feel it's necessary to go light with delts. I'm more concerned about my Golfer's Elbow.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.27 miles
Flat bench: 1 x 25 @ bar (45 lbs) / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 85 lbs / 1 x 50 @ bar
Cage stretch & kicks
Dumbbell front raises superset with lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises: 5 x 15 @ 17.5 lbs
One arm tricep dumbbell extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 1 x 12 @ 17.5 / 1 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Decline bench thumbless grip: 1 x 75 reps @ bar (45 lbs)
French press with EZ bar: 4 x 16-20 reps @ bar (15 lbs)
45° Inclined Situp with 10 lb plate: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25 reps
Seated lower ab kickouts: 135
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, back, shoulders & neck

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Or even later today. The scale reads 107.4 lbs. Hmmm. I guess I AM heavier! Of course, it's hard to tell where exactly that new pound actually resides on my body. Back? Legs? Glutes? Hard to say. Until I shower and dress.

My "new" (relatively, well, at least they're this year and a reasonable size) EMS shorts seem a tad tight. But not in the waist or hips. If anything, I've become used to wearing a lot of my pants as hip-huggers because I'm fairly straightly built and everything just slides down to hip level. No, it's the thighs. A bit tight. How odd. Must be those damn squats. Or all the hamstring work I've been doing. I still can't really see my leg biceps but I don't think the quads are any bigger (those I can see in the mirror). Damn! I'll never have clothes that fit properly at this rate! Thank goodness it's summer and I can get away with wearing light loose Hawaiian dresses, gym shorts and tank tops. Ah, bless the summer fallout.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Learning to Love the Heat

Another heat wave morning. It was 84°F this morning so technically, it's hotter in New York than it is in Florida. Wow. I've modified my breakfast ever so slightly so that I'm drinking last weekend's brewed coffee stored in the refrigerator. Yes, my own "iced coffee" and of course, a packet of instant oatmeal which I let cool to room temperature. Grudgingly I put on capri leggings, sports bra and tank top. The hoodie is in my gym bag.

Today is Leg Day which means it's a mostly cardio day. I fumble my iPod and wind up listening to the full cardio mix of tunes which moves from Green Day to the soundtrack of Real Steel. It's good for the first 35 minutes of uphill elliptical and 4.11 miles. I literally drink a full third of my water before starting the 2nd leg which is 30 minutes of intervals and I get 3.80 miles for a grand total of 7.91 miles. I'm very happy. And completely drenched.

My back is a bit stiff today, and so are my hips. My right knee also feels off. I still do cage stretches and kicks, then head to the Seated Leg Curl and do 3 sets before getting to the meat of the matter: squats and deadlifts. My right knee is definitely not happy so for each set I modify my foot position until I have a stance where the knees feel okay. Or rather, I can't feel my knees hurt. For the deadlifts, I put my elbow braces on and make sure to keep my arms from extending fully. I'm having a rather odd light stinging sensation in my palm just under the right thumb. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the Golfer's Elbow problem. I still haven't contacted Dr. Brightman yet. He's the sports chiropractor that the staff here at Gold's Gym recommend.

Today's Total Workout:
65 min = 7.90 miles
Cage stretch & kicks
Seated Leg Curls (hamstrings): 3 x 12 @ 75 lbs
Squats (Smith): 1 x 12 @ bar / 2 x 15 @ 95 lbs / 3 x 15 @ 115 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Deadlifts (Smith): 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Seated Leg Curls (again): 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Seated Lower Ab Kickouts: 125
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, back, shoulders & neck

I don't make it to the Torso Twist machine because every time I look, it's occupied. I'm not that concerned because I'm thinking it's making my waist thicker, and really, no one needs THAT.

I'm sticky and sweaty as I head back to the locker room. The scale reads 107.2 lbs. Is it because my hair is still dripping wet? Or not. Maybe it's all the snacking after dinner last night? But I'm trying to remember what I did yesterday to make my upper back sore, and I can't think of anything. Perhaps this is just fallout from Monday's shoulder workout. Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises makes more sense. And I'll be doing them again tomorrow. Nothing better than getting hot and sweaty to work through your soreness!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Running Shorts are Only for Running

Because it was already 74°F when I got up to walk the dog, I decided to grit my teeth and don my new UnderArmour fluorescent pink running shorts to the gym. They're long enough to cover a few inches past my butt and loose enough so that I'm not too concerned if my underwear creeps up. The waistband allows me to attach my iPod without worrying whether it'll get knocked off. I had that problem with those trendy twisted waist yoga pants which I'll probably just use as winter jammies instead.

To the left is a screenshot from the UnderArmour website showing the shorts in magenta. I have those too. But I don't have those skinny legs! Below is a photo of me wearing the same shorts (the model is probably wearing an XS too). Boy do these shorts look different! Doing cardio was great, even though I still zipped up my grey hoodie. 45 min gave me 5.33 miles. Exhilarating!

I have to pull off my hoodie in order to put on my elbow braces. The hoodie's not completely soaked through so I use it to mop my face and neck. The neutral grip bar I normally use is missing so I replace it with a standard rowing bar (palms face down instead of each other). It causes a small amount of discomfort in my forearms (similar to the discomfort of doing Lat Pull Downs) but since I just started my back workout, I can't really start complaining! Once I'm done with that (and I can definitely feel my middle back and lats as I do these exercises), I realize that I'm probably not going to like doing the cage stretch and kicks.

My new running shorts.
My shorts are too short. Calf dips and raises are fine. Front stretch okay. Side kick. Ah, well, hmmm. I do a few of them but I'm so self-conscious of my inner thighs that it's distracting even though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one looking at me. But it's not enough. I just can't do it. I don't even do my side stretch (leg out to the side on a bar about head height). Tomorrow's a Leg Day and I'm certainly going to wear longer leggings!

Today's Total Workout:
45 min Precor elliptical  = 5.33 miles
Seated cable rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8-10 @ 105 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks
Seated lower back press: 4 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Lat Pull downs: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Twisting Situps: 150 reps
Torso twist: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows: 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
Bicep Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs / 3 x 12-8 @ 20 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstring, calves, back, shoulders & neck

No skinny thighs here!
Tomorrow I'm definitely wearing longer leg wear. There wasn't any untoward jiggling, which is a relief! But I'm still too self-conscious about the bane of most women, inner thigh stretch-marks from puberty. Before I joined the gym and dropped 20 lbs, I remember noting all the parts of me that jiggled when I walked briskly, like my belly! Egads! And my butt! There was even underarm dingle dangle! Today, I note that I don't remember the last time I felt "jiggling" and that makes me happy. The scale reads 106.6 lbs as I head off to the shower. Yep, these are great running shorts. But only for running.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Heat Wave Number 4

Since we had a relatively mild winter, I'm not at all surprised that we're having such a torrid summer. In spite of last night's thunderstorms, the day is blistering. I've been toting my hoodie to the gym and putting it on for the 45 minute "run". I get 5.07 miles which is better than I expect as I list all the things I probably shouldn't've eaten over the weekend. Or even last night. Like 3 glasses of wine. Bags of Fritos and Cheetos and Doritos. And portions of blueberry and cranberry scones, corn and other muffins. Yes, going to Salinger's Farm Market can be dangerous!

I didn't sweat as much as I anticipated, but I still felt dehydrated and emptied my water bottle before my workout was over. Benching heavy on the Smith was better last week. Today, my thumb keeps registering a small sharp ping as I press the bar up and it's probably related to my Golfer's Elbow. I wear the elbow braces for my entire workouts now. I have the name of a sports chiropractor who is well-regarded at my gym, but I haven't gotten around to calling him for an appointment yet.

Today's Total Workout:
45 minutes Precor elliptical = 5.07 miles
Smith bench press: 1 x 12 @ bar (45 lbs) / 1 x12 @ 95 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 3 x 11 @ 135 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 1 x 15 @ 95 lbs
Cage stretch & kicks
Torso twists: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Front dumbbell raises superset with Lateral raises 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Rear inclined seated dumbbell raises: 6 x 15 @ 17.5 lbs
One arm dumbbell tricep extensions: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
45° Inclined situp with 10 lb plate: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25
Seated lower ab kickouts: 125
Triceps pressdowns (angled bar): 1 x 12 @ 30 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 40 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, back, shoulders, neck

I can't wait to shower. The scale reads 107.6 lbs and I'm pleasantly surprised. I hear that tomorrow will be 98° and I wonder if I'm actually brave enough to wear shorts to the gym. Not that I don't like my legs, but I have better workouts if I'm not self-conscious about my apparel, whether I look silly or if there are parts of me in the public eye that shouldn't be. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Friday Fizzle

It's a hot dry summer so far. I don't even wear my hoodie to the gym but have stashed it inside my duffle bag. Today I feel like The Very Best of Billy Idol and use that for my entire gym workout. He's got some great workout songs, like Speed. But I'm a fan and have been since the 80s.
Billy Idol Playlist

There's a saying, "People don't change. They only become more so."
I lope along at first but eventually I feel the heat rising inside my hoodie, dampness, then actual sweat trickling down my face. 45 minutes gives me 5.21 miles and that's quite satisfactory for a Friday. Today is my 2nd Pull Day this week, so that's Back and Biceps. Rows are always good but I know the Pull Downs are going to suck today. Especially since I want to see if I can do chin ups. And I'm not wrong. Pull Downs suck today. I can barely keep my fingers from slipping off the bar. Even with gloves on.

Today's Total Workout:
45 minutes Precor elliptical = 5.21 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8 @ 105 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Cage Stretch & kicks & 12 neutral (palms facing each other) close grip chin ups
Pull Downs: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower Back Press: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 6 x 15-12 @ 50 lbs
Bicep Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 8-12 @ 20 lbs
45° Inclined Situps with 10 lb plate: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25 reps
Lower Ab kickouts: 125
Mat stretch for hamstrings, back, shoulders, neck and calves

I'm not the only one looking and feeling a bit beat.The gym is oddly empty. I see a few regulars but their workouts seem as abbreviated as mine feels. The scale reads 106.2 and I'm thinking wow, that's great considering I ate 3 slices of meatball & garlic pizza last night for dinner!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reps for Strength, and to Mix Things Up a Bit

I don't always see the same faces when I go to the gym. There are regulars to be sure, especially when it comes to the Zumba, RPM (spinning) and PowerPump classes. Sometimes people go on holiday, or get too busy at work, or suffer an injury or  health issue. Or sometimes they just show up at a different time. People like me, on the other hand, show up every day. At the same time. And do the same thing. What a rut!

Kidding! But I am changing my workout routine ever so slightly, tweaking it here and there. After yesterday's exhilarating 7.8+ miles, I really doubted my cardio ability today. Especially since I had some minor aches and pains, left ankle, right hip flexor. Oh no! a stitch in my lower ab. But I'm stubborn, so 45 minutes gives me 5.08 miles. Decent enough. I know this is my 2nd Push Day this week and I did manage to get 3 sets of 12 reps of my max 135 lbs on Monday. So, I give myself a break and decided to do reps today. (It's how I got strong in the first place!)

Don't let anyone kid you about reps. Do enough of them and you'll definitely be sore! A helpful tip is to pace yourself. When I get to the 30 rep mark, I slow down and knock out 5 reps quickly, take a breather, then go for the next 5 reps until I get to 50. Or 75.

Today's workout:
Flat bench press: 1 x 25 @ 45 (bar) / 1 x 25 @ 65 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 85 lbs / 1 x 25 @ 65 /
1 x 50 @ bar
Cage stretch & kicks
Torso twist: 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Front delt dumbbell raises superset with lateral raises: 3 x 12 @ 15 lbs
(superset means done without resting so that it's really 12 reps front raises and then 12 reps lateral raises equals one set)

Lateral dumbbell raises: 3 x 12 @ 15 lbs
Seated rear inclined dumbbell raises: 6 x 15 @ 15 lbs
One arm dumbbell tricep extension: 1 x 12 @ 15 / 2 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Abs: 45° Inclined sit up with 10 lb weight: 1 x 50 / 2 x 25
Seated lower ab kickouts: 125
Decline bench press: 1 x 75 reps with bar (45 lbs) only
Mat stretch for hamstrings, back, shoulders, neck & calves

I didn't do any tricep pushdowns this week and feel a tiny bit guilty but hell, I can do them Monday, if the station's free. Tomorrow's a Pull Day and I'm wondering if my elbows are well enough to endure another dozen chin ups at the Cage Stretch. I really look forward to these sort of challenges to myself.

The scale reads 105.6. Probably because I didn't sweat as much as I did yesterday. I'm not concerned. As I review the past several months (I write everything down on those big monthly calendars so I can spot trends), I see that my weight is pretty stable and I'm actually getting stronger. Wahoo!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Leg Day!

I only work legs once a week. Or so I say. (But that's not really true since I do 45 min on the elliptical 5 days a week.) Wednesday's I do 65 minutes because I figure it's Leg Day and what better exercise than doing cardio? I like to change things each week so today I did 35 minutes uphill for 4.15 miles, and then 30 minutes of intervals (more like one big interval) for an additional 3.68 miles giving me a grand sweaty total of 7.83 miles. Wahoo! My tank top and hoodie are both drenched and I'm grinning like an idiot. But a happy idiot.

Today's workout:
Cage stretches & kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 12 @ 75 lbs
Smith machine squats: 1 x12 @ bar (45 lbs) / 2 x 15 @ 95 lbs / 3 x 15 @ 115 lbs /
1 x 15 @ 95 lbs
Smith machine deadlifts: 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Seated Leg Curls (again!): 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Abs: Torso twist (2 x 25 @ 60 lbs) / Seated lower ab kickouts (1 x 150)
Mat stretch for hamstrings, calves, shoulders & neck

I rush off to the locker room to strip off my soaking wet gym clothes. The scale reads 105.2 and I'm perplexed. My hair is still dripping wet as well. The scale seems to be off. Plus someone keeps relocating the scale so it's never quite in the same place each day. Maybe I'm eating too much fruit? Nah, couldn't be! I'll check the scale tomorrow and see what it says. I don't even feel as if I worked out heavy today. I'm wondering if maybe I should cut back on my reps and up the weight again. I do worry about my knees and ankles. But perhaps a little more definition in the thighs might be nice...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Trials and Tribulations

Again I'm dragging my butt to the gym. I'm pretty sure that this is due to that part of the monthly cycle where I just want to lay in bed all day and eat bon bons. Okay, I've never wanted to eat bon bons, but laying in bed sure sounds good. Except that I need to take my son to camp, and myself to the gym.

B says to me,"You look like you just got up out of bed" and I respond, "I feel like I just got up out of bed." Nevermind that it's 9:20 am and I've been up since before 7. It probably IS that part of my cycle, only because at my age, all my hormones are diminishing so I have no outward signs of that cycle. Also, I don't get night sweats, haven't lost my memory, and every now and then I feel a bit warm but nothing I can call a hot flash. Oooh, lucky me!

Trudge trudge trudge. Damn the gym is crowded! But the cross-trainers are free so there's my 45 minutes of elliptical giving me 5.27 miles. Better than I expected! I'm starting to feel like a human being albeit a bit breathless with a big inexplicable grin on my face.

I cant' get on the rowing station right away so I do cage stretches and kicks to keep myself warm and limber. It's definitely raining inside my hoodie. But I'm feeling good now.

Today's workout:
Cage stretch & kicks
Pull Downs: 5 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Cable Rowing: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8 @ 105 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Abs: Torso twists 2 x25 @ 60 lbs / Inclined weighted sit ups 4 x 25 @ 10 lb plate /
Twisting situps 125
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 6 x 12-15 @ 50 lbs
Bicep Dumbbell Curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstrings, neck, shoulders, back and calves

The scale reads 106.2 and I'm surprised. Oddly, I really thought I'd weight more. Yesterday I skipped my 2nd protein drink and ate a pear and a bag of raw almonds instead. Then I had dinner (boneless skinless chicken thighs sauteed with fresh spinach, garden-fresh sugar snap peas, sun-dried tomatoes and rotini pasta seasoned with soy, sherry, garlic powder and grated fresh ginger), and a snack size chocolate ice cream Dove bar. 150 calories seems like an awful lot for something so little. I find that I don't really care for them. (More for the men in the house!)

I'm happier with a bowl of cherry vanilla ice cream strewn with fresh organic strawberries. Or frozen blueberries (I buy them fresh, wash them, dry them with a paper towel and toss them into a zip lock to freeze.) But of course, if I ever really want to see that 6-pack, I'll have to cut out all that dairy fat. Since I'm not competing, or a fitness model, or have any health issues that I know about, I think I'm going to continue eating as I do.

Tomorrow's Leg Day. I went to the new Olympia Sports store and bought some running shorts because I don't have any gym shorts. Thank goodness for fitting rooms or I'd've bought the wrong size. Apparently I'm an XS. I'm still shocked because they look so little. Until I put them on. It's amazing how persistent an over-sized body image is. I'm even more shocked at the full length mirror that shows my saggy butt when I've stripped back down to my underwear. I've never had a saggy butt before! Egads! Maybe I should squat heavier?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday's Not for Thinking

This morning I looked at my bed and thought about how nice it'd be to take a little nap. This was at 8:15 am and I was getting my son ready for camp and my gear ready for the gym. Nevermind that I was up all night on and off, probably due to the ice coffee I was sipping all Sunday afternoon as I tried to make sense of my son's room, and clean it.

When I got to the gym, I thought about how I'd slept funny and my neck seemed a little stiff, and my left ankle'd been bothering me, and how much I'd eaten on Saturday at this lovely Portuguese and Brazilian restaurant, Sol Mar in Tarrytown that we stopped at after spending an afternoon cavorting with pirates at Phillipsburg Manor (www.hudsonvalley.org).

I trudged over to the cardio machines and plugged in with my hoodie down. 45 breathless minutes later gives me 5.11 miles and I'm happy. Especially since I was wondering if I'd even make it past the 4.5 mile mark. What I'm not happy about is the dearth of paper towels. It's a sweaty workout day. Although it's not raining inside my hoodie, I'm still pretty thirsty. I can only imagine so is everyone else. The Smith machine clears just as I get to it so I take it as a sign that I should bench heavy today. I put on my elbow braces and opt to use a thumbless grip throughout. The wrist sits in a different position this way and there's less stress on it.

Today's workout:
Smith machine bench press: 1 x 12 @ bar / 1 x 12 @ 95 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 135 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 115 / 1 x 20 @ 95
Cage stretch & kicks
Abs (torso twist) 2 x 25 @ 60 lbs
Front Dumbbell Raises Superset with Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 3 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs
Rear Inclined Seated Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 15 @ 17.5 lbs
One Arm Tricep Extension w Dumbbell: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 1 x 12 @ 17.5 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
45° Inclined twisting situps: 100 reps
Lower Ab kickouts: 100 reps
Mat stretch for hamstrings, arms, shoulders, neck, calves, thighs

I trudge off to the locker room feeling much better than when I came in this morning. The scale bounces around and settles on 107.2 lbs and I'm good with that. I'm ravenously hungry, can't wait to suck down my ice cold protein drink and then off to chores... Monday's best for doing, not thinking. Back tomorrow!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer's Definitely Here!

Well, I got a killer tan. On my arms anyway. That's the part of me that gets the most exposure and the least sunscreen. It's okay when you're wearing a sleeveless polo but it looks awfully funny when the rest of you gets bared, in let's say, a swim suit. Because white skin is... well, quite stark. And I'm not a tanning booth person. Or a spray tan fan. I'd have to spray my entire back. And front! Not gonna happen.

Today is Friday and I'm glad because I'm definitely tired. 45 min of cardio only gets me 5.14 miles but at least I hit the 5 mile mark. I feel much better as I wipe down the Precor and head toward the cable rowing station. I'm determined to make myself a nice back and I think rows are the foundation movement for thick powerful lats (latissimus dorsi). I want that beautiful V-taper that athletes have. I know everyone swears by lat pull downs but since I can't pull a lot of weight due to my elbow issues, I have to be moderate with that particular exercise.

These days I wear the Golfer Elbow braces for all the exercises I do. At the cage stretch, I manage to chin myself a dozen times with a close neutral grip. I don't like my legs hanging so I curl them into my abdomen while I chin. It's the most chin ups I've ever done and my elbows don't feel too bad.

Today's workout:
Cable Rows: 1 x 12 @ 75 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 8-12 @ 105 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 4 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage stretch and kicks
Pull Downs: 6 x 12 @ 90 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 6 x 12-15 @ 50 lbs
Dumbbell curls: 1 x 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Mat stretch for hamstrings, back, neck & shoulders; 1 x 100 alternating knee to elbow crunches

I'm surprised that the scale reads 106.4 lbs. Must've been all that fluid I drank yesterday (we drink a mix of 2-3 oz fruit juice to 10-14 oz water in our household) flushing out the salt from the seafood we enjoyed the last several nights. I skip abs today. My tail bone's been sore due to the twisting sit ups and lower ab kickouts. I'm not liking the way my abs are responding to the heavier weight. I'm just getting thicker and it's not a good look for me. No need to imitate a fireplug.

July 6 vs June 1. Subtle differences.
When I get home I take a few progress photos to compare with the last several months. My patchwork tan makes it hard to determine differences. I do see a tiny difference in my back. Hurray! And it's exactly where I'm a bit sore! Yay!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Post-Fourth Workout

It's still scorching hot today even though last night alternated between torrential rain and loud bursts of fireworks. I don't even wear my hoodie in the car when I drive to the gym (with my windows open). But I put it on to do cardio. 45 sweaty minutes later and I'm hoping to at least do 5 miles because damn I'm tired today. Maybe it was that glass of meade I had with dinner last night. Or maybe it was dinner: littleneck clams sauteed in garlic, butter, olive oil and, since I don't usually keep white wine in the house, sake over gemelli pasta.

45 minutes and I read 5.24 miles which is good enough for me today. The gym's not nearly as crowded as yesterday but still... I scurry over to the weight area and the Smith is occupied. So is the Decline Bench. The only station open is one of the plain flat benches which means I'm going to do reps because I'm not brave enough with my hinky joints to bench heavy. Even with my golfer elbow braces.

I bench the bar just to warm up and 25 reps feels ridiculously easy. I add a pair of 10s. Another 20 reps. Add another pair of 10s. Another 20 reps. Okay, I inhale sharply and add another pair of 10s. I've been using the thumbless grip for most of this, but at this weight I'm safer using a regular grip. And I can only bench 8 reps. And only 6 at the next set. My thumb, wrist and elbow feel weak. So I drop the weight back down and do reps again. Thumbless. By the time I'm down to just the bar, I push for 50 reps. Which isn't really that hard. I swab the bench with a paper towel and bleach spray because I'm still raining sweat from the cardio.

I get a quick set of torso twists in (50 reps at 60 lbs) and then get cage stretch & kicks out of the way. I like doing them fairly soon after cardio when my legs are still warm and flexible. It's much harder to do at the end of the workout when I've cooled down. I head back to do shoulders and grab the magnetic 2.5 lb discs to affix to the 15 lb dumbbells. The first superset I do with just 15 lbs. Everything else I do with 17.5 lbs. 3 supersets of front and lateral raises. 3 sets lateral raises. 6 sets of seated inclined rear raises. All 12-15 reps.

Even though the air conditioning and fans are on, I never seem to actually cool down and I'm constantly wiping sweat off my face or guzzling water. I stretch my triceps with a set of dumbbell extensions with the 17.5 lbs, thinking I'll come back for the 20 lbs later. But I never do. Instead, I do more torso twists, a heart-racing set of twisting situps and lower ab kickouts. Then I see that the Decline Bench is free so I amble over there, figuring doing reps there works tricps as well even though what I'm concentrating on is lower pecs.

It's not a spectacular workout. Just 6 sets working my way up from the bar to 95 lbs and back down. At the last set, I squeeze out 25 reps. I'm done and go stretch out. The scale reads 107.0. Well, that's pretty definitive: I'm bigger. Somewhere. Or at least heavier. It's all good! Back tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

It's the 4th of July and yes, I did go to the gym today. Me and several thousand others. Okay, it only seemed like thousands because damn, the gym was crowded! There were a lot of regulars, and there were new people who perhaps come at other times, or who were there at their spouse's behest, or figured, what the heck I'm gonna pig out this evening so a bit of exercise won't hurt. Regardless, it was crowded. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

Wednesday is Leg Day and luckily there was a Precor available. Leg Day is my excuse to put in about 65 minutes for cardio, doing a hill and an interval program, varying only in the time on each. Today I did 45 min on a hill for 5.26 miles and an additional 20 min of intervals for 2.44 miles. Total 7.7 miles. That felt good.

I couldn't get to the cage stretch immediately afterwards so I did 3 sets of seated leg curls (15 reps at 75 lbs). Then torso twists (50 reps) at 60 lbs. I waited for the Smith machine to do Squats and Deadlifts. First I warmed up with just the bar (45 lbs) doing 12 reps of a full range of motion (butt down to the heels). Then a pair of 25 lb plates (95 lb total) and 3 sets of 15 reps. Even with a/c, sweat is streaming through my hair. I add a pair of 10 lb plates and do another 3 sets of 12 reps at 115 lbs. I feel a little winded and rest about 45 seconds between sets.

Deadlifts are next. I only use 95 lbs because I feel weaker at this but get 6 sets of 12-15 reps. Sweat is still streaming down my face. I'm done with the free weights and move back to the torso twists, abs (twisting situps and lower ab kickouts) and finally, another 3 sets of 15 reps of Seated Leg Curls at 90 lbs, and it's 90 lbs only because that's the weight it's already set at, not because I've consciously decided to up my weight. I'm slamming the weight stack as I contract my hamstrings. That's not nice so I slow down and try to make my movements softer.

I stretch out and head off to shower. The scale reads 107.0 or 107.2. The reading keeps bouncing back and forth. Whatever. I'm thinking that I've actually put on some size somewhere. My triceps are a tad sore, but when I think about it, so are my glutes and obliques. I guess the new routine's working!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back on Schedule!

Tuesday is another scorcher and I must be nuts to be wearing a hoodie but I am. I pounce on an unattended Precor elliptical and do my 45 minutes and push myself to get 5.05 miles. It's good to have a goal to egg you on! Sweat is still raining down my face as I amble over to the cable rows. I put my elbow braces on and use my hoodie to mop my head.

I like how my last Back Day felt so I'm doing it again: 3 sets of 12 reps at 90 lbs; 3 sets of 8-12 reps at 105 lbs; 3 more sets of 12 reps at 90 lbs again. Time to move onto something else. Lower back extensions. Torso twists (50 total reps at 60 lbs). Cage stretch and kicks. I even do Inclined Sit Ups with the 10 lb plate on my chest for a total of 100 reps (1x50, 2x25).

I decide to mix up the order of my routine and opt to do 6 sets of Bent Over Reverse Grip Barbell Rows with the 50 lb bar. Again, the first 4 sets are good full sets of 15 reps, and the last 2 sets just take my breath away and it's all I can do to get 12 reps.

I'm procrastinating going over to the Pull Down station because Mr Pajama Pants is lurking there. He's probably harmless but the last time I wound up seated at a station next to him, he gave me this awful baby seal look. Made me want to grab something heavy and club him just to put him out of his misery. This is some overweight, graying, middle-age guy who does a half-ass workout: walks on the treadmill and has lousy lifting form.

Guys, if you've been going to the gym regularly for at least several months and you still look exactly the same, you're doing something wrong! Really! Get a trainer! Change your routine! And no, I'm not interested in talking to you. Really! I'm completely Machiavellian when it comes to conversation in the gym. I'll be nice and wave Hi to people I know but honestly, I don't want to engage in conversation. It detracts from my momentum. Unless you're someone who knows what the hell you're doing, and then maybe I might want to ask you about a form. On the other hand, women who ask me for help or advice usually ask me in the locker room. And I'm perfectly willing to chat when I'm not working out.

I do Pull Downs. 5 sets of 12 reps at 90 lbs. I pull the bar down to my chest each time. At the end of the set, I let the weights stretch my back because I can't quite let them down (even on tiptoe) without clambering atop the seat. Feeling brave, I go for Bicep Curls. 15 lbs feels okay but I feel my right thumb ping with something akin to nerve shock running down my forearm. The 20 lb dumbbell isn't making it better either. But if I turn my arm slighly and don't drop my arm completely straight, well, it doesn't ping and it doesn't hurt. So, I go for it.

I get 3 complete sets of curls left arm only with 20 lbs, alternating each a set with a set for the right arm (limited descent but still squeezing at the bicep contraction). I'm also using a thumbless grip — someone once told me it was called a "deadman's grip" because of the probability of dropping the weight. My arms look good in the mirror and I'm happy. And I've just about sucked down all my water. That's 1.5 liters. B tells me that if she drank that much, she'd be doing her workouts in the bathroom. But B doesn't sweat either, so go figure.

I never leave without stretching out. My clothes reek. I desperately need to shower. The scale reads 107.4 and that's normal for a Tuesday. I'm starving though and can't wait to get to the car to suck down my ice-cold 25 grams of vanilla protein. I have to laugh though at the company's recent new marketing ploy: their clear beverage has 3X the protein of fruit juice. Duh! Fruit juice has negligible amounts of protein. Do they all think we're as dumb as rocks? Like the breakfast drink that claims to have 2X the protein of an egg. And yet there's no protein in the mix. You have to add milk. So I could just drink milk, right? But my triceps and delts are a wee bit sore (the good kind) and I'm happy. Back tomorrow for Leg Day!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Even a Bad Workout Can Be Good

LifeFitness Elliptical
It's a sluggish Monday after a busy weekend, and of course, because this happens occasionally, all the cardio machines are occupied. Drat! Well, there's a spot open on the LifeFitness elliptical so I'm on it. But I only do 35 minutes and the pulse monitor tells me that my heart rate never rises above 117. If that's correct, then I've got to seriously push myself a heck of a lot harder. I only log in 3.51 miles but I'm warm and sweaty. I don't like these machines because I'm constantly bumping into my water bottle which is too big for the holder. I prefer the Precor Elliptical but those don't engage arms. It feels more like running. And I think the glide motion is smoother. It's all personal preference and body proportions (how you fit into the equipment) and everyone's different.

 Tomorrow I hope to get back to my cardio routine. Smith machine calls and my joints aren't complaining yet. I put on my elbow braces and do my standard sets: 12 reps at 95 lbs, 12 reps at 115 lbs, 12 reps at 135 lbs. I get another set in at 135 lbs before giving in to the ache in my lower right forearm and wrist. The thumb's complaining as well. Pectorals, the muscles that this exercise is meant to work, well, they're not really tired. I drop the weights to 115 and get a quick 12 reps, then a furious 15 reps at 95 lbs. Benching the only bar feels silly but I spread my hands far apart to feel a stretch in my chest muscles for 25 reps. Okay, let's rest the upper body and get to the cage for some stretching/kicking.

After a weekend of activities that don't involve cardio, lifting or stretching (unless you want to count flipping my son's mattress and hauling out bags of old clothes slated for Goodwill), I'm always a bit tenuous with the hamstrings on Monday. My right glute is still sore but this doesn't seem to affect my stretch or kicks. I'm just more tired than I expected. I suspect it's because I didn't put in my 5 miles earlier.

I grab the 2.5 lb magnetic discs and head back to the weight area to do delts (shoulders). I do the first superset of front and lateral raises with just the 15 lb dumbbells for 12 reps as a warm up. The rest I do with 17.5 lbs. They don't actually feel much heavier. I may move up into the 20 lbs sooner than later. 2 more supersets, then 3 straight sets of lateral raises. I love watching my delts separate from the tricep and bicep, and the pecs flutter as I raise my arms. It's quite the head-trip. I toss my towel onto the incline bench, plant my face against it and do 6 sets of 15 reps of rear inclined seated raises. (When I get home I notice that my shoulders feels warm to the touch and it's not sunburn. I'm happy.)
Precor 546 Elliptical

I always knock out a quick tricep extension with the dumbbell before re-racking them. 17.5 lbs feels okay for 12 reps. Time to rest the shoulders/arms so I scout out the ab stations. I get 2 sets of torso twists in at the new weight of 60 lbs, and a set of twisting sit ups as well as lower ab kick outs before I go back to triceps. The press down station is busy so I go back to dumbbells and grab a 20 pounder. I knock out 3 sets of 12 reps per arm and I'm really surprised. And pleased. For a slug I'm doing pretty well and lifting fairly strong! Wahoo!

The Decline station looks odd. Oh yeah, someone's jacked the bench up on plates so that it's tilted at an even steeper angle. I can't tell if they're done and have just "forgotten" to put things back the way they were, or not. So I don't bother. I can still do Declines on Thursday (my next Push day). A good 15 minutes of floor stretches and I'm done. I've sucked done my liter and a half of water several sets ago so I'm absolutely parched as I head into the locker room.

I know I'm heavier. I'm always heavier on Mondays. I'm guessing 108.5 but what I get is 109.2. Whoa. That's unexpected. I'm not sure how to process this. Is this good or bad? Hmmm. Could be those really salty brownies we made over the weekend and/or the sushi we ate last night, and this could be water retention (I woke up and my fingers were all stiff and swollen). The only way I'll know is to do my regular routine the rest of the week. If anything, it's just an incentive to work harder the remaining 4 days of this week!

Yes, the gym is open on July 4th because I'm not the only compulsive, endorphin-addicted, exercise junkie out there. My son's day camp is also open, because kids would much rather be outside running about than doing something completely sensible, like sleeping in. Go figure.

It's Not Just Cardio

I call the majority of my workouts All Cardio, but in reality, it's a lot of cardio mixed with other movements to achieve a more or less...