Monday, August 1, 2022

Small Biz Headaches

I know enough about my father's restaurant business to know I never want to run or own one. Small businesses are rife with ample opportunities to fail including difficult customers, supply chain issues that impact products & services, and more importantly, equipment repair. This morning the gym doors are open, not unusual when temps are moderate (it's 72F). However, the a/c only works in the locker room and the Aerobics Room. The rest of the gym is humid and warm although some of the ceiling fans are rotating. Unfortunately, none of them are over the cardio machines. I wish the staff would put the big fans back at the ends of the cardio platform. I'm sure they're in storage somewhere ever since the pandemic nixed fans in public areas.

I do my 25 minutes, get all sweaty and red-faced (nothing unusual there), then try to cool down enough to manage some pull-ups. There are a lot of people in the functional exercise area, three are regulars and the other three are newbie kids who are playing follow the leader. At least no one steps on me while I'm sprawled on the mat doing dead bugs and planks, etc. I manage another set of pull-ups before heading back into the locker room. Thank goodness it's cool in there.

And at least the showers work. And all the stalls. But there's a constant problem with the sinks. The pandemic had the gym remove the center basin and faucet for "social distancing" so there's only two out of three to use. All three toilets also have automatic flush sensors. They usually work until the battery runs down. The faucets also have automatic sensors but these are more finicky and most of the time only one sink is functional. And when both work, the soap dispensers, also automatic, might decide not to cooperate. Lately, one of two paper towel dispensers has also decided to be finicky. Unfortunately, there's no manual override either. 

Meanwhile, I hear that the a/c units are being "worked on" and that the fans over the cardio platform have motor issues, whatever that means. The gym staff do a lot of the cleaning and repairs themselves but there are things that require professional services, and that tends to be expensive. Meanwhile, the gym has posted a notice in the locker room that they're looking to hire someone for the opening shift at 5 am. I see a lot of new faces behind the front desk, but the one big girl who had been there most of the spring is gone. Maybe she went back to school, or she got a better offer somewhere else. I'm asleep at 5 am, even on school days because the earliest bus comes at 6:30...

1 Aug 2022
Humid Monday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd (4114)
Distance: 2.07
Cal: 231
Avg Hr: 151, 204-84


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga x 1


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