Monday, August 22, 2022

Dark and Grumpy Monday

The forecast is for torrential rain but reality is disappointing. The sky is gray and temps are lower but it's not raining when I get to the gym. Still, the gym is crowded and I'm tired and not a little sore. Instead of using the elliptical, I opt to do 20 minutes on the stair machine. I barely break a sweat. I can't do pull-ups right afterward because a fat sweaty guy is using the stretch cage. The Body Pump class is about to begin (so no Aerobics Room) and there are folks in the only other stretch area... Ugh.

I do manage to find a spot to stretch and do core exercises. But I have to move twice to get out of the way of other people. I really really hate people who like to chat over people on the floor. WTF? Gives new meaning to the term "speaking over someone." Seriously, WTF?! The Stretch Cage is empty when I return to it so I knock just one set. I don't have time to do a second set as I'd still like to take the dogs to the park before the storm is forecast to arrive. 

Unusually, I'm still grumpy after my workout. Some dog friends are already at the park and my pups are happy to race through the clouds of dust that rise up from disintegrated wood chips (deposited by the Parks Department annually). Local tree companies dump their chips in a pile at the edge of the park and residents are welcome to take as much as they want, shoveling chips into the back of their pickups or filling trash cans. But it's been so dry that what should be soil is actually soft, silky, red dust. It gets into your eyes, nose and mouth and I can't imagine it's good to inhale. There's a little rain after the dogs come back from the park, but nothing that warrants a flash flood warning. The radar depicting heavy storm clouds isn't to be trusted...

22 Aug 2022
Tired & Sore Monday

Matrix StepMill (L)
Manual 20 min 16 sec
Speed 6 (52-57)
Steps 1101
Floors 68
Cal 162
Hr 140

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga


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