Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hot and Humid Again

Today's another hot and humid day but I want to get my workout done before taking pups to the park, where no doubt, they'll have missed the morning crew of dogs. Lately it's been so hot that no run really runs around much. My dogs zoom through the tree-shaded park for a few minutes, eager to sniff every rock and branch before settling down, one in the cool dirt and the other panting on the picnic table. Eventually we leave and return to the welcoming cool of our house. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

A blast of cold air greets me when I open the door to the gym. But I still get hot and sweaty after 25 minutes of cardio. Again, there's almost no one in the functional training area which makes me happy. I can do core and stretching in peace. By 10:15 though, I see kids trickling in and headed to the free weight area. I hurry to get my DB shoulder workout done. I see a couple of regulars and some new ones, a few middle-aged men with lots of tats and one with a mohawk. Okay, I honestly haven't seen that on a fellow since I left my job in the city over ten years ago. The fact that he's kind of old surprises me for no reason...

I was a tad concerned about doing weights today after working triceps yesterday, but I realize that I'm not pushing all that hard and my concern is silly. Back in the day, when I was younger and had more time, I used to do multiple sets of multiple exercises per body part. It's not that I couldn't now, but that I have other obligations and besides, I can't wait until all the kids go back to school. However, I will sorely miss mine when he leaves for college after this year.

4 Aug 2022
Hot Humid Thursday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd (4232)
Distance: 2.10
Cal: 237
Avg Hr: 152, 192-90

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

DB Incl Press s/s Lat Raise s/s Rev Inc Fly
10 lbs x 25/15/20 reps warm up
15 x 20/15/25 reps x 1
20/15/20 lbs x 20/15/25 reps x 3 sets

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