Monday, August 15, 2022

Disappointment Monday

I got to the gym and finished my workout. So I should be happy about that at least. Even if I didn't quite get to 2.9 miles on the elliptical, I did 35 minutes and two sets of pull-ups, and the core and stretches. I even added ten minutes of additional cardio vial stair machine. But I haven't had enough sleep. Dining out this weekend means I've ingested too much salt and fat as well. So I feel fat and sluggish regardless of how I've exercised.

Dogs that one of my dogs doesn't get along with are loose in the dog park and have no intention of leaving. While one of my pups is free to run around the main enclosure with other pup pals, his brother who has been suffering from digestive woes, is confined to the "playground" obstacle course. It's a decent size but not enough for him to get rid of his zoomies. We can't stay too long anyway since I have an appointment with the glaucoma doc for my son. It's basically a checkup to see if there should be any concern. 

Glaucoma is a hereditary issue for some in my family. But the trip is a waste of time because the health insurance company tells my eye doc that my son needs to pay towards his deductible instead of just the copay and the tests would cost several hundred dollars. Which is ridiculous because I have the very same tests done several times a year and I'm only asked for the copay. So we leave.

I finally hear from the veterinary office at the end of the day about a poop sample I dropped off last week. Last week's doc is now on vacation. No parasites but the covering vet can't issue the canine wonder drug Tylan powder without examining the afflicted pup. There's one appointment left for tomorrow with the vet who's retiring. Tomorrow's actually his last day! Well, at least I trust him. And this pup needs calming meds the night before and the morning off and he'll still be whining, crying and trying to jump out the window during the entire car ride. Soooo not looking forward to this.

I find a package at the front door but it's not addressed to me or anyone on my road. It belongs to a woman several streets away. At first I don't know who delivered it so I take it to UPS who promptly tells me that it's Amazon. There's nothing on the package that says Amazon. Porch pirates have taken their toll on branding and trust. Calling Amazon is an exercise in frustration because they appear to be short-staffed and the automated system offers unhelpful options. Eventually I speak with a human who tells me that they can reorder two of three of my lost items. Because I eventually get an email showing me that my "package has been delivered" except it's not my package. 

I have someone else's and no one can tell me where mine is. And Amazon can't replace the third item so they'll just refund me the cost. Except I really wanted the pound bag of Vanilla flavored Optimum Nutrition whey protein to add to my oatmeal. Amazon tells me to either keep, donate or discard the package I've received in error. But I'm inclined to take it to the house it was originally supposed to be delivered to. I only hope that whoever got my package will do the same. But people are lazy. And mega-corporations don't see doing the right thing as being cost-efficient. Better to just write it off as a loss. For the most part it keeps people happy... 

15 Aug 2022
Seasonable Monday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5692)
Distance: 2.87
Cal: 320
Avg Hr: 143, 188-99


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Eye yoga
Upper body stretch

Matrix StepMill (L)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55)
Steps 538
Floors 33
Cal 79
Hr 135


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