Friday, July 29, 2022

Trade Offs

I went to the gym this morning knowing that I wanted to do my DB shoulder routine and needed time for that. So I cut my cardio down to 25 and knocked a few movements off the core and stretch. I was happy that there were actually not many people in the free weight area, and the few kids there had just arrived and seemed to congregate near the machines. Maybe they were waiting for their friends to wake up? By the time I'd done all my sets, there was a cluster of a half dozen boys and girls at the edge of the free weight area. Yep, time to leave. 

I snap a quick pix in the mirror just to make sure I don't have bald spots like my grandmother did. Gray hairs are readily apparent, but no glaring white scalp patches, thank goodness. The array of bug bites look like I have measles but just on my left shoulder. It's probably because I slathered that spot with skin cream once. Any area I apply too much lactic acid cream becomes a mosquito magnet. It happened to my elbow too. I've got to focus on just applying a light even layer.

The dogs didn't get to the park until after 11 and they seemed destined for another hot, boring session at 85F and not much of a breeze. No storm clouds but the low rumble of thunder every now and then. Weird. Then, two small dogs arrived. Things got lively and a lot of red dirt dust (the stuff you get when piles of wood chips break down over the years) got kicked up. My clean white dog was no longer. Especially after two more dogs showed up that my pups have met before albeit sporadically and some weeks ago. My brown dog doesn't like to lay in dirt holes to keep cool and instead plops down on the fake green surrounding the shed where we are all standing around. Just as well since it's his day to go to the dog wash.

The brown dog hates car rides. The white dog was upset to be left home. The brown dog whined and cried, paced and fretted the entire drive to the dog wash. (I keep all my pups secured to the backseat belt, having heard horror stories of dogs leaping out of car windows while stopped at traffic lights.) He was a bit skittish but calmed down and walked up the ramp to the bathing area without too much fuss. He wasn't happy and he sat with his tail to the corner, making it hard to wash the rear legs. But he got soaped and bathed and rinsed and toweled and blow-dried. And then we drove to the gas station before finally returning home. It's good for the pups to experience new things every once in a while. Just like people. As long as it's not scary.

29 July 2022
Humid Hot Friday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 20 min + 5 min cd (4110)
Distance: 2.06
Cal: 231
Avg Hr: 140, 200

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25

DB Incl Press s/s Lat Raise s/s Rev Inc Fly
10 lbs x 25/15/20 reps warm up
15 x 20/15/25 reps x 1
20/15/20 lbs x 20/15/25 reps x 3

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