Friday, May 13, 2022

Space Case Friday

It's so warm today that the air conditioning is on at the gym. I don't see a lot of the regulars but the squat little South American fellow is on elliptical #2 so I get on #4. I feel as foggy inside as it is outside so I think I'll be lucky to do more than 2.8 for mileage. I'm surprised to make it past 2.9 and very happy that I don't have pull-ups on my schedule today. Sweat drips off me all over the mat in the Aerobics Room. Between that and the snowflakes of dead skin (my chronic dry skin condition), it's good that I always wipe the mat down before and after use. 

I see B flitting around looking for someone to chat with. Since the college girls have been coming, the middle-aged male regulars have become scarce. Gray Beard has disappeared, and Lazy Pedals only shows up sporadically now. The Senior folks are all still coming, but they tend to stick to the machines and not congregate around the free weight benches.

I'm done with the Superman Plank. If it were merely difficult and strenuous for my core, I'd keep trying. (I notice my abs seem more tender than usual today while doing crunches and Dead Bugs. Coincidence? I dunno.) But I'm not willing to risk upper back spasms and aggravating the sciatica that has been in remission lately. I try side planks for 30 seconds on each side. It's been a really long time since I did these. On the whole, not horrible, even with a leg and an arm in the air, feeling a bit like Patrick Star.

I know I'm supposed to do Triceps today yet as soon as I'm back in the free weight area, I make a beeline for the adjustable bench as if today is Shoulder Day. And I completely forget about doing Rip Skulls or Skull Crushers. 

Instead, I decide to increase my DBs to 20 lbs for the last two sets. That makes the Inclined Presses better (something I can actually feel) but this is the limit right now for this movement. While fine for triceps, upper pecs and front delts, I still have to be mindful of how much pressure I'm exerting even though you can't really tell if your IOPs have increased or not, unless it's ridiculously critically high (like 80 instead of 17 and your eyeballs hurt). I have a glaucoma appointment in two weeks to check my pressures and see if my right eye has gotten any better with another Visual Field test. 

The heavier DBs make the Reverse Inclined Flys harder, but still doable. I know that in the past I've gone as heavy as 25 lbs but I doubt I'll doing that anytime soon. Adding the pull-apart bands for every workout pre-exhausts my shoulders and unfortunately makes my right ear plug up. I've yet to see whether it'll have the effects I want: bigger, stronger rear delts. 

I have been reading a lot of contradictory articles about inflammation. (Are tomato products good or bad for it? Depends on whether you're sensitive to the nightshade family of plants.) While much has been made of how inflammation is bad for the body, it is a natural process that is critical to recovery. Acute inflammation is what happens when you exert yourself and get a bit sore. It goes away and you're healed up. Chronic inflammation is what everyone's concerned about. But the news is now anti-inflammatory meds (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.) might be causing pain to become chronic. What?! Click here for that article.

13 May 2021
Foggy Friday Morn

Precor elliptical #4
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5964)
Distance: 2.95
Cal: 333
Avg Hr n/a

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Side Elbow Plank 2 x 30s
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25

DB Incl Press s/s Lat Raise s/s Rev Inc Fly
10 lbs x 15/15/25 warm up
15 lbs x 15/15/25 reps
20/15/20 lbs x 15/15/25 reps x 2 sets

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