Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve Workout

I should've known from the crowded parking lot what kind of day it would be. The gym was miserably full even though I made a point of trying to arrive at my normal time. The supermarket promises to be worse as everyone gets ready for the New Year celebration tonight. (We'll be eating leftovers and going to bed early. I guess this is what happens once you have kids.) I did get on my favorite elliptical, but because I had waaay too many things planned for today, only put in 35 minutes, managing a decent 4.04 miles. I saw B, and Mo as well, and we all exchanged holiday greetings.

Working each body part only once last week doesn't really work for me. I realized this today (again) as I bench my standard 3 sets at 145 lbs, feeling weak and puny. I do manage to finish strong, knocking out 25 reps at 95 lbs. Perhaps I just wasn't warmed up enough. I do feel stronger later in the workout and under normal circumstances, I'd also do sets on the Decline Bench.

Tricep Press Down from
Dumbbell (DB) exercises for deltoids and triceps are routine. I do abs just because I haven't done anything all weekend except eat, drink and sleep. My moment of truth comes when I do my final exercise: tricep press downs and I manage to do nearly perfect sets at 50 lbs. Yay!

The mats are all taken by "high schoolers" lounging as they struggle with leg lifts and planks, so I move into the hallway with a portable mat. It's thicker and spongier than the regular mats which means I tend to bounce off them when I push up too hard from a kneeling position into standing. I can't wait until school starts and all these guys are gone. Really. I don't begrudge them for working out, just for working out where and when I am.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min #6 hill = 4.04 miles
Cage Stretch & Kicks (because the Smith is busy)
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 3 x 10 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 12 @ 105 / 25 @ 95 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 100 (I'm getting vertigo from the movement and suspect my sinuses aren't as healthy as I thought)
DB Lateral Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Rear Inclined Seated DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-Arm DB Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso Twists: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 100 (this time I don't get vertigo)
Lower Ab Kick Outs: about 100
Tricep Press Downs: 12/12/11 @ 50 lbs (I can only use the V-bar handle doing this otherwise there's too much stress on my wrists)
Mat Stretch

The scale reads a whopping 111.4 lbs and my pants feel a bit snug about the abdomen and hips. Yep, it's coming.... In spite of the holiday, the gym will be open tomorrow for all those who want to get a jump on their New Year Resolutions, and for those of us who are just too compulsive to stay away. Good. I need to get back into my routine because I don't like feeling weak and bloated although I may keep my cardio down to just 30 minutes. I'm worried that I'll wear myself out and pick up some of the nasty bugs going around. Blech! I've been meaning to get a flu shot but haven't gotten around to that either.

Tomorrow's Back and Biceps. Yay! Tomorrow we'll also be visiting friends who've been promising to make Beef Wellington. Last we were at their house, we were treated to homemade spicy beef jerky and sausage lasagne. Hmmm. Maybe I should keep cardio at 45 min after all.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Post-Holiday Leg Day

Well, the snow and ice kept me from making it to the gym yesterday. In truth, I did little except shovel some heavy wet slush off my car and out of my driveway, and refill the bird feeder with black oil sunflower seeds. So today I had to make it up. Sorta.

I got to the gym late, naturally, and decided that I hadn't really done Legs this week so Leg Day it was. I did pretty good considering I didn't do anything yesterday, totaling 8.37 miles divided between 35 minutes of gentle hill #6 and 35 minutes of intervals #7. Then I did squats, high rep bench presses (because I hadn't benched since Monday), a few pathetic pull ups, stiff-legged deadlifts (which made me feel like puking on my feet again), some more pathetic pull ups, and finally I was off to do Cage Stretches and Kicks. Afterwards, a few sets of Seated Leg Curls, then Leg Extensions (yes, I upped the weight today), some ab crunches and finally a Mat Stretch.

The scale, reading 109.4 lbs, tells me that I'm getting my period. Well, that and the deep lower abdominal twinges, i.e., cramps I feel sporadically. It probably didn't help that we went out to eat last night because I had a hankering for some Bolognese sauce and the local Pasquales Trattoria serves an excellent one over tagliatelle. They also had a wonderful aromatic lobster & butternut squash soup, with strands of lobster meat in nearly every spoonful. Warning: a cup of soup arrives in a large soup bowl. I can't imagine what ordering a bowl of soup would bring!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill = 4.0 miles + 35 min intervals = 4.37 miles Grand Total = 8.37 miles
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Bench Press: 4 x 25 @ 95 lbs (I don't even warm up with the bar today)
Pull Ups: 6 pathetic ones
Smith Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 4 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Pull Ups: 6 more pathetic ones
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 60 lbs
Mat Stretch

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Post-Holiday Workout

I got to the gym even later than I did Monday. First I had to clean the dishes in the sink so that I could get coffee started. Then I had to feed and walk the dog. Then my son woke up and he never has enough sense to put socks or a sweater on, but at least he asked for breakfast. Chocolate Lucky Charms. And milk. Then I made myself oatmeal (put 1/2 cup water in a large bowl with 1/4 cup quick oats, dash of salt and some freeze-dried diced bananas, cover with wax paper and nuke for 3 minutes) to eat with my coffee while I defrosted the car and refilled the bird feeder. Then my husband woke up. Then I got myself dressed in my gym gear, packed my bags and finally, I was off!

Today's Total Workout:
45 min = 4.98 miles (I started sweating at 20 minutes but by 30 minutes, I'm having trouble keeping my pace up past 190 strides per minute)
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
(B comes over to chat for a few minutes and I completely lose my momentum)
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
(I was feeling awfully lazy today)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs (the gym is so crowded today that I never get a chance to consider doing pull ups at the Smith machine)
Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs
(well, at least my biceps look good doing this)
Alternating DB Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: about 100 (I put a moleskin over my bruise but by this movement, I'm not sure where that protective cushion is so I limit my count to 100)
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs (this actually feels easier as much as I grimace)
Mat Stretch

I sucked down my 1.5 liters of water before I'm done and wonder if the sporadic dizziness I've experienced all morning are actually just a symptom of dehydration. Or another sinus infection. By the time I'm showered and changed, I no longer get the passing waves of vertigo so it must be dehydration. I saw B briefly. She and I both agree that the holidays wreak havoc with our carefully scheduled routines. When I don't come to the gym, I'm never sure if I've drunk enough water, or gotten enough protein and other nutrients.

The scale reads 109.0 lbs and that's okay. Yesterday was Christmas and while we didn't feast, we did eat wonderful things like pork and cabbage dumplings, sauteed pea shoots, brisket, spinach and egg noodles, and Chinese tamales (zongzi) which are delicious bundles of short-grained rice bundled with meats, peanuts, chestnuts or maybe just Chinese sausage, all wrapped in bamboo leaves and boiled. I like to swirl a bit of spicy Sriracha sauce on them.

I was going to purchase tickets next door for an afternoon showing of The Hobbit in 3D but the weather forecast is ominous with a winter storm watch. Instead I run quick errands to the supermarket, drugstore and tailor before finally making it home. So I can do laundry, clear out the kitchen sink and finally make use of two bags of not-quite-stale bread.

My bread pudding with raisins
I've never made bread pudding before but the recipe appears simple (i.e., foolproof). I toss in a 1/4 tsp of cardamom just for fun. That aroma always reminds me of my grandmother. Then I notice that there are several bananas that are quite past spotty. I guess I'll be making banana bread as well. My grandmother's recipe, of course.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve isn't Actually a Holiday

 I got up a bit late today but still made it to the gym in order to alleviate my guilty conscience for all the "holiday partying" and "merrymaking" over the weekend. I'll admit that yesterday I woke up with a hangover and I haven't had one of those in at least 15 years! My husband suspects it's because I'm not much of a drinker and the volatile mix of RumChata and root beer vodka just overwhelmed my system. Personally, I like a nice fruity chilled sangria (without all the odd chunks of fruit in it because it is NOT fruit salad). Or a gin and tonic. I'll take a gin and tonic any day. As long as I'm not working out the next day.

The gym isn't horribly crowded but 3 out of 4 Precors are occupied. I get to the last machine and the screen is blank so I kick the plug in the floor, next to the On/Off switch and the screen magically activates. The fellow on the adjoining machine looks a bit stunned, as if the idea hadn't occurred to him. There are a lot of very timid people in the gym. It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is doing 45 minutes of hill #6 and only logging in 4.93 miles. I feel warm but not as sweaty as I'd like. My glutes are also a bit sore and stiff.

I bench heavy today after doing 2 warm up sets. But first I have to walk all over the free weight area looking for two pairs of 10 lb plates to add to the bar. I suppose I could just add another 25 lb plate to each side, because it still totals 145 lbs, but I like being able to pull the 10s off individually after each set so I can then bench 125 lbs and then 105 lbs. It still amazes me that I can barely get a 12-rep set at 105 lbs, but then I drop to 95 lbs and knock out 25 reps. It's only a 10 lb difference. But it feels enormous. I note all the teenage guys in the free weight area. It's crowded but I ignore them. They seem to hover as I work out. That is until I do sets at 145 lbs. Suddenly they're self-conscious. And gone. I'm amused. Maybe I AM intimidating! Yeah, all 5 feet and 110 lbs, soaking wet. Yeah, right.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.93 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 3 x 10 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 12 @ 105 / 25 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs (I need a photo of me doing these! I can see striated delts and pecs and it looks so cool)
Seated Rear Inclined Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 15 @ 20lbs (I'd really like to know what my back looks like when I'm doing these but I can only imagine)
One-Arm Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs (my small hands and wrists preclude me from ever upping the weight on this movement)
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs (I do these because a fellow has beaten me to the Sit Up bench and I want to stay warmed up)
Flat Bench Sit Ups: about 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: about 100 (I start to feel a rug burn and stop before there's blood)
Tricep Press Downs: 12/11/10 @ 50 lbs (this is definitely an intimidating workout because I'm pushing nearly half my body weight, and I'm barely tall enough to reach the handles on my tip-toes -- this freaks guys out)
Mat Stretch

I see Mo in my peripheral vision because one can't help but notice a 6 foot tall woman with long white hair, wearing candycane-striped Hello Kitty clothes. Then she's gone. On the next bench over, K nodds Hi to me. She never looks very happy but she says she's doing okay. There are very few regulars here today. Probably getting ready with last minute shopping, cleaning, cooking, wrapping, traveling. Whatever.

The gym scale reads a whopping 109.8 lbs but I'm feeling a little pre-menstrual. It's the end of the month so the timing seems right. I have a ton of last-minute errands to do after I leave the gym, and I don't have time to check my weight at home. Today, my son got a letter in the mail from Santa and he's quite thrilled (we mail letters to Santa every year, addressed to Santa's Workshop, North Pole --  the Post Office has a special protocol for that, and sends out a Santa letter to each child). Tomorrow is Christmas so he has promised us he's going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is Christmas -- one of the few days the gym is actually closed. Thankgoodness!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Winter Solstice!

It was raining so hard this morning that the trees were blowing sideways. I was surprised to see that the "birdseed and peanut-butter-covered pine cone" bird feeder my son made at the Cub Scouts Holiday Party last night was still attached to the tree. (Of course, by the calm afternoon, squirrel bandits had made off with it.) I know there was a tornado watch for the southern states, but still, I was happy this this was only rain, and not snow.

Today's the Winter Solstice and it's also the end of a very long week. TGIF. Because I'm still moderately sick, I keep my cardio down to 35 minutes. I'm feeling less than energetic so the paltry 3.89 miles is good. Not great, but not horrible. I'm dripping sweat off my chin as I head to the Cage Stretch. The Smith machine is busy and I'd rather stay warm by kicking and stretching. By the time I'm done, the station is empty and I set the bench the way I like it.

trapezius muscle
Today's my 2nd Push Day so I'm only doing reps on the bench. Afterwards, I position the bar over my head and do a few pull ups. I get as far as 6 before the bottom of my right elbow complains, and I feel a very slight twinge in my right front delt. That tells me No Front Dumbbell Raises today but it doesn't stop me from doing 6 sets of Lateral Raises. Then I do 6 sets of Bent Over (chest in my lap) Raises for the rear delts. Then I go back and do another 6 pull ups. It's easier this time but I'm very conscious of my form since I'm facing a mirrored wall that's only 5 feet away. Hey, my lats look pretty good at this angle!

While I'm working delts, I notice a woman doing shrugs with 25 lb dumbbells. I see a lot of people doing shrugs lately but I can't fathom why they would want big trapezius muscles. I don't do shrugs. My traps get plenty of exercise doing other things like Dead Lifts (because I pull the bar up to my chest).

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio Precor #1 (not my favorite) gentle  hill #6 = 3.89 miles
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 4 x 25 @ 95 lbs
6 Pull Ups
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Bent-Over Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
6 Pull Ups
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125 (I counted)
Tricep Press Downs: 12/11/9 @ 50 lbs (okay, now I'm completely spent)
8 Pull Ups (okay, noooow I'm completely done! really!)
Mat Stretch

I drain my water bottle before I even get to the Mat Stretch. R wanders in, looking pained and tenuous, but he smiles and says he's fine when I ask him how's he's doing. Happy Winter Solstice I say, and we both agree that the gym is too crowded and nasty in the afternoons when it's peopled by the college/h.s. crowd. Have a good holiday. I don't see too many other regulars today. The sun seems to have come out momentarily so everyone's probably busy with last minute errands.

The scale reads 107.4 lbs (which will translate later to something like 105 lbs give or take) and I feel pretty good. The right lat spasm/injury I was worried about on Wednesday never materialized so inspite of being tired and a bit stiff, I'm fairly content. In the locker room, D, a woman who comes mostly for yoga and running, gives me a small gift of hand-made candles.

"Oh, I didn't bring any gifts for anyone today," I tell her apologetically. "Oh no! This isn't a gift. Just think of it as one of 26 acts of kindness." And I do.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'm not Sick, Just a Little Tired

I'm not used to doing Leg Day on a Thursday but it was pleasant enough because the gym was fairly empty this morning. I hadn't planned to do a full Leg Day as I'm still recuperating from this heinous head cold, but as I've said before, I just love Leg Day. I can't help it. I did my first 35 minutes of gentle hill #6 and logged a respectable 4.02 miles which of course, after I blew all the snot out of my nose, mouth and sinuses, encouraged me to do another 35 minutes of gentle Intervals #7. I figured I could just go easy on the pacing because my lips seemed a bit chapped and I could feel a salty crust forming on my cheek. Imagine my surprise when I looked up to see 4.26 miles on the counter. Wahoo!

I felt pretty good so I ambled down to the Smith machine to do squats. Those were easy enough. It was finally the Dead Lifts that did me in and I could only do 4 sets before tossing in the towel and wandering over to the Cages Stretch. Seated Leg Curls and Leg Extensions followed easily enough. I think I can see the faint curve of Leg Biceps in my profile. Yippeeee. I've always wanted Leg Biceps (hamstrings) because my whole life has been enormous front quads and flat back thighs. It's not attractive, or balanced. The moleskin I had over my lower back scab finally peeled off so I'm wary of doing too many sit ups or kick outs. Today I do a few sets on the Ab Curl Station before heading off to do Mat Stretches.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.02 + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.26  Grand Total = 8.28 miles
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar (butt hitting my heels) / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 4 x 12 @ 95 lbs (I kept having to readjust my grip every 4-5 reps, and I was so tired by the end of the 4th set I almost felt dizzy as I racked the weights)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 52.5 lbs (next time I'm moving the weight up to 60 lbs)
Ab Curl Station: 2 x 50 (upper) / 2 x 50 (lower)
Torso Twist Station: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch

The Mat Stretch feels really good and loose today. In fact, I almost bounce off my hands as I do a modified push up with my legs spread far apart. I like to glide from one stretch into the next as if it's been choreographed because it's easier to follow the music as well as remember the entire sequence of stretches that I've laid out for myself. I see R wander into the gym and suddenly realize that the gym is really crowded now, mostly with teenage boys. M plops herself down on the mat next to me as I stretch, and when I'm done, we chat. There's a bit of joking about tomorrow being the end of the world as per the Mayan calendar. I prefer to celebrate the Winter Solstice instead. But I saw on a friend's FB page a very funny homage to the Mayan prophecy (see above) that I just have to share.

The scale reads 106.4 and I double check just to be sure. That seems awfully light. Not that I'm complaining. Back at home, my own scale reads a solid 105 lbs which is a bit more than the 2.5 lbs I'd consider water-weight compensation. On the other hand, I didn't actually drink my entire 1.5 liters of water today. Still, I wonder how much being sick has to do with this. But I don't wonder too hard. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow, naturally. I'm just not sure what body groups I'll be working. In the back of my mind, I have the thought to do mostly chest/push and perhaps toss in a few pull ups while I happen to be at the Smith machine. It's a thought. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maintaining Normalcy

I'm still sick but much better than last Saturday. I still went to the gym today, in part, because I'm so paranoid about falling out of my routine and disappearing into Holiday Sludginess. Of course, I looked in my mirror this morning as I was dressing, and thought to myself, damn girl, you're looking a bit skinny today. Not what I was expecting. And then I thought, oh well, that's the "skinny" mirror. Everyone's looks better in THAT mirror.
The most beautiful back I've ever seen! I'm jealous.

I got to the gym and decided to take it easy by only doing 35 min on the Precor. I was glad to see a big Out of Order sign on thumping Precor #2. Finally! Someone's noticed that it's truly broken. I get myself to a respectable 3.98 miles and I'm happily warm and sweaty. My nose is also running and I blow my nose several times throughout my workout. At least I'm not coughing. Or running a fever. Then I'd really be sick.

B comes over to say Hi and Bye since she's on her way out. She has lots of holiday errands and cooking to do. She's not sure when she'll see me again. I tell her I've mailed her a holiday card and she's surprised that I remember her mailing address. I remember a lot of things about people, just not usually their names. Because I missed yesterday, today is Back and Biceps. I've put a new Skrillex remix of a Lady Gaga song on my iPod cardio mix (Bad Romance) and it comes on just as I'm about to do Lat Pull Downs. I feel my right lat spasm slightly and I wonder if that'll be a problem for the rest of my workout. I work through it, and everything feels okay. I guess I'll find out tonight when I'm laying in bed whether I've done myself injury.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio hill #6 = 3.98 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 5 x 12 @ 105 lbs (I thought about doing pull ups at the Smith Machine but it was busy and I get so easily distracted that it's best to move straight from one exercise to the next without too much chit-chat)
Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 5 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Mat Stretch

A lot of the regulars like Mr. T-shirt and J don't start showing up until late, and I spy them from the mat as I stretch out. In the locker room, I run into several women I know and we chat about whether the scale is to be trusted or not. One is upset because it's told her she put on 3 lbs. It's probably water. It tells me 107.8 lbs and I'm very surprised since I didn't work out at all yesterday and actually, I was expecting to be heavier.

C tells me that A (who used to teach the Zumba classes) is now offering a "boot camp" class on Wednesday mornings. I demur, stating apologetically that I'm just not a "class" person. It's true. I'd rather do my own thing. It works for me. I'm not sure how much classes work for the other women other than to actually get them to come to the gym because it's much more social this way. I'd rather work out than chat. I guess I'm not the norm here. But everyone's really nice so that helps a lot when one isn't feeling 100%. Like me right now. I see M as I'm leaving and she talks about how hard it is for her to get here and she only lives 4 miles up the road. "But you're here now!" I tell her.

When I get home, my own scale reads 105.4 lbs. This is good, but puzzling. I'd like to think that I've changed my body composition to the point where if I don't eat like a fiend, I start losing weight because muscle burns a lot more calories than fat does. And now I have a slightly higher than average muscle percentage for a woman. But I can't be certain that my assumptions are correct. Still, I'm pretty happy with the way my clothes fit, with the way I look (naked and in clothes), with everything, except my saggy butt. But that's a completely different issue. Nothing's gonna fix that!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Routines for Sanity

It's the week before the Christmas holiday and no one can celebrate, not with the enormous shadow of grief hanging heavy in our hearts. Still, it's important for us, especially those of us who are parents, to maintain the normalcy of routines for our children's sakes. My son fell asleep last night in my arms, whispering to me that he was afraid to go to school. There will be a policeman stationed at the front entrance of every public school in Putnam County, as far as I know. It serves as reassurance, and also as a deterrent to any would-be copycats. Already the hoaxers have begun their cruelty with whispered threats to churches and schools.

I couldn't stay home as much as I wanted to, and not just because of the grief I feel for all those senselessly lost. Apparently, I've been sick (and too busy to notice) until Saturday morning when the full extent of a sinus infection made itself known in nasty, vivid phlegmy congestion. I "rested" over the weekend, but opted to come to the gym for a "light" workout today. Just to clear my sinuses and maintain the routine of a school day.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min = 3.86 miles (pathetic, but it did get me warmed up)
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 3 x 10 @ 145 lbs (just barely!) / 12 @ 125 / 12 @ 105 / 25 @ 95 lbs (I did feel better after the very last set but that's probably the adrenaline pumping, drying my sinuses and making me feel like a human being again)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Bent-Over Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-Arm Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 150 (I counted)
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 125 (I counted, and still have moleskin over my scab)
Mat Stretch

The scale reads 109.4 lbs. The home scale reads (an hour later) 106.8 lbs. I have laundry to do, dinner to figure out, and my son once again needs to go to the orthodontist because he's popped the wire on his braces. Again. Yes, life goes on. I won't even make it to the gym tomorrow because his class is having their Holiday Around the World presentation and I promised him I'd be there. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Not even the gym.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Making Sense of Madness

I'm getting to this blog late because I've been rushing non-stop from one event to the next today. My time at the gym seems to be the only place where time stands still and I focus on nothing but movement. I did have a really good workout today, logging in 5.11 miles on the Precor. Friday is Back and Biceps day.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min = 5.11 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs
Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 150
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Mat Stretch

The scale reads 108.4 lbs which will translate to about 105 lbs at home. But it's the news about a school shooting in nearby Newtown CT that has my attention. At first all that's reported is 3 people have been admitted to the hospital and that the shooter was an adult male. I have errands to run and after contacting my husband about friends who live in the area, I proceed. Later I learn about the 26 fatalities, about the children and teachers killed, and my heart aches hollow.

My husband's company's holiday party is this evening. It's an event I've been looking forward to since I rarely get a chance to dress up or go out. We drop our son off for a late play date and proceed to the party and I feel good knowing that I can make a Kmart dress look great. I snap a phone photo in the Artisan Southport bathroom. It must be one of those flattering skinny mirrors because even the wrinkles on the sequined fabric seem complimentary.

But still, in the back of everyone's mind, is the horrible incomprehension of how such a tragedy could have occurred. My son doesn't feel safe at school any more. My husband tells him that if there's a gunman, he should run away as fast as he can because sitting quietly just gets you killed. Is this the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse, where mindless angry gunman kill kindergarten children? Then we'd better all be prepared to take them on, and damn, we'd better be in shape. You might ask what drives me to do 5+ miles of cardio every day, to lift heavy and do countless reps? It's the thought that I might need to be fast and strong, that I might need endurance for some as of yet unperceived future threat. I feel like Sarah Connor. I need to be ready. And so do you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday Madness

I was planning leisure time with my son since he had a half day today but things never work out the way you plan. I did get to the gym early and put in my 45 minutes of cardio, and got a surprising 5.16 miles. Then I benched reps, stretched, tossed some kicks, skipped front delts but knocked out lateral and rear delts. I also skipped doing any heavy triceps, opting to go for reps with the EZ curl bar and French presses. I did do abs though. And I stretched afterwards. And still, I barely had time to run out the door and make it to the school bus stop on time. That was the easy part of the day!

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.16 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 4 x 25 @ 95 lbs (maybe I should up the weight a teensy bit?)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Seated Rear Inclined Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-Arm Tricep Dumbbell Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Sit Ups: 150 (I decide not to do Lower Ab Kick Outs when I see Mr PJPants seated behind me and it sorta freaks me out)
French Press with EZ Curl Bar (15 lbs): 4 x 25 reps (it's nice to do something different for a change)
Mat Stretch

When I'm done, I gather all my stuff and head to the locker room. I see R but he's busy spotting someone who looks a lot like his brother. I don't have time to linger as much as I want to say Hi. B's not here today, but I saw her friend M earlier as well as Mr T-shirt, and Hannibal BaggyKnees. It's really good that none of them read this blog!

The scale reads 108.6 lbs which is reasonable. I don't have time to check my weight when I get home but I subtract 3 lbs and I'm fairly happy with that. It's once I get home that my schedule goes to S@#@! There's homework, lunch, an XS dress that needs to be returned because it fits like a pillowcase. My son eats enough for two lunches and then pops the wire on his braces, necessitating a visit to the orthodontist today as well. As we leave that appointment, my friend calls me requesting a ride from her hair dresser. She's had hip replacement surgery and can't drive herself for another two weeks. En route home, she asks if I mind stopping by the drugstore so she can get her pain prescription. Of course not. When I get home, the first thing I have to do is make my son finish his homework. Then I need a beer. Or a hard cider. At least tomorrow's Friday! TGIF!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 and the World Hasn't Ended!

I was really happy that my husband decided that he couldn't do kickboxing after tae kwon do last night. He had to get up early to travel this morning and kickboxing would've meant us not getting home until 8:45 pm which is kinda late for school age kids and folks traveling to Boston in the wee hours. Still, I had trouble getting myself in gear this morning and didn't get to the gym until 9:30. Luckily, the Precors were vacant once again and I was able to do my two 35 minute sessions. After all, it's Leg Day!

Once I got started, I was able to zoom along and managed to get just under 8 1/2 miles in total so I was pretty happy. The Smith was empty, with the bench gone and the bar set to just about shoulder height. I keep wondering if B's retired cop friend M isn't doing this on the sly. In the past, I had the suspicion that he was placing handles (that I happen to favor) on the Lat Pull Down station on days when I'd be doing Back and Bi's. Or maybe I'm just a suspicious person.

I saw B's car in the lot but never saw B. She texted me later to say she'd been there since 7 am and then she had to go and well, we'll see each other later. No matter. I do my squats, and then the dreaded dead lifts. By the last set, I want to puke on my shoes but I don't. Instead, I put my hoodie back on (I take it off when doing dead lifts because I need to wear my elbow braces, and the bar sometimes catches on the front of my hoodie as I pull up) and go do my Cage Stretches and Kicks.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.09 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.39 miles  Grand Total = 8.48 miles Wahoo!
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar (with my butt dropping down to my heels) / 5 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs I still hate doing these
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Ab Curl Machine: 2 x 50 (upper) / 2 x 50 (lower) Now I have a bandaged scab over the scab from the conflict between clothing tags and my backside doing sit ups!
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 52.5 lbs
Mat Stretch (there's a brand new mat that's sleek and smooth and smells like new vinyl!)

I see a few of the regulars. R wanders in and is greeted by J and a few other guys in the free weight area including Middle-Age T-shirt guy. The gym scale reads 109 lbs which is at least going in the right direction: I'm always heavier on Mondays than at the end of the week because hard, vigorous exercise burns a lot of calories, and being a weekend slug doesn't.

Once I shower, my moleskin falls off and I have to enlist a hapless locker room bystander to cover the overlapping scabs with a band aid. I always carry band aids in my bag because I'm such a "mom". At home, the scale reads 106.2 lbs and I look up previous Wednesday readings to see if they're consistent. And they are. It's not until I get home that I realize that today is 12/12/12. Is this suppose to be the Mayan end of the calendar, or something? The sun is shining and the birds are at my bird feeder. I'm thinking I must have the wrong day. But it's a great day for something!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Eye of the Beholder

At Gold's Gym today
Today's abbreviated workout wasn't all that abbreviated. I did run out of the gym in a panic but was at least 5 full minutes early for the school bus. And I did a full 45 min of cardio, plus Back and Biceps.

I even had a few minutes to chat with B, and she had a few minute to snap a few photos with her brand new phone of my back. Because she told me how "ripped" it looked, and I reiterated that I can't see my back without a mirror or photo. I still can't tell what it looks like because the photo isn't quite in focus either. I know I don't have that V-shaped lat flare although the armholes to my tanks and sports bras are starting to bind. Perhaps I'm just thicker due to all the rowing movements I do. I've really got to look into doing some pull ups or chins if I want that nice shape.

V stops by and I wave at him but don't bother to unplug my headphones. He hovers expectantly for a moment before realizing that I'm actually not going to stop and chat with him. I don't really want to hear anything he might have to say because it's probably nasty gossip about one of our neighbors.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.96 miles
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 5 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 125
   (now I've got a new rug burn over an older one so I've resorted to moleskin)

Mat Stretch

The scale reads 110.6 lbs and I do feel a little less bloated. I'm amused because B had been admonishing me not to get too big because I'll start to look like a guy! I wonder how much of it is unconscious jealousy. (My feeling is that she's used to being the center of attention, which is one of the reasons I don't talk to any of her friends.) Then she tells me how great my back looks. I'm not worried about becoming too muscular. I don't think it's genetically possible for me, just as it's not in the cards for me to see a 6-pack unless I drop down to 14% body fat. I'm fairly comfortable between 18-19% right now. I'm not willing to give up ice cream and half & half in my coffee, nor does there seem to be any credible reason to put myself through such a grueling diet.

I don't have time to check my home scale because I've got to feed my son lunch and then run off to a parent-teacher conference. There's also tae kwon do tonight, and my husband wants to do kickboxing as well. I'm tired just thinking about it. I'd better start taking my vitamins again!

Monday, December 10, 2012

That Holiday Feeling

The festivities have begun and our weekend was no exception. We managed to decorate and put up our miniature fake tree in between Chinese school, kung fu and a cub scouts pizza making event. The next day, after swim class and a late breakfast at our local Greek diner where I stuffed myself with french toast stuffed with bananas and smothered in blueberry jam, I began production of our holiday cards, wrap gifts to be mailed, and barely finished in time to dress for our annual photography club Holiday dinner. The meal was okay (not the best Chinese food I've ever eaten) but we were there more for the conversation, which was entertaining.

I'm damn lucky I managed to crawl out of bed this morning, in time to get my son off to school, and myself to the gym. I knew I wasn't going to make 5 miles because I was having trouble keeping my pace over 200 but I did get close: 4.94 miles. I wasn't as sweaty as I like. Perhaps tomorrow. Mondays are always Heavy Push Days, and I have to keep myself from mentally backsliding. Damnit, it's not a question of whether I can bench 145 lbs. It's how many times. And how much is it going to hurt, and where.

My left thumb feels oddly today. I noticed twinging in the tendons atop my hand while doing cardio. It also bothers me when I bench but not enough to keep me from doing my standard Heavy sets. What I find interesting is that by the time I've dropped down to 12 reps at 105 lbs, I'm pretty damn tired. But take a mere 10 lbs off, and I can knock out another 25 reps. I see B chatting and I wave but I'm too tired, and I don't want to be distracted by her endless complaints. I'm not as warm as I'd like to be, and chatting cools me down too much.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.94 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 3 x 10 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 12 @ 105 / 25 @ 95 lbs
  (now that I'm careful to keep my elbows tucked in, my benching feels much stronger)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Front & Lateral Delts: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs (I keep my hoodie on for this because I'm still cold but it feels weird not be able to see the muscles move when I exercise)
Lateral Delts: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Bent-Over Rear Delts: 3 x 15 @ 20 lbs
Seated Rear Inclined Delts: 3 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-Arm Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125 (I do this fairly slowly today, at least for me)
Tricep Press Downs: 12/11/10 @ 50 lbs (today I feel my right obliques contract while doing this)
Mat Stretch

Tomorrow and Thursday will be abbreviated workouts because school is letting out early for Parent-Teacher Conferences. The scale reads a whopping 111.6 lbs today but I'm not that surprised. I didn't really eat that much, but a lot of what I ate was salty and my body is salt-sensitive. My face is puffy, and damn, yes, I think I'm getting a pimple as well. Bleah. I see M today and she tells me that she's been doing this for 3 weeks and she's soooo not inspired to be here. She's just tired of it and feeling so unmotivated. I think it's the seasonal winter blahs and tell her to give it just 3 months because by then she'll be feeling better, more energized, more optimistic.

My home scale reads 108.6 which is 3 lbs of water lighter (yes, I did have to pee half a dozen times). I still have holiday chores to get done, and I'm so tired that a nap seems like a really good idea. Saturday, I actually laid down for 45 minutes only to have my son wake me up with a plate of chocolate-covered raspberry jelly sticks. "Look mom, I brought you dessert!" And I ate them.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Mirror Self Portrait
Well, we did make it to kickboxing last night and it was fun although this is probably the first time I barely busted a sweat. Of course, I didn't do any of the high-impact jumping, running or hopping that preceded rounds of kicking, jabbing and kicking in various combinations. At the end, we had to punch the heavy bag ten times while in the push up position, alternating punching hands while supporting ourselves with the other arm. We took turns at the bag, doing as many sets as possible within a minute. I opted to "rest" in a straight arm plank position and my husband followed suit. It's amazing how many sets you can get done!

Usually I have more energy but this is the first time we've made two classes in the same week. I also had scrambled eggs for a late lunch which was protein & fat heavy (eggs, butter, cream). Usually I eat something carb-loaded like an apple & soy butter, or ciabatta & butter with my afternoon tea. Now I'm not sure if my lassitude was due to the heavy lunch or just actual normal fatigue.

Needless to say, I was a bit tired when I got to the gym this morning, although I did make my 5 mile quota on the Precor. Then I moved through my Back and Biceps workout at a decent clip. I saw B briefly and we wished each other a good weekend. She's been getting to the gym at 7 am so she's ready to leave by the time I hit the weight area. I also get the feeling she's avoiding me because I won't cut her any slack when she whines about her physique. Just as well because I hate cooling my heels while she complains. I should take a page from R and continue to work out while chatting but I haven't been able to master that. I'd feel rude doing that, although oddly, it doesn't feel rude when he continues to hoist humongous dumbbells when we chat. Hhmmm. Something to consider.

Definitely thicker muscles!
Today's Total Workout:
45 min hill #6 = 5.05 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extension: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 4 x 12 @ 105 lbs (I'm still pondering whether to attempt pull ups on the Smith machine bar, but today that section of the gym seems crowded with high school boys)
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs
Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Torso Ab Twists: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 150!
Lower Ab Kick Outs: about 125 (to my chagrin, I discover a rug burn in the shower)
Mat Stretch

The high school boys keep a respectful distance and I'm glad. I'm assuming it's because they've seen me chatting with R even though R isn't here today. The middle-aged fellow from yesterday is here though, and he's oddly well-groomed with a bleached white t-shirt and haircut. Perhaps he's got an afternoon engagement but I don't wonder too hard. I think PJPants and Hannibal BaggyKnees have also given up any hopes of making my acquaintance, and I'm glad about that too.

The scale reads 107.2 lbs and I'm very happy. My home scale reads 105.6 lbs and that seems right, because 1.5 liters of water is equal to about 3+ lbs. I managed to snap a few photos of myself today but I'm not really happy with the results. It's hard to get things in focus when you use the timer setting! Meanwhile, thankgoodness it's Friday and I don't have to work out until Monday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Can It Be Thursday Already?

I saw the funniest T-shirt in a Wireless catalog the other day. It made me laugh out loud, but not enough to actually purchase the item: After Monday & Tuesday even the calendar says W.T.F.

It's Thursday and there's a slim chance my husband and I will make it to kickboxing tonight. I say slim because he's taking tomorrow off to go to a Practical Primitive seminar on making fire from scratch, much like those survival shows on Discovery Channel. This means he may be swamped with work until the wee hours today.

I'm a bit tired from Leg Day so I wasn't surprised that I only got 4.95 miles today. It's the 2nd Push Day so I did reps on the Smith for bench presses, stretched at the Cage and did a few kicks, but being the gym rat junkie that I am, I still did delts with the 20 lb dumbbells. Today however, I decided to change the rear delt exercise from Seated Inclines to Bent Overs. The feel is different so I know I'm working a different part of my rear delts. It's a small movement.

After warming up triceps (yeah, as if they weren't warm already) with Dumbbell Extensions, I decide to do a million sit ups and kick outs. Okay, not a million. Maybe a 150. Because I switched from the cardio mix back to Billy Idol and he really makes it fun doing abs fast and furious. Then I do Decline Benches. There's no one there but the moment I get one set in (with just the bar), some guy is waving a hand in my face. What? I have to unplug and stare at him a moment before I can figure out what he's asking. "How many sets do you have?" "Uh, like six." "Oh, that many?" "Uh, sorry."

I plug back in and go about my business. When I'm done, I wipe down the bench. I debate with myself as to whether I should tell him the bench is free, but he can damn well see that for himself. The gym's not crowded today and I don't feel like being friendly with him. I've seen him before, a middle-aged guy who chats with a lot of the regulars. He's in fair shape (not an athlete, and not a beer-gut spud). Still, I have nothing to say to him. I see R and wave Hi before I go to my Mat Stretch. I like doing the stretches: it's a bit like dancing, especially with the right music. And I'm quite pleased that my splits are improving with daily practice.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 4.94 miles
Smith Bench: 12 @ 45 (bar) / 4 x 25 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Front and Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Rear Bent-Over Dumbbell Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Tricep Dumbbell Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 150
Lower Ab Kick Outs: about 100 (I stop before I get another rug burn)
Decline Bench: 25 @ 45 (bar) / 25 @ 65 / 2 x 23-25 @ 85 / 20 @ 65 / 25 @ 45 (bar)
I manage to get to rep 23 before I have to put the bar back on the stays, take a breath and then squeeze out another 2 reps. This happens twice and I start lowering my weights before I completely fatigue.
Mat Stretch

I see M in my peripheral vision but I'm not in any position to say Hi to her as she moves from cardio to stretch to Good Mornings with a light barbell. I've never done Good Mornings because they smack of lower back injury to me. (Yet I'll do Dead Lifts!) I see R and tell him that the preacher curls he was doing a few days ago were pretty damn impressive. He tells me that he used to lift heavier, but now he thinks he's much stronger. We get into a discussion about whether being bigger makes one stronger, and he recounts how his training was different when he played football. He was also nearly 275 lbs.

The scale reads 108 lbs. I'm okay with that. I know there's a few pounds of water there. At the grocery market, I have to produce ID to purchase a six-pack of Angry Orchard hard cider. The cashier looks at my drivers license and remarks that "That wasn't what I was expecting!" referring to my biological age. I murmur that losing 20 lbs will do that for you, and smile sweetly.

When I get home, the scale reads 105.2 lbs with comparably lower body fat and muscle percentage, but with a slightly higher TBW. Again, I'm always a bit perplexed by these readings. Tonight is kickboxing. I hope I can stay awake!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hard Work Pays Off!

We went to Cardio Kickboxing last night even though I was so tired I thought about napping during my son's tae kwon do class. Miraculously, I felt wide-awake during kickboxing. Of course, I skipped all the running and jumping stuff, saving my knees by doing deep knee-bends instead. Then we got to wail on the heavy bags. My favorite part, of course, was alternating a series of punches with push ups because I managed to spring up before my husband did. He was timing himself against me and we had a lot of fun.

This morning my butt and shoulders were a tad sore, but not enough to keep me from doing Leg Day. The first 35 minutes got me 4.04 miles and the Interval set got me an additional 4.35 miles. It was great! I had inadvertently reset my iPod to shuffle my cardio mix and that uncertainty as to what song was next really helped kick everything into gear. My Squats sucked today though because my right knee kept twinging as I readjusted my footing for each set. The Dead Lifts still aren't any easier either. The Cage Stretch is easier, and I tossed a few kicks but didn't go crazy.

When I got to the Seated Leg Curls, B came over to chat and say Bye for now. So I was pretty cooled down by the time I actually got to do any sets. Because I don't want massive legs, I only did 3 sets of 15 reps at 90 lbs, trying very hard not to slam the weights into the machine. Leg Extensions are always another story. There was a 7.5 lb bar on the weight stack so I left it there and did my 6 sets of 15 reps at 52.5 lbs. I'm so lazy! That really was the only way I was ever going to up my weights on that particular exercise!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill = 4.04 + 35 min intervals = 4.35 Grand Total 8.39 miles Yippeee!
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 52.5 lbs
Mat Stretch

I'm toying with the idea of chinning myself on the Smith bar because it can certainly hold more than I weigh. Perhaps Friday I'll actually try and do it because the Cage doesn't have a good straight bar I can do pull ups on properly. The scale reads 107.8 lbs and I'm mildly surprised. I guess this really was a lot of menstrual water weight after all! But I am bigger so go figure. (My home scale reads 106.2 lbs. with slight drops in BF, muscle and bone. I am never going to figure out why.)

I get into a discussion about little boys and braces with a few ladies in the locker room. They suggest hydrogen peroxide to help with my son's inflamed gums. Afterwards, one of them, an overweight gym newbie gushes at me, "I want to tell you that I am in total awe of you. You have such a great body!" Wow. I'm flattered and tell her that consistency is the key. Just keep working out! She tells me she gets intimidated at the gym. I tell her to plug in an iPod and the rest of the world be damned. Yeah, I'm so not a social person. But I'm very pleased to think that women at the gym see me and are inspired to work out. Now if I can just get my act together to get some photos posted...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Defining Addiction

It's Back and Bicep day and I'm pretty happy going into the gym even though the fog is so thick I'm driving through cotton balls. I barely squeak past 5 miles after 45 minutes of cardio but I feel warm and sweaty. Seated Cable Rows feel pretty good and I get my heavy sets done without much fuss. The old dude I call Hannibal Baggy Knees hovers about, but I'm careful to avoid eye contact. I'm such a Not a Social Person.

I see B today and she's all complaints again about how fat she's gotten and how much strength and tone she's lost. She complains about her elbow bothering her and never healing after all these weeks, but of course, she hasn't done anything at all to help mend that injury either. Rest itself isn't enough in a joint that is constantly being used even for ordinary everyday things.

Finally I reprimand her with "If you're not going to do the exercises for your tennis elbow, and you're not going to work out at home, then stop complaining. What do you expect?" Later I tell her that it's my belief that at some point we'll be unable to make muscle because our bodies will be too old but no one knows exactly when that point is, so we should work out and make as much muscle as we can while we can. She agrees that she complains too much. Finally. The adage "An addict is someone who does the same thing over and over again, expecting different results." B's addicted to complaining, hoping that her body will respond differently each time.

Today's Total Workout:
45 min cardio = 5.02 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks (no pull ups today)
Lat Pull Downs: 12 @ 90 / 3 x 12 @ 105 lbs
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 15 @ 65 / 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs (I love this exercise!)
Alternating Bicep Hammer Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 125
Mat Stretch

I see R today and he is wickedly scary at the Curl Bench with a pair of 45 lb plates on an EZ curl bar. I take a moment to stare admiringly because damn he's strong! but I don't linger. I don't even say Hi although I probably should. It's so hard to get out of myself sometimes and interact with others around me.

The scale reads 109.2 lbs and then I run off to do errands. My home scale reads 107.4 lbs and I still have my period. I twist around and look at my back in the mirror and note that I can really see the erector spinae and trapezius muscles. They look thick and ropey. Even I'm impressed! B has offered to take photos of my back at her home. She says the best way to take photos is when actually performing the exercises. I may have to take her up on this!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Post Meatfest Blues

As always, we had an over-scheduled weekend that culminated in a "Meatfest" on Sunday. Yes, that would be a Sunday afternoon of nothing but grilled meats, and some grilled corn on the cob (wrapped in tin foil with a pat of butter and a sprinkle of Old Bay seasoning). We started with store bought Tony Roma® Ribs baked in the oven while the coals got hot. Then we grilled lollipop lambchops, boneless pork chops and rib eye steaks. The boys also got macaroni and cheese with their meat, and plenty of CapriSun SuperV (fruit and vegetable juice drinks) while they played Kirby on the Wii. We savored the subtle smooth flavor of Saranac Ginger Beer with our guest spiking his with a shot of Kraken Spiced Rum. Dessert was individual bags of mini-Oreos, NutterButters and ChipsAhoy Cookies.

Needless to say, I felt like a slug this morning even in the unseasonably balmy weather. Plus I still have menstrual cramps, which is unusual because normally, I barely notice my periods. Well, at least my lower back doesn't hurt even though my breasts feel tender and achy. 45 minutes gets me 4.95 miles but at least I've worked up a semi-decent sweat. (Nothing is ever as good as Leg Day but Leg Day is coming!)

Today's Total Workout:
45 min #6 hill = 4.95 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 95 / 3 x 10 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 12 @ 105 / 25 @ 95 lbs (Even though today is a Heavy Bench day, I still like to end the session with lots of reps. Reps certainly haven't hurt me. If anything, I feel they've been critical in adding strength and endurance to my upper body)
Cage Kick & Stretch
Front & Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs (I rest maybe 45 seconds between exercises)
Lateral Raises: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Seated Rear Inclined Dumbbell Raises: 5 x 15 @ 20 lbs
One-Arm Tricep Dumbbell Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: about 125
Tricep Press Downs: 12 @ 40 lbs / 11, 8, 8 @ 50 lbs / 10 @ 40 / 12 @ 30 lbs (my abs don't contract oddly this time so I'm fairly confident that my triceps are actually stronger even though I can't quite finish the set properly, but I keep my form intact)
Mat Stretch

Last week I felt a twinge in the outer pectoral where it meets the arm pit when I did pull ups. The high rep sets of Decline Presses didn't help either. This week I've decided to baby that area because there's some sort of weakness there that is prone to injury. I've felt that twinge before and I don't want to stop working out because I've ignored a major warning sign. Sooo, no dumbbell inclined presses either. Or flyes. Besides, I think my chest looks pretty good as is. But I'll need to post a photo to prove it.

B has finally come back to the gym after a month off and she complains that she's fat, her clothes are too tight and feel like sausage casings. I laugh at her. She doesn't look fat, although her arms could use more tone. The important thing is that she's back at the gym to work out.

The scale reads 111 lbs which isn't horrible considering how much I ate all weekend. When I get home, the scale reads 107.8 and I look up my past readings. I find another 107.8 entry from last month and compare details. Everything seems within range. B and I meet at the supermarket and we browse the latest Muscle & Fitness Hers because there is a section where readers can send in their own stories. We laugh at the 50 year old "transformation" who dropped 10 lbs, not because we're mean, but because the only reason we think she's in the magazine is her double D cups.

Tomorrow is Back and Biceps. I'm not sure if I'll do pull ups. Maybe Lat Pull Downs aren't so bad after all. My back certainly looks pretty good these days, but again, I'll have to post a photo to prove it. ;-)

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...