Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So Much Better Now

I get to the gym late today because I let my son sleep in a bit before rousing him. It's Leg Day! The ellipticals are free and I punch in 35 min for my first set. I get 3.77 miles which is okay. I'm just starting to feel warmed up so I decide, in spite of my residual cough, to do a set of intervals as well.

Half way through the set, I note that my right knee is starting to bother me and the intervals seem unusually hard, like slogging through molasses. Hmmm. I check the resistance and am surprised that it's up at 8. I'd assumed that the machine automatically reset itself but I guess not. No wonder my knees hurt. I drop the resistance to 5 and keep moving. I get 4 miles even and I'm pretty happy. I'm also soaking wet and thoroughly warmed up. It feels really good. Part of me wants to do this every day. That's how good it feels!

I do a light Cage stretch and then Smith Squats. The gym is surprisingly empty today. I see B and we chat briefly. She's just about done and on her way out to do errands. I decide to go light this week for legs and only squat 95 lbs. I also only use 95 for the dead lifts, which leaves me much more winded than the squats. They're both whole body exercises, but I find the dead lifts even more so.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min #6 hill = 3.77 + 35 min #7 interval = 4.0 Total = 7.77 miles
Smith Squat: 12 @ bar / 5 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Dead Lifts: 5 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Leg Extensions: 5 x 15 @ 45 lbs
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs
Mat stretch

I skip abs today because I'm running late and my son is in the child care room. The scale reads 107.0 lbs even though my hair is soaking wet and I've had to peel all my smelly gym clothes off in order to shower. I'm happy. This cough is going to linger a bit but I'm so much better now. My sinuses aren't quite clear either, there's still some congestion in my ears, but damn, I'm so much better! I may up my cardio to 45 minutes tomorrow instead of waiting until next week. I'm bumming about missing two days next week anyway (compulsive? who, me?) but let's stay in the moment. Today was a good day.

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...