Tuesday, March 7, 2023

In a Hurry

I ran out of dental floss last night. Quelle catastrophe! So this morning, after getting the child (I know he's 18 but he's still a child to me) on the school bus, filling the car with gas, I went to the local grocery (en route to the gym). Ugh. While it's larger than the supermarket it replaced and it displaced the adjacent CVS (claiming it didn't want drugstore competition), it's personal hygiene selection is greatly lacking. 

Small items are hung off hooks over the top shelf. Which mean not only is there little selection (I discover that they don't carry the specific item I'm looking for), if they did I wouldn't be able to reach it anyway. I'd have to retrieve someone to help me, and at 7 AM, there's not a lot of people in the store. Not a lot of workers, not a lot of customers. Only one cashier to man both a single checkout lane AND one self-service lane, which is behind the cashier. Bad design planning as she can't watch behind her while ringing up a customer.

I buy other items and put them in my car, knowing that the cheese and yogurt will be fine; even inside the car, temps won't go past 38F. I get to the gym later than usual and I still need to buy dental floss. So I cut my cardio time down to 17 minutes and decide to use the Octane "elliptical" machine. I like the Precor elliptical more as that gives me a better cardio workout and less silly lateral movement. (I don't really think that does much except put my knees in peril.) I do get warm in a prickly heat sort of way. 

There's a guy I've never seen before in the Aerobics Room holding a controlled crunch position. Later I see him in the free weight area. I'm distracted by my phone and things not related to exercise or the gym, and it takes me a while to get all my "chores" done. Afterward, I could leave, or get on the step machine, or maybe do some triceps. I think the last time I did skull crushers was probably Valentine's Day, so that's what's next. There are new faces in the free weight area and I see B chatting up Armband Tat. I'm very happy not to engage in conversation with anyone. You all know that's not why I go to the gym! Happiest when there's no one in my way!

7 March 2023
Late Tuesday

Octane #1
Program Manual 1 / 5width
Time: 15+2 (strides 2058)
Distance: 1.51
Cal: 114
Avg Hr: 115, 169-58

15 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
15 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

Skull Crushers (Numb cold fingers)
30 lbs x 25 reps
Rip Skulls x 20
SK 35 lbs x 25, 20, 15

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