Monday, March 13, 2023

Trifecta Disastrous

Winter Storm Sage is due this evening but whether it actually deposits thick white snow or heavy wet slush is anyone's guess. The nor'easter should clear our area by Wednesday morning, which leaves all of Tuesday for conjecture. The advent of Daylight Savings didn't make the morning any easier today since we've all gotten used to being able to see down the road, and now we can't without headlamps. 

Because the state has issued an "emergency preparedness" alert, I drive down to the gas station to fill up before heading to the gym. I have half a tank but jeeze, what if this storm actually hits us with blizzard conditions? I'm hoping not, as the dogs will be disappointed not to go to the park. We went today and no one was there in the cold drizzle, but at least they got to run about and sniff all the latest news from everyone who was there previously. Weather doesn't really bother them.

Meanwhile, at the gym today, my cardio effort was decent and pull-ups felt hard. I finish my standard routine with 10 minutes on the stair machine, trying to silently sing along to my tunes. I'm moving fast enough that it's difficult and sometimes impossible. Luckily, no one can actually hear how bad a singer I am. 

Automation is supposed to make things easier. Lately, it's just getting in the way. My son's passport expired and he can't just renew it; he has to apply for a new one because he was younger than 16 when he first got one, and now he's older than 17. The explanation is that this is to prevent unauthorized adults from taking children out of the country. Seriously, does this really work? At some point we'd like to visit Canada. And maybe Iceland. I've always wanted to see Nova Scotia too, but not during black fly season...

Luckily, the main post office in our town is a passport center. Unfortunately, you need to make an appointment through their website. A little bar just sits there and spins trying to "initiate" the process. What process? Opening an appointment app window? I don't know. After 20 minutes I give up and wonder about rebooting my computer. In real life, the post office is empty with no waiting customers, but nope. They can't do the passport without an appointment. Ugh.

Tomorrow I might be shoveling slush so I spare the shoulders from undue exertion. Or maybe the storm's a bust and all we get is rain. Which is fine. Tomorrow's my birthday but I don't really have any plans to celebrate, since we might or might not have school, kung fu, Boy Scouts... Maybe I take my son for a meal at a local place after school, if there is school? Everything's flexible so we'll just see what the day brings...

13 March 2023
NorEaster Daylight Savings Monday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5658)
Distance: 2.86
Cal: 318
Avg Hr: 137, 192-74

HGPU 20.5

15 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
15 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga


StepMill (R)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55)
Steps 532
Floors 33
Cal 78
Hr 132

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