Monday, January 30, 2023

Could've Been Worse

looking at green light
at the upper right
Monday and although the sun finally poked through overcast skies, it's a might bit chilly. Of course, it is still January! Yesterday my son had a few friends over to celebrate his birthday. No one teaches etiquette anymore so it's quite common for Gen Zs not to respond to an invite. I find it maddening and horribly rude. Out of a group of seven or eight, only three responded and actually showed up, and only after I had contacted two of the parents for other reasons. 

The third actually RSVPed on his own and I suspect it's because his parents are immigrants who maintain old world values. But at least the three who showed up are the ones my son has known since primary school and Cub Scouts. Two are currently in his Scout Troop (the other boy in a competing Troop but only because his older brother was a Scout there) so there's something to be said for Scout values like friendship and loyalty.

This means I stayed up too late and ate poorly over the weekend. Lots of chips, pizza (olives, garlic, mushrooms and meatball topping), mini donuts and birthday cake. Of course, I felt like a slug when I got to the gym this morning. But I got my cardio done and then stomped off to the Aerobics Room because a tall geriatric was draped over the Stretch Cage. 

It's chilly inside and out, so I keep my hoodie on even though cardio warmed me enough to break a pleasant sweat. I've cooled down enough to know that doing pull-ups will kind of suck if I don't get warm again. The solution is to get on the step machine for 10 minutes. My pinky toe is still a bit tender and I can feel the sciatica on my right side. It's not bad, but it reminds me to be cautious. I need to be warm to perform properly and 10 minutes is enough to make pull-ups suck less. 

still looking
at the green light
I do an experiment with the camera in my phone: selfie staring at the tiny green light in the upper right corner with head angled in that direction; selfie with head angled toward the left but still looking toward the green light in the upper right; selfie with head "straight ahead" not looking at the light. The middle photo is weird because it seems as if the camera has switched the position of its lens. Is it tracking my eye position? Ugh. Most of the time I have to look below the phone for a photo that appears to have me looking straight at it. Soooo weird and complicated.

Temps hit the mid-40s today but I'm still wearing multiple layers at the Bark Park. Mostly because my hair is damp under my hat and hood, and even though the sun feels great, I'll still get cold standing around, yelling at my dogs to stop eating the rich loamy dirt they've dug up from under all the leaves.

30 January 2023
Post Pizza Monday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5476)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
Avg Hr: 137, 176-72

Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
15 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

StepMill (R)
Manual 10 min
Speed 6 (52-55)
Steps 539
Floors 33
Cal 79
Hr 125


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