Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hot & Humid

I got to the gym at 8:50 today and left at 10:35. It's the showering and all that goes with it that seems to eat the bulk of my time. As much as I hate the idea of being "high maintenance," my ultra dry skin forces me to maintain a skincare routine that involves slathering a mix of glycerin and lactic acid cream everywhere except my face and throat. Those areas are too sensitive but I can't not moisturize. It's just a different cream with SPF15. Thank goodness there's no makeup to fuss with as well. Or hair styling products like spray and gel! Ugh.

And the hair, which I think is thinning! I have silky fine hair like my grandmother and she wore a hairpiece in her 60s to mask the bald spot on her crown. (Uh oh. Short people have a distinct disadvantage here.) My mother, on the other hand, had thick coarse hair that my grandmother likened to dead straw. (I'm not sure which is worse.) Towel dry, brush, braid, clip to the back of my head to keep out of my way! Ever pick up after your dog and your hair falls into your face, or worse?! My hair is literally baby fine, so it also has irritating cat fur qualities, like finding its way into your eyes, nose and mouth at inconvenient times. And wisping around your head like a hairy halo, making you look perpetually disheveled. Nice.

The skin cream most effective to treat my IV (ichthyosis vulgaris) is also an insect attractant. I've always been reactive to insect bites with large, itchy welts. The lactic acid cream acts like a dinner bell beacon. So I wear a hooded bug jacket and long pants, and socks and boots when I go the Bark Park. And that makes me hot and on the verge of being sweaty. (High body temps and sweat are also insect attractants. Ugh). I'm very envious of all those folks who traipse through the park with their pups wearing shorts, tank tops and flip-flops, and never seem bothered by blood sucking invertebrates. They could be like my son who says he doesn't get bitten, or if he does, it doesn't bother him. He's non-reactive to them.

I'm scratching a wee bite on top of my hand right now as I type. Most of my other bites have scabbed over which means they don't itch any more. I got a decent workout today with 30 minutes of cardio and some pull-ups, and most of my original core and stretch routine. I skipped the gym yesterday to have enough time to take one of my dogs to Suds Dog Wash, the self-service dog bathing facility. 

The place opened over a year ago and I've been meaning to go. There was a self-service dog wash closer to my house but it was part of the Pet Valu (a Canadian chain) that closed all US locations during the pandemic. This type of service is much easier on the budget since you wash your own dog but they provide the facility, an apron, shampoo, warm spray water, a hose dryer and a towel. (It was $22 for my dog yesterday, vs $48 for my old pup several years ago at a traditional groomer.) My pup is skittish and has a bad reaction to being crated so no traditional groomers for him! It definitely helped that he could walk around (on a leash) and sniff everything before I lead him into a stall and up a small ramp to the elevated bathing area. So much easier on the back (I've washed many a dog in an apartment bathtub and I do not miss those backaches), and there are two slip knot tethers (different heights at opposite corners) to secure the pup. 

The only issue I have is that I'm not tall enough to reach behind the dog for lathering and rinsing once he's pointed his backside into the far corner. Next time, I'll move the ramp to get closer to the nether regions. Still, he got soaped, lathered, rinsed clean, toweled, and even tolerated being blow-dried. Of course, his brother was immensely jealous at being left home. He'll get his adventure on the next trip.

28 July 2022
Humid Hot Thursday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 25 min + 5 min cd (4790)
Distance: 2.43
Cal: 2.69
Avg Hr: 138, 184-81


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Skip 10 one-leg hip thrust each leg
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga x 3


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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...