Friday, July 1, 2022

Combo Compromise

Knowing that it was going to be unseasonably hot today, I opted to hit the gym before taking the pups to the park. The Bark Park is wonderfully shaded by an assortment of trees, and there is decomposed wood chips and dirt for many pups to dig around and lay in if they need to cool down. We refill drinking bowls with fresh water as well. I also knew that I'd have to adjust my workout so I could do everything I planned. The compromise was to cut back the time spent on cardio, cut back on sets: one set of pull-ups, no eye yoga or pull-apart stretch bands, only 2 sets instead of 3 for the combo DB shoulder workout.

The shortened cardio got me warmed up but not exhausted and pull-ups felt surprisingly easy for the first dozen, in spite of my creeping weight gain! Maybe it was because I completely skipped the gym yesterday: dogs spent several hours at the park before I medicated them again for their annual trek to the vet. It's always very stressful for them, and for me because the dogs don't sit quietly enjoying the ride there. I do keep them secured to the rear seat belt and the window is partially open for them to enjoy all the passing scents. But one cries and paces and carries on like I'm ferrying him to certain doom. He just doesn't like car rides. The other one seems to enjoy the trip although neither are happy once at the vet's office.

I do my core and stretches in the "functional training" area reserved for kettle bells and CF-type workouts. There's enough space to lay on the mat-covered floor while a girl practices deadlifts and a fellow works the cable station attached to a heavy bag, an Olympic BB rack, and a bounce pad. It's one massive piece with 4 different faces and replaces several pieces of free-standing equipment. I've never used any of it.

Then I'm back across the gym to the actual free weight DB area. Most of the morning regulars have either left or are in the 9:30 BodyPump class in the Aerobics Room. I overhear women exclaiming that it's their favorite class. I'm very happy by myself, doing my DB routine. But I'm short on time and still need to buy milk and eggs and a few other things before I head back to the house to retrieve the dogs for park time. It's enough that I managed to get most of my routine done. And maybe I'll come back on Monday even though it's a holiday. The gym is open until 3 pm on the Fourth of July.

1 July 2022
Short Combo Friday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 15 min + 5 min cd (3370)
Distance: 1.68
Cal: 189
Avg Hr: 159, 192-97


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
10 one leg hip thrusts
Elbow Plank 60s
Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch

DB Incl Press s/s Lat Raise s/s Rev Inc Fly
10 lbs x 25/15/20 warm up
15 x 20/15/25 reps x 1
20/15/20 lbs x 20/15/25 reps x 2

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