Monday, April 18, 2022

Frosty Morning

When the thermometer reads 28F there's going to be frost on the windshield, even if it'd been 60 the day before. I haven't gotten up this early in over a week and the chill didn't help, but I had the foresight to pack my gym gear the night before, and the school bus actually came on time for once. Which meant I had more than enough time to do my regular routine.

Lazy Pedals was draped over elliptical number 2 so I got on number 4. Today was a pull-up day and of course, I'm always worried about how many I can muster, and whether weekend inactivity has impacted whatever fitness I've accrued. Last Friday, we took drove down to South Orange, NJ to look at a college. It was closed for the Easter holiday, but the guard let us in to drive around their gated campus. 

The surrounding neighborhood is scary and poor so even though this school has already offered merit money (base on GPA and PSAT), I don't think we can give it a serious look. We stopped for lunch at a place my husband likes to visit when he's at work. Personally, I was testing out my ability to ride in a car for more than an hour at a time without my sciatica causing me issues. The last time was back in December for an office holiday party, and my sciatica complained for weeks afterward. This time I'm okay.

I did a little yard work over the weekend but not enough to totally clear the debris of past years overgrowth of weeds, vines, shrubs. I'm looking at electric chippers to help with this, but they aren't as useful as a full-sized gas one. And not nearly as expensive or complicated. An electric tiller is another machine I'm considering but only if it'll rip up the tangle of roots hidden under the dirt. If you don't rip out the roots, the jungle just grows right back.

The gym is crowded this morning with new young faces although the high schools are back in session. Oddly, Easter marks the beginning of Spring Break for the NYC schools. Both stair machines are occupied and I'm looking for something other than the elliptical to do for 10 minutes. It's a choice between the treadmill (big nope), a variety of exercise bikes (again nope), cross-trainers, octanes, or one of the Expresso bikes. I choose the cross-trainer but skip the 3-minute "cool down." Next time I might do the Expresso bike since it's been a while since I played Dragons Island.

18 April 2021
Frosty Monday Morn

Precor elliptical #4
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5860)
Distance: 2.88
Cal: 392
Avg Hr n/a


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 30
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga


Life Fitness Cross-trainer
10 min
Manual 1
Cal: 82
Dist: 1.18
Avg Hr 145

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