Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Easing Back

I decided yesterday that it was time to cut back on the core/abs routine and add some weight-training back in. So, after my good-and-sweaty cardio session, I drop my hoodie on the inclined bench at the Smith machine. The Smith hasn't been properly cleaned or serviced in a number of years so the bare bar doesn't glide smoothly, and one loaded with a few pounds makes a  horrible screeching sound while it vibrates on the way down the tracks. 

I do a few increasingly heavy sets, mindful of the effect of lifting heavy on intraocular eye pressure (IOPs). Which means I'm not lifting anything that's actually heavy. Seventy pounds isn't heavy but it's enough to alternate with push-ups. Just like alternating something with pull-ups. Maybe Seated Cable Rows but I won't be able to go near the 80+ lbs I used to pull because there's no way I want to chance another 6-week bout of severe sciatica.

Maybe I'll figure that out tomorrow... meanwhile, I find a sore spot on the back of my arm and it's a tiny red spot that resembles a pimple. Funny, that's how the horrible rash started. The rash that is spreading subcutaneously, similar to poison ivy, but it's not itchy. I hope my arm is still recognizable in the two weeks that will pass before my dermatology appointment.

13 Oct 2021
Foggy Fasted Wednesday

Precor elliptical
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5540)
Distance: 2.82
Cal: 312
HR: n/a

Smith Inclined Bench
Bar (30) x 20
+20 (total) x 15
+30 x 12
+40 x 12

Crunches 60 x 2
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
Elbow Plank 60s
Cat/Camel stretch 15x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Air Squats 25

Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga

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