Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Dragged by Sled Dogs

The day got away from me yesterday so I never made it to the gym. I did, however, get my son to help me coerce our two rescue pups into my car, forcibly secure their harnesses to the rear seatbelts and drive us all to the local park. It's close enough to walk at just a 1/4 mile, but the lack of sidewalks and shoulders means that the walk is dangerous, especially with dogs who don't understand how to behave on a leash. And, because school is out this week and it was ridiculously sunny and mild (43F), there were kids, people, and dogs everywhere.

The pups were frantic to exit the car once we stopped. The dog park itself was mostly empty except for one large man and his two large dogs who were rough-housing. I didn't want to take the chance with our skittish unpredictable pups. We walked through the park itself, or rather, I was dragged through every path and trail by a dog frantic not to be there. In spite of the martingale collar. At least he wasn't wheezing. But he wasn't slowing down either. My son had the other pup, who once he relieved himself, at least took the time to sniff and look at all the activity. Both were just as difficult to get back in the car and seatbelt when it was time to leave. At least they slept well last night.

Today it's raining so we just did regular walks through our neighborhood, which also entails being dragged up and down our hilly roads. The pup's tail usually curls over his back, a throwback to the Spitz-breed dogs (which apparently include corgis and Siberian huskies). At the park, it was down the entire time. We will have to try this again. And again. Until they are used to going for rides. And being in new places. It's a good thing I'm a lot stronger than I look.

I've promised my son that we can see the film 1917 this afternoon (trailer below) so I can't tarry at the gym. I knock out time on the elliptical, and then the Step Mill. I'm pleased to see that the second machine has been fixed! Then the Stretch Cage where I knock out my pull-ups. It should've been easier, but then again, it's been 3 days since last I did them. If too much time elapses, then I do lose a tiny bit of strength here.

The Aerobic Room is empty save for two middle-aged women I've never seen before. They are consulting pads of paper and spend more time in discussion than actually performing any sort of exercise. But that's to be expected when trying something so new and daunting. I finish my Core movements with the Reclining Hero Pose and then I'm off to shower.

In the locker room, an older lady greets me with pleasant surprise. It's Grand Dame. I haven't seen her in at least a year. She remarks that she thought something had happened to me since she stopped seeing me. No, I tell her, it's that my son's school bus comes early now so I come to the gym early now. I didn't recognize her because her hair is different. She leans in to whisper that since she hurt her arm and can't fix her hair anymore this is a wig. I tell her it looks really nice.

Grand Dame has a wonderful smile and beautiful sparkling blue eyes. She's the lady who told the trainer years ago when she first arrived that she wanted to work out like me, and he had to steer her away to a program less taxing. She must be in her 80s at least. I'm hoping to look as good when I get that old! But I won't lie. I think I'm doing good for pushing 60.

Cardio Tuesday

30 min elliptical + 5cd
Program 1
Miles 2.95
Calories 333
HR 152-198 (95, 90, 85)

20 Step Mill
Level 4
Calories 134
Total steps 890
Floors 55
HR 165

Cage Stretch

Elbow Plank 60s
Crunches 60
Sideway Scissors 60
Crunches 60
Bicycles 60
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Reclining Hero Pose

The trailer for 1917, an epic film definitely worth watching...

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