Saturday, August 26, 2017

Always Keep A Spare

I didn't notice at first that the other Nexersys had a new arm. What I did notice was the old sweaty guy in a white t-shirt tentatively boxing the "right" machine while I was warming up on the cross trainer. Then I moved to the DB area to do those T, Y and I baby bell raises. Finally, some band stretches. I can feel the muscles in the center of my back, in between my shoulder blades squeeze together when I do this.

OMG, the "right" machine has a new Cross Arm! And a new Jab Arm as well. I keep myself at the "left" machine, the one with the non-responsive Jab Arm. After 5 rounds at Beginner Level, I'm curious to test out the new equipment. I punch in a round at Intermediate, but it's immediately apparent that the new parts have caveats. First, the screen seems dimmer. Maybe it's tilted at an angle for taller folks, but it's hard to see the Avatar because of the glare. The new upper arms are stiff and weirdly bouncy. They're also set for a taller opponent so I have to hit them at an angle in order for them to register. After a round, I opt to go back to the other machine, the machine with the broken Jab sensor. At least I can see the screen properly!

I want to do 15 rounds to test out whether imbibing a protein drink before coming here has any effect. Normally, I work out on just a cup of coffee. Okay, there's sugar and cream in the coffee. But I never have the luxury of time to make myself breakfast lately. Today, I'm starving before I leave the house so I slurp down an Ensure high protein (16 gms protein) drink with vitamins. I do feel fairly powerful, and I'm not actually hungry until I hit the locker room to shower. But mostly, whenever I hear that silly Hillywood Supernatural Parody song, I feel happy and silly. I love how music can do that — affect mood so completely, like a drug!

When I'm finally done, I do a few pull ups. I only get 26 reps. My left elbow seems sore. But at least I didn't hurt my ring finger and pinky knuckles today from a badly positioned punch. I'm learning to be more cognizant of my body placement, and my hand positioning. Today, I'm also glad I kept a spare pair of socks in my bag because I completely spaced when packing my gear this morning. So I had sneakers and no socks! But I keep a spare pair in my bag, and that finally came in handy. Finally!

I'm going to be sore. I already know it. No time to stretch out today. But it was worth it. Too many people neglect exercise that challenges their hand-eye coordination. (I'm not talking video games, although I remember I was quite the kickass when I played Tekken against my husband before we got married.) As we age, we lose strength and flexibility unless we work at it. And the same is true for reflexes. I don't play tennis, so the only thing I can think of that challenges a physical response to a visual cue is kickboxing the machine. That is a major full-body workout! Next week will be a challenge navigating workouts between the various doctor appointments for me and my son. It's the end of summer vacation. Booooo!


10 xtrainer
Calories 47
Miles 1.23

T, Y & I Raises
3lbs x 15
5lbs x 15

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

15r Nexersys Follow Me
5r Beginner old
1r Intermediate (new machine)
7r Intermediate old
2r Intermediate old


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