Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Almost Better

The downside to doing an intense cardio workout the day before a "heavy lifting" day, is that you're too tired to actually do any heavy lifting. The tree guy showed up around 9 am and was done with his assessment in a few minutes. $500 to take both trees down, and only an additional $700 to take the sides and tops off the hedges along our road. Mind you, those hedges are a good 12 feet tall and will require a chainsaw and bucket truck. I'd like the hedges to be around 6 feet tall. Still, that's $1200 I'd rather not spend, but those trees have to come down, and preferably not in a wind storm.

My vertigo is persistent, but not debilitating. More of an annoyance today. I'm actually able to get decent mileage on the cross-trainer, in spite of some mild stiffness in my thighs. Afterwards, I do a set of pull ups. The vertigo doesn't really bother me until I dismount. Ugh. I'm skipping core today, and I see that the Smith is vacant. I get a little dizzy bending down to reach the bar for RDLs. It's distracting enough to interfere with my form, and on the heavier sets, I actually feel my lower back on the right side. I'm not exactly tired though. More like empty. And slightly fuzzy-headed. Ugh. I'll have to settle for sets of 5 reps at my max weight. Better than nothing. Better than hurting myself.

Because I can feel my lower back complain when I do RG BB Rows, I'm a bit worried and I stand a bit straighter than I'd like. I get my reps. There are only two seated cable stations, and both are occupied. Of course, only one guy is actually doing seated cable rows. The other guy, an older, taller man who approaches all his sets rather painfully, is just sitting there looking at his phone. Still, I hate to interrupt people, because maybe he's between sets? Regardless, I skip One-Seated Cable Rows today. I don't want to get on the elliptical either. But the Step Mill is empty. There's only two of them, and they tend to be quite popular. I'm only game for 15 minutes.

The Mayor has his son with him today. They're flat benching and doing a few other things. This is probably the most work (and least kibbitzing) I've ever seen The Mayor do. My son is at Scout Camp with my hubs, working on his Cooking, Rifle and First Aid merit badges. At the last minute, he added the Chess merit badge as well. My hubs texts me photos intermittently since cell service is spotty. I'm glad they seem to be having a good time.

I do another set of pull ups, and then a quick stretch on the Mats. The gym scale reads 110.2 lbs. I know I'm carrying more body fat than I'd like. Still, I'm surprised that the scale has stubbornly not budged. My theory is that the MyFitnessPal app assumes I'm the average, small, middle-age woman. I had to punch in my age, height and weight, and what my weight goal is. I don't add any exercises to the daily meal planner because that just raises the allowed amount you can eat. I've kept my own calorie intake within guidelines, and I suspect that if I was the average 23% body fat instead of under 20%, I'd actually be losing weight. But I'm just guessing. I probably need to cut more of my fat intake. Ugh. That gets painful. And boring.

Yesterday I read that Glen Campbell had passed away from Alzheimer's disease. I remember watching his Good Time Hour when I was a kid. My parents had a few of his albums, but also listened to Johnny Cash (one of my grandmother's favorites), Johnny Mathis, Frankie Lyman and a lot of musical soundtracks. Yes, I know all the words to West Side Story, and the Man of LaMancha.

(Day after Intervals)

30 min x-trainer + 5cd
Calories 162
Miles 4.23
Average Heart Rate 157


Smith RDLs
Bar (30lbs) x 15
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12
140 x 12 (this is really hard today)
Happy if I get 5

150 x 5 x 3

Smith RG BB Rows
80lbs x 25reps
100 x 25
120 x 25

15 min Step Mill
Steps 766
Floors 47
Calories 113



  1. Sorry you;ve been suffering with the vertigo. Any chance it might be Benign Positional Vertigo?

    1. I don't know. I'll check it out. Thanks for the link!


Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...