Monday, April 8, 2013

When Power Goes to Your Head

I dragged myself to the gym today. Even though it's Monday and I should be feeling fresh and rested, I'm actually tired and not quite as focused as I'd like to be. I get to the gym late and hope that I've missed the cackling din that precedes many of the popular classes like BodyPump, Zumba or RPM.

I just want to plug in, pull my hoodie over my face and peddle blissfully away. I still hate my new earphones: not only are they a pain to untangle, the ear clips are tenuous and the sound quality isn't as good as I'm used to. I'm not so lucky to get my favorite Precor and have to settle for #1 which isn't as horrible, as let's say, having to use a LiftFitness elliptical. Still, my weariness shows because I can't make my 4 mile quota. I'm not even that sweaty. Sigh.

The Smith machine is occupied by "MacGyver" who is stretching out his leg on the bar. He's got a pair of 45 lb plates and a pair of 10s. I ask him how many sets he's got left, and he tells me it's his last one.
"I'll wait for it," I say, and settle against the wall with my water bottle.
Then, unexpectedly and quite contritely, he asks if I want any plates left on the bar, or if he should strip it all down.
"Strip it all down. Thanks."
He mumbles about not knowing if I'd want to re-rack weights but I'm all business and thank him again. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. He's still smarting from the time I dressed him down over a year ago when he left plates on the bar. Everyone gets spacey so it's not a big deal but his snide remark, "Can't you lift that?" got him a scowl and the reply, "I shouldn't have to."
Still, I'm pleased that it's not too late for middle-aged pretty boys to learn manners.

I look around to see who's here. I see M, Barbie & JerryO and a few others. Uh oh, the Mayor's just arrived too. I settle down to business, trying to remember the new benching routine I want to try today. I want to up my weight but I'm unsure as to how much I should add, or how many reps I should go for. I'm still debating (with myself) even as I bridge my back and set my legs to bench with M spotting me.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min = 3.90 miles Bleah! Nothing to celebrate here except that I did my 35 minutes.
Smith Bench Press: 25 @ bar (45 lbs) / 12 @ 95 lbs / 10 @ 115 / 8 @ 135 / 12 @ 145 lbs
I find M and ask him if he'll do me a big favor and spot me because I'm nervous about pushing a weight I've never done before. He's a great spot. He tells me it's all me even though I see his hand encircling the bar, but I feel as if it's all me. Damn, I hope it's all me!
6 @ 155 lbs / 12 @ 135 / 12 @ 115 / 25 @ 95 lbs
The front of my right shoulder twinges slightly but I feel pretty good. And I don't want to jinx myself so one set is good for today. I start to drop my weights but keep my reps steady until I get to 95 lbs. Then I just have to knock out 25 reps, and they're soooo easy I almost feel guilty.
Cage Stretch & Kicks and a few kicks outside the cage for fun
Rear Bent-Over DB Raises (chest in lap): 6 x 12 @ 25 lbs
M is doing inclined BB rows in the Smith and there's only 1 incline bench so I do bent-overs. They're harder than Seated Rear Inclines so I'm not too disappointed. When he's done, he asks me if I did drop sets. "Oh yeah," I said and then conceded that they were awfully easy. We agree that everyone's physiology is so different that what works for one person may or may not work for another. Power lifting sets of 2-3 reps doesn't do anything for him, no increased strength, no size gain, just soreness. I tell him I like doing heavy reps for the pump and because I want to build endurance which I define as a different type of strength. I'm glad I haven't seen B today: I'm sure she'd be giving me the stink-eye and not even realize it.
Standing Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs these never seem to get easier. For the last 3 sets, I superset them with One-Arm Tricep DB Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
It seems like a natural progression of the movement and I'm doing triceps anyway so what the heck...
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Ugh, I see the ragged knee of torn plaid pj pants and know it's PJPants sitting across from me. Luckily, another old guy is chatting with him, standing with his back to me so I feel less self-conscious while I knock out my sets. It takes me less than three minutes.
Tricep Press Downs: 12 / 11 / 8 @ 50 lbs
The edge of my right triceps is just barely visible in the lower edge of my peripheral vision, and I wonder how they really look.
Mat Stretch

My stretches are good today in spite of two days off and I'm happy. The Mayor has been usually quiet today although he is still running back and forth between constituents. I wonder if anyone's said anything to him about how loud he is. I look up, see the clock and realize that I have to rush home because the water softener guy is suppose to show up this afternoon to install the new system. Our super hard, pH 5.6 well water is eating through everything!

The scale reads a whopping 111.4 lbs but it's not like I'm crazy fat or anything, although I did eat an awful lot of these wonderfully addictive chips. These are so light and crunchy and delicately flavored that you can eat them solo, although they can stand up to a good salsa. Adios Garden of Eatin' Blue Corn Tortilla Chip! Hello, Xochitl! Everything else tastes like a salt lick compared to these delightful tortillas.

I did also have a lot of sangria with frozen strawberries (my own), and a few bottles of hard cider. I like to relax on the weekends, and I don't pay a lot of attention to what I'm eating and drinking because it's enough for me to work out 5 days a week. I don't need to stress over food or the fact that imitating a sloth is my favorite weekend activity. I punch my numbers into a site at but it's disconcerting to see that it calculates 12 reps at 145 lbs as more powerful (a greater one rep lift) than 6 reps at 155 lbs. So according to that site, I'm losing my strength, even though my 12 reps at 145 preceded my heavy lift. Sigh. It's always something. But I'm still really happy! I benched 155 lbs! I have a new heavy lift! I just gotta be careful to let all that power go to my head ;-)

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