Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learning to Embrace What You Hate

It's not a two-toned tank;
I'm just soggy from cardio!
I say it every week, "I love, love, love Leg Day." You might actually believe that I really enjoy peddling furiously for over an hour once a week, exiting the elliptical soaking wet and yet thoroughly parched, with saliva crusted at the corner of my mouth and a mix of snot and sweat dripping from my nose. You might think that I'm the sort of person who loves aerobics, zumba, anything cardio. And you'd be wrong. I hate cardio and avoided it for years.

I always had an excuse ready: it made me tired, it took too much time, I have bad knees, flat feet, a funky hip, I get stitches. But I didn't make much progress with my workouts until I not only actively incorporated it into my routine, but embraced it as if it would save my life. I gave up the slow glide while watching TV and instead challenged myself to reach 5 miles in a 45 minute period. The weight fell off and I retained all my hard-earned muscle. I built endurance. My stamina increased. I could lift heavier weights. My stretches improved. And I still hate cardio. I'd so rather lift weights than do cardio. Which is why I do it first. Get it out of the way while I'm still fresh. I love Leg Day because I've forced myself to do something I hate, and it feels good.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.08 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.41 miles  Grand Total = 8.49 miles Yippeeeee!
This was not stitch-free however, I just grimace through it, hope it doesn't cause any permanent damage and am really happy when it's all done and I've made my quota of 8+ miles!
Smith Rack Squats: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks both inside the Cage and standing flat on the floor. It's hard to keep my balance without the Cage and I have to focus much harder to direct my foot at the imaginary target. I wear body-hugging capris today so I can stretch and kick without worrying about who's going to see my underwear under my shorts. B would say, "Well, at least you're wearing underwear." Yeah, yay me.
10 Pistol Squats alternating each leg
This exercise really has me beading up with sweat while I concentrate on not falling over!
Seated Leg Curl: 3 x 15 @ 97.5 lbs
I was going to go back and up the weights but it became popular so next time I'll see if I can do 105 lbs. I do feel a tad guilty not doing a full 6 sets...
Seated Leg Extension: 6 x 15 @ 60 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
All the lights go out suddenly and everything comes to a standstill momentarily. Those of us who don't require electric continue our workouts while the treadmills, elliptical and stationery bikes idle. The emergency exit lights stay on, and the locker rooms flicker back but everything else is dark, including all the flat screen TVs throughout the floor area.
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Mat Stretch

The lights finally come back on while I'm on the Mat. Mo's there and we chat briefly. There are other regulars about, M, The Mayor, Eagle Eye, skinny Mustache. Back in the locker room, Mo tells me that she doesn't talk to anyone except me because she knows me from Tower Fitness some 15 years ago. She especially doesn't like "that guy who talks all the time, telling everyone what to do." I don't tell her that I've already nick-named him The Mayor. Instead I say, "He's kinda like a politician." She whispers that she thinks he's in his late 40s, that he looks much older and I'm actually surprised because I really thought he was probably late 50s or early 60s and not wanting to admit it.

The Zumba chick complains that she doesn't like the way she looks and I try to reassure her. She has a great body, in and out of clothes. Personally, I'd like to see more muscle on her arms and shoulders but that's just me. She's 53, same age as me, but looks younger. We all do. She could pass for a hard late 30s. JL, who's mid 40s, could definitely pass for 30s. JL teases me that I look like a kid, and I tell her that I wear make-up so people won't tell me to go find my mom. Everyone laughs. The scale reads 107.8 lbs. When I get home, my scale reads 105.8 lbs and that seems right based on how my clothes fit, and what I perceive in the mirror.

Tomorrow is Chest, Delt & Triceps. A Push Day. Tomorrow, I also have the dreaded "boob test" where a well-intentioned medical technician grabs your chest including your armpit and pectoral muscles and tries to squish it all between two plates of glass. This may be fine for larger-breasted women, but for AA gals like myself, it makes me want to avoid the test like the proverbial plague. They'll also do an ultrasound because I have "dense" breast tissue. Two years ago they did a biopsy and I still haven't forgiven them for that extremely intrusive and scarring procedure. If there are any lumps now, it's the new scar they created by snipping out what little breast tissue I have. Honestly, I have such a low risk factor that this just seems superfluous. But, like most women, I concede that it's better to be safe than sorry, so I will indeed go to that test. Sigh. Embrace what you hate. I used to like seeing my mammogram images because they looked like lunar landscapes. They still do.

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...