Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I See Changes

Well, it certainly beats seeing dead people (yes, a reference to the Bruce Willis flick, The Sixth Sense). And I've been trying so hard to keep visual changes to a minimum! What? Well, I've been trying to increase my strength and endurance, but not necessarily my size, except for my back because everyone loves that athletic V-shape on men and women. And I like seeing my biceps and triceps and delts nicely defined but I don't want to get bodybuilder big. That's a bit scary. I don't begrudge anyone for making a living, but finding out that our local bodybuilder has just made a film for an online fetish company, well.... It gives me cause for pause.

I've been increasing my weights where possible and cutting some of my reps, but not a lot. I figure high reps would work two ways for me: increase muscular endurance, and retard muscular growth. I'm not sure it's working. I've always thought that doing 3-4 reps of your maximum would make you puffy big, power lifter big, and that's so not what I'm trying to achieve. But today I seem big and other than not getting enough sleep (and under the right gym lights, you can see the bags under my eyes) and feeling a bit "too much beer this weekend" puffy, I don't think I should see anything different.

Today's Workout:
35 min cardio = 4.0 miles Finally!
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 lbs / 10 @ 105 / 8 @ 120 lbs / 5, 6, 6 @ 135 lbs
Pull Ups: 12+3 legs curled to chest / 11+2 legs straight out
Cage Stretch & Kicks
I see P the gym owner boxing the Nexersys as I smack the cage with the side of my foot. I'm probably going to kickboxing tonight with my husband so I'll play with the Nexersys tomorrow. I'm going to restrict myself to just 3 times a week otherwise I'll just get too damn tired. I grab a pair of 2.5 lb magnetic discs from the front desk as I head back towards the barbell area. 
Pull Ups: 12+2 legs curled to chest / 10+2 legs straight out
Reverse Grip Bent-Over BB Rows: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs / 4 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Seated Alternating DB Rows: 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
Pull Ups legs curled: 10+2  Oddly I feel my body swaying to the right even in the tuck position
Chin Ups legs straight out (these stress my forearms so I don't do them very often): 10+2
Ab Curl Station: 100
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Standing BB Curl: 15 @ 40 lbs / 4 x 12 @ 45 lbs
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 3 x 15 @ 40 lbs (these really hurt today)
Mat Stretch: M and Skinny Runner Chick are stretching and chatting on the mat but there's enough room for me to do my routine off to the side. I'm happy with my splits and stretches. 

In the locker room Skinny Runner asks me if I work out every day.
"When my son's in school, I come to the gym. I don't come on weekends."
"You seem very... determined."
My immediate reaction is "So what's your point?" but that would've been rude. On the other hand, that's one of the dummest things anyone's ever said to me. Maybe she's just not that bright.

I looked at her and replied, "That's why I come to the gym. To work out." End of conversation. I must be fascinating and intimidating to some, breaking every stereotype out there, but there's no magic, just consistency. I come 5 days a week and every day that I come, I work out like I mean it. Because I do mean it.

My arms seem bigger and my back is thicker. My whole body seems thicker. Perhaps it's because I'm in dire need of a haircut. I hate my hair the length it is now. It's not doing anything flattering, just long enough to get in the way of my earphones, lay flat on top of my head and make my face look rounder and puffier than it already naturally is. Of course, my husband says that he likes it longer. Even though I think the length emphasizes drooping jowls and faint wrinkles, all the signs of middle-aging that I'm trying to avoid. No, it's definitely time to get a haircut!

New Balance
Jockey Brand
I go to Marshall's to buy some summer shoes for my son. I've learned the hard way that if you shop during the actual season, you won't find the size or style you're looking for so here it is April and I'm shopping for camp stuff. Marshall's has a pretty nice selection of discounted "active wear" and to my delight, I see that several brands are now selling padded sports bras. I'm very excited and try a bunch of them on. They fit soooo much better than the Old Navy disasters and regret ever buying those sports bras. At least they were on sale. These are on sale too, but not as cheap as the ON ones. Still, they're comfortable and fit well. Sold! I also purchase a pair of Danskin "bermudas" which fall just above the knees, are loosely clingy and not at all revealing. Perfect for leg day!

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