Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bicep Bliss

I've started mixing things up a tad in my workout just to add some variety, and foster a bit of new growth, or at least some refreshing change. It is Spring after all! It's also only Tuesday and I'm really starting to suffer from my late-night habit of checking on old TV programs on demand. I watched several episodes of Bones last night and thoroughly enjoyed them. What I didn't enjoy was how tired I felt this morning, especially on the elliptical. Thank goodness I do these first, before the fun stuff -- weights and stretching!

I was rewarded later by the head-on sight of square bicep heads: I've waited a long time to see these because they're not readily apparent when I do DB curls or Reverse Grip BB Curls. But today I did a few sets of regular BB curls and damn, the biceps look good! I'm happy. (One of these days I'll figure out how to get a few good photos to post. Meanwhile... you'll just have to suffer with illustrations and bad self-portraits.) My triceps and shoulders are a bit sore too but I only notice when I arch my back and press my upper arms against my sides. Otherwise, I'm just tired.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio = 4.04 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks (there's a fellow working out in the adjacent cable station which means I don't have room to do any kicks outside the cage -- bummer)
Pull Ups: 12
BB Reverse Grip Rows: 6 x 15 @ 80 lbs (I could probably do sets of 85 lbs and probably should)
DB Biceps Curls: 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
Lower Back Extensions (again): 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Ab Curl Station: 100
BB Bicep Curl: 6 x 15 @ 40 lbs (I was only going to do 3 sets but then decided to see how far I could go... perhaps I should up the weight)
Pull Ups (I'm highly skeptical that I'll be able to do any because my biceps are tired so I'm really surprised that I can do a full set the first time, but I tired quickly and the second set kinda sucks): 12+2 / 10+2
Mat Stretch

The scale reads 109.0 lbs but I'm not concerned. I feel strong although by the time I get out of the shower, I'm so hungry I can hear my stomach growl. I did have time for an egg & oatmeal breakfast and cup of coffee. B mouths Hi this morning before she runs off to meet her husband. He's been working nearby and she's like a school girl on a date. I note other regulars working out like M, tall Pace, The Mayor, 5'oclock, skinny Mustache. Outside in the gusty bright sun, I wave Hi to R as I toss my gear into the car and he waves back. He's just heading in, probably looking to see if his brother's already there or not. I head home to meet the school bus and ready myself for the parent-teacher conference this afternoon. Sigh. Some things are hard; working out isn't one of them.

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...