Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Little Annoyances

It was raining last night when I took the pups for their nightly walk. It was still raining this morning when we went to the park. One dog dislikes being wet and flattens his ears to prevent water from entering. The other dog doesn't care, and after he's done pressing business, he demands to be rewarded with "cookies" (dog biscuits). It's not like they're fat or anything, so they get cookies everyday, along with canned food, kibble, and of course, boiled chicken with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt. Yes, they are spoiled puppies.

Its also 50F, ridiculously warm for February in New York State. At least I don't have to worry about biting insects because it's raining too hard. I get to the gym later than I want and the parking lot is packed full. The gym is crowded as well. I take my time adjusting the ear hooks for the AirPod ear buds but they continue to be problematic during my cardio session. Actually, I find my self adjusting them at every station I'm at. I don't know why they were perfect one day and a complete PITA the next.

I feel the right ear hook loosen over the pinna and instinctively reach up to adjust the ear bud. Tiny distractions eat into my focus and although I made it past 2.9, it should've been better. Later, when I check the FitBit readings, I'm perplexed as to whether my HR is actually slower now during peak cardio or if this is a defect in the HR detection? I'll never know. 

While my BP is better (lower), it's not consistent. I had a text chat last night with my brother and he's taken himself off his BP medication (amlodipine) because he says the beet root juice powder (SuperBeets) and green tea have lowered his BP sufficiently. He also sent me a PDF book he got online from doc promoting herself, and her products. My brother, a smart weird guy with over two dozen patents under his belt (all owned by his employer), is susceptible to MLM schemes. I've already warned him off HerbaLife. But I did start reading The Blood Pressure Solution by Dr. Marlene Merritt. So far I haven't read anything crazy, but of course, I'm assuming there's a sales pitch for products somewhere at the end... 

I haven't totally given up on niacinamide yet. This form of niacin might be more tolerable than plain ol' B3 niacin, but I won't know until I try it. Again, it's available at the max safety dose (500 mg), and harder to find at lower doses. I'm interested because it might help repair optic nerve damage. Some members of the glaucoma support group state that their docs are prescribing niacinamide and pyruvate. I'm willing to try it, or at least the niacinamide. My husband says he can get the 100 mg dose on Amazon, probably because he has a Prime membership. Products arent' always available to non-Prime members but you wouldn't know that unless you had two different accounts to compare. 

I get my pull-ups done, my left forearm feels sore and I wonder if it'll bother me during Seated Cable Rows. It doesn't. What bothers me are all the fat old men working out around me. And that stupid ear hook that needs adjusting every three movements. It makes me think that the tether is better, until I wear it and have the plastic string stick to my face or neck. I get a few extra reps on the very last set of rows. If I can increase my reps here, I might be ready to inch the weight up a few pounds. Maybe 5? Rushing too fast too heavy will just aggravate my sciatica, and I certainly don't need that.

I'm happy the Aerobics Room is empty although a smattering of members come in, grab a mat, do a quick plank or crunches and then leave. Hardly seems worth the effort. I've decided to take longer strides when doing Walking Lunges. I can tell when I'm successful because the step count is be lower. Wall Squats still suck though.

28 February 2024 11:52-1:30
Rainy Wednesday right earbud hook!
(Is it one wonky ear hook— I’ll have to examine them more closely)

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5866)
Distance: 2.92
Cal: 328
Avg Hr: NA 169, 198 max
Fitbit: 56-152?


Seated Cable Rows
50 lbs x 15
60 x 12
70 x 12, 12, 15

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 34 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s (!!!)

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