Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Better Than Not

Today I took the dogs to the park while wearing my Yak Traks ice grips on an old pair of Bogs boots. It hasn't been icy until now, with the snow partially melting and then refreezing at night. The slope up from the gates can be fairly treacherous to navigate. Especially when toting a half gallon jug of water. There's bottles of water in the shed at the top of the hill, but they're all frozen and dogs want to be able to slake their thirst after a good romp through the white stuff. 

I usually skip the gym on Tuesdays because the schedule is tight with a 1 pm class. But we missed a class last week due to the snow storm and I missed the gym yesterday due to a doctor appointment. It was a follow-up to see if my home blood pressure monitor was accurate (it is), and whether the medication was working. It is, sort of. But not enough since I'm still hypertensive and my pressure has never dropped to "normal."  

The doc suggests doubling the dosage and I demur, so she gives me two more months. If my BP doesn't drop further, I'll be taking 100 mg of Losartan instead of 50 mg. Then she has blood drawn to  make sure there aren't any electrolyte issues. I might have some issues because the creatinine level is considered high for a woman (1.1 vs 0.5-0.9 mg/dL). It's not hugely high, but it is higher than it should be.

Should I cut back on my protein intake? It's not a lot and the latest media suggests women actually don't eat enough protein. I'll wait to see what my doc suggests because she's gotten these results as well. 

I do a super abbreviated workout today to get a minimum amount of cardio, pull-ups, and hip/lower back stretches, because after a few days of inactivity, my sciatica starts to act up. I'll have more time tomorrow to do a normal routine. Maybe some seated cable rows, and skull crushers? The local schools are on break so the gym has a lot of noisy, plate-slamming kids. Ugh. Plus, tomorrow's mid-week, so it's sure to be crowded. Maybe just cardio and a full core routine? I'll just have to go and see for myself...

20 February 2024 11:06-11:47
Super Abbreviated Tuesday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 20+5 (4174)
Distance: 2.08
Cal: 233
Avg Hr: NA 148, 188-80
Fitbit: 57-146


20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2

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