Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Limping Along

I've been limping along without anti-inflammatory meds; no ibuprofen, no acetaminophen, no prednisone. Well, at least my sciatica isn't worse although I can't say that it's better. Again, cardio sucks immensely. And still I do it. The pull-ups are better. Core and push-ups etc are routine. The gym is crowded. It must be "winter break" for colleges because the high school kids don't show up until 2 pm.

I planned to do the second set of pull-ups before Rip Skulls but a woman is stretching in the Cage. I plop my gear on an unoccupied bench, glance up and realize that the woman has gone and the Stretch Cage is vacant. I get to do my pull-ups before Rip Skulls after all! My hands and tiny fingers are sensitive to weight/pressure and they tire easily. Doing pull-ups needs strong hands, but less critical for skull crushers. 

Alarm over the new coronavirus variant has caused the governor and the NYS Dept of Health to issue a new mask mandate. A handful of counties though have declared that they will not enforce or prosecute the requirement that masks be worn indoors regardless of vax status. I overhear the gym owner tell a new senior member that she doesn't need to wear a mask or show her vax card unless she wants to. 

Which is why I wear a mask and keep my distance from a lot of folks at the gym where there is endless gabbing and heavy breathing. It's bad enough that people still don't always wash their hands after using the restrooms. I certainly don't trust them to stay home if feeling poorly or running a fever. Wearing a mask doesn't interfere with my workout, and it makes me feel a tiny tad safer indoors.

15 December 2021
Chilly Wednesday & Sciatica

Precor elliptical
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5524)
Distance: 2.82
Cal: 313
HR: 140-194, 83


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
Dead Bugs 60
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga


Rip Skulls
30 lbs x 15, 13, 15

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