Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cloudy and Cold

I got to the gym today although not as early as I had hoped. It's hard to get up when it's still dark out. Sunrise isn't until 7:20. I had hoped that with the passing of the Winter Solstice, it would get light earlier, but that's not been my experience. I get to the gym a little after 8 and luckily I can get on an elliptical. Both my mileage and pull-ups are better today. But I don't have time to do anything more than the basics: cardio, stretch, core, push-ups, air squats and 2 sets of pull-ups. 

Dogs aren't happy that they're not at the park until 10:30 and we have to leave a bit past 11 because a less social dog comes at that time. He doesn't come every day and his owner is very nice, but he's had scrapes with several pups lately. She should keep him on his lead, but she's elderly and not really able to control him once he gets riled. Not a good mix. I'll try to get to the gym earlier tomorrow so that the dogs will have more time at the park. 

I can't really sleep in as much as I'd like to: sciatic discomfort wakes me up and makes laying on my back unpleasant. I can lay on one side for a few but my glaucoma prefers me to lay on my back. I wake with the dull throbbing in my glute and a tightness in my calf that persists all day and is worse when I'm sitting or laying down. Taking ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen doesn't really help much and I've run through all the prednisone and refuse to take the cyclobenzeprine (muscle relaxant). There's much more contraindications suggested for that med than anything else I'm taking.

I've also developed a nasty palm-size rash on the outside of my thighs since the temperature has dropped. It happened this time last year as well, but not quite as extensive. This year it's a bigger rash although it hasn't been all that cold. I wonder if it's cold urticaria (a sensitivity to the cold) but the symptoms don't match up and I don't really fit the profile. It's possible that I'm having a food sensitivity issue although I'm not sure what foods I'm eating only during the winter months that could have this effect. I'm not going to make an appointment with the dermatologist unless the rash gets a lot worse. Winter still has several months to go!

29 December 2021
Cloudy Tuesday & Sciatica

Precor elliptical
Program 2
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd (5700)
Distance: 2.88
Cal: 3.21
HR: 149-183, 86, 95


Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga


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