Thursday, June 17, 2021

Better Than Nothing

New phone case
for an old phone!
I got to the gym much too late to do more than cardio and core. Even though school is not officially over until next Friday, the HS students can stay home and sleep in from today through next next. Because our town had the foresight to give every student chrome books, we never lost education time to snow days or other typical closings. So we are ahead of schedule. 

The science labs closed yesterday and some students took home old computers and lab equipment. Because I didn't have to get my son off to the school bus, I actually got 8 hours of sleep! And the dogs went to the park and played with their friends. But I had a few things to take care of before I was on my way to work out. Things always take longer than I anticipate.

My son still has kung fu class so I cut my workout short. I need time to buy milk (he eats a lot of cereal like most teenage boys) and some Irish Spring soap. I've read a few stories that recount what a good bug repellant an exposed bar of this aromatic cleanser can be. I'm willing to test that at the dog park tomorrow. The minimum number of bars I can buy is a 3-pack so I get 3. The worse that will happen is that I keep a bar in my car and use it as a car deodorizer. Right now it smells like soil and dogs...

One bar gets to live in the mailbox to see if it will drive the ants out. I don't want to kill them, just make my mailbox inhospitable as a nursery for their larvae. I've tried cedar oil and other aromatics but after a few days, the ants return with their babies. I don't want to use the boric acid/sugar solution because I also don't want sticky mail. I put a note (explaining it's for the ants) on the soap and place it far in the back of the box just in case the mail carrier wonders...

I'm going to try and start earlier tomorrow so I'll have time to do shoulders after cardio and core. But, no promises...

17 June 2021
Minimal Thursday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 1
HR 145-188, 85
Cal 322
Distance 2.88

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
40 Dead Bugs x 2
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Mat stretch w Seated Twist

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