Thursday, May 13, 2021

Nail Biter

I skipped the gym yesterday mostly because I didn't have my car. It was at the dealership getting its 60k mile maintenance done. I hadn't thought to get a loaner because I figure I could just do stuff around the house and the husband was working from home. By closing time though, I was told that there was a lot of dry rot on important things like the spark plug wires and the timing belt. Ugh. While spark plugs are included in the maintenance, the wires are not. Neither is the timing belt, doubling the cost since the engine has to be hoisted out. It's not the parts but the labor that's really expensive! But it's better than suddenly having your car die on the road. 

So today I'm driving a 2021 basic model Subaru Forester. Cars have changed a lot in 11 years. While this car has a really smooth ride, it seems smaller inside and there's a lot going on with the dashboard. It took me forever to find the windshield wiper spray because it's not a button at the end of the lever anymore; it's "pull the lever towards you." Ugh. That the doors automatically lock when you start to drive is a nice feature, but the warning beep that you've wandered out of your lane can be annoying when you're doing it on purpose. And I still haven't made much use of the backup camera because I'd rather stick my head out the window. Because the car is a base model, it has a CD player (upgraded models have MP3 players) but I'm more interested in the digital radio. Because analog radio in my area means 12 channels of static and maybe one clear channel sporadically. 

At the gym, I don't want to commit to time I might not really have so I repeat the cardio workout from two days ago: elliptical, core and stretches, stair climber. This time, after 5 minutes, I increase the speed to 6. Because I'm bored. So bored that I change my tunes to play the Celebrity Skin album (Hole, Courtney Love). It's a great album and I haven't listened to it in a long time. The songs are really good although some might prefer her previous album, Live Through This. That's also a winner. 

13 May 2021
Cardio Thursday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 125-185, 77, 114
Cal 313
Distance 2.83

Crunches x 20 x 6
Piriformis Stretch
Happy Baby stretch
40 Dead Bugs x 2
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-ups 50
Mat stretch w Seated Twist

Matrix StepMill
10 min
Speed 5 (45-48)/6 (52-60)
HR 138
Cal 75
Steps 509
Floors 31

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