Friday, May 14, 2021

Back to It

Gorgeous day so I'm surprised that there are people in the gym. I get there late but still have enough time for cardio, some core, and some weights and purposely skip Dead Bugs, Happy Baby, and push-ups: I did those yesterday. But I make sure to include hammer grip pull-ups today. 

There are too many boys in the DB area where I like to do Reverse Inclined Flyes. The other adjustable bench is wedged between a post and the back of the Shoulder Press rack. I drop my stuff on the latter and gather up a pair of 15s and a pair of 20s. Because my upper torso is not fully supported the way it would be if I were lying face down on an Inclined Bench, I find Bent Over Rows difficult, and my movement is restricted. 

I can't rest my chest on my knees because that causes my back to round and that's trouble. The only way for me to keep a straight back means belly in my lap but chest and face angled higher, suspended. I'm tempted to just use 15s today. I purposely changed out of my wet reusable cloth mask to a disposable one because the latter is much looser, meaning it breathes easier, especially if you're face down on a bench. New CDC guidelines for mask-wearing among the fully vaccinated haven't been instituted in the tri-state area as of yet. I'm not sure when/if gyms in NYS will allow members not in a breathless aerobic class to go maskless. 

I'd probably still like to keep my mask on inside supermarkets as well, just because people are gross and germy, and most have poor hygiene habits. There's a reason that shopping cart handles rank as number one on the list of germiest places in a grocery store. People still don't always wash their hands after leaving a bathroom stall! The soap dispenser, faucet, and paper towel holder have all been automated with sensors so you don't need to handle anything, which means there's really no excuse. And if you say "But I didn't touch anything" then how did you get in and out of the stall?

In the week or so that I've returned to more or less full lifting, targeted bodyparts have not garnered any soreness. But the peripherals, i.e., fingers, wrists, arms, and elbows, well, yes those have been sore. Weakest link and all that... 

14 May 2021
Beautiful Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program Intervals
HR 88, 139-180
Cal 329
Distance 2.93

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Skip Happy Baby stretch
Skip 40 Dead Bugs x 2
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
No Push-Ups today
Mat stretch w Seated Twist


DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 4
bent over flys (w/u) 15 lbs x 20 x 1
20lbs x 20 x 3

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