Friday, April 2, 2021

April Fools

It snowed a bit last night and it was unseasonably cold this morning. Fair enough since it was unseasonably warm last week. Spring weather is so fickle in the northeast, and lately, in general. This is the last day of Spring Break and my son has reverted to a nocturnal sleep cycle. Monday is going to be really difficult especially since we will be in school full-time. I'm toying with the idea of going to the gym at 7 am just to get the workout out of the way before I take dogs to the park. They do love the park regardless of the weather. Because they're dogs and galloping like horses is totally awesome. 

I get to the gym late and expect it to be crowded but it's not. The kids don't show up until after 2 pm. After doing the requisite cardio, I find that the gym owner and a trainer are measuring and affixing new Gold's Gym stickers to the floor of the Aerobics Room: six feet apart? At least a quarter of this county's population has been vaccinated. We have a lot of seniors and healthcare professionals, i.e., nurses living here so that's not surprising. 

I don't see vaccinations as an end to masking and social distancing though. Not with all the new variants floating about. I see vaccinations as just a way to put the odds in my favor that I won't die if I should somehow contract the damn virus. Because I have such a crappy immune system I've had shingles twice and I'm not old or "immunocompromised" and the two times I remember being horribly ill with the flu, they weren't the worst flu variants. 

So, I get an annual flu shot. I dose myself with black elderberry syrup every morning. I take zinc and vitamin D. Because I'd feel really stupid if I got sick and I hadn't taken reasonable precautions. And I try not to do stupid things. I might even get the shingles vaccine although that's on the back burner for now: it's annoying that protection only lasts for 3 years, the same as having had shingles. My three years are up so they could erupt again. Ugh. 

The Smith machine is available so I do Inclined Presses. The gym is filling up with skinny HS boys. I see a few regulars in the mix as well. I decide to end the session with some Rip Skulls but the 30 lb solid BB is being used by a lanky teen doing bench lunges. I grab the 20 and affix a pair of 2.5 lb magnetic disc weights to each side. Presto! It's now 30 lbs. I'm done for the week. At least it's not snowing. 

2 April 2021
Frigid Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 2
HR 92, 152-183
Cal 319
Distance 2.87

Crunches x 20 x 6
Piriformis Stretch
Happy Baby stretch
10 Dead Bugs x 4
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 50
Mat stretch w Pigeon pose

Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30 lbs) x 20
+20 x 20
+40 x 20
+50 x 12, 12, 15

Rip Skulls [20 + 4(2.5)]
30 lbs x 12, 12, 12

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