Friday, April 30, 2021


Although temps were in the 60s today, the wind made it feel much colder. At least blustery days mean there are no bugs at the park to fly up my nose and into my mouth. I'm not getting enough sleep, and that, coupled with some residual side effects from vaccine shot #2 (fatigue and headaches), made this week more difficult than usual. I skipped yesterday and only had time for a quick workout today. Oddly, today was really crowded at the gym, with loud wanna-be muscle-heads slamming weights in the free weight area. 

My son's friends decided to have an impromptu gathering so I can't linger at the gym. I'll need to drive him into town where all his friends are meeting. Still, I do what's important: cardio, core, and sciatic nerve stretches. The "closed" signage is off the Stretch Cage so I'm no longer sneaking hammer grip pull-ups. If I had time, I'd do my DB shoulder routine because I think my triceps overwhelm the rest of my arms and balance is important. I've looked at old photos of myself and wonder if my delts have shrunk. I know there's some excess weight I'd look better without. Yes, we're talking about fat. 

My weight has stabilized at a new higher plateau, which I'm not happy about. I can't blame the pandemic as my weight has been creeping up for the past two years. Five pounds might be referred to as "vanity pounds" but honestly, as a small person, 5 lbs makes all the difference between fitting comfortably into clothes or having to buy the next bigger size. It's not like I'm gonna get taller... Now that my sciatica is manageable, my focus is on dropping those extra 5 pounds without jeopardizing my eye pressure. (I've had to give up a lot of different movements that I really used to enjoy.) And that's gonna be really hard, but my clothes will know the difference. 

30 April 2021
Blustery Friday

Precor elliptical
30 min + 5 cool down
Program 3
HR 141-176, 96
Cal 315
Distance 2.84

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
Happy Baby stretch
40 Dead Bugs x 2
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Push-Ups 50
Mat stretch w Seated Twist


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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...