Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Four Days is Like Taking Vacation, But Not

I had every intention of going to the gym on Friday, but my head said otherwise. I did feel better after I ate breakfast, but then I had to pre-medicate with antibiotics before my dental appointment. There's always a risk that that will upset my stomach. Usually it doesn't, but Friday it did. I arrived for my dental cleaning feeling really queasy. Well, at least the hygienist took it easy while scraping the plaque and tartar off my enamels. I do floss and brush regularly, but I've always had issues with tartar build-up. I've read that dry-mouth also contributes to the problem and I've taken to keeping some water by my bed so I can wet my parched mouth every few hours. I also put lubricating drops in my eyes and smear lip balm on my mouth at bedtime! It seems like the older I get, the harder it is for me to retain moisture. Ugh.

Saturday rained and rained. Then it rained snow. Sunday was brilliantly sunny and warm at 45F, but we had to shovel snow that felt more like wet sand. I didn't trust the snow to all melt away because temps tend to drop at night and no one wants to walk the pup on icy walkways. That was a workout in itself. Monday was a holiday, and I finally got my hubs and son to put up the Arrow Of Light wooden display that I'd ordered back in October. I'm hoping it keeps my son motivated to work towards his Eagle rank in Boy Scouts. That, and the fact that most of his friends are also Boy Scouts working towards that ultimate honor.

So, I'm back at the gym after four days off, and a little voice in my head is telling me how hard and awful this is going to be, how easy it is to stay under my blankets and just be lazy. There's no school today and my son's class has a class trip tomorrow. To the movies. Ugh. The town south of us has the whole week off. There are a lot of kids working out with their parents at the gym when I get there. Weird. Usually kids aren't evident except on weekends, when they can work out free from 1-5 pm. That's obviously the least busy time for this facility. The parking lot is full though, because it's $5 Tuesday and there's no school.

I'm not really sure what my plan is. I get on the elliptical because all the cross-trainers are busy. Okay, well just let me get cardio out of the way... Then the basic body moves like pull ups, push ups and core. Now what? Call it a day or what? Hey, the Smith is empty! But I don't have on the right shoes for doing RDLs there, so I guess it's going to be a Standard Push Day. Part of me is somewhat relieved because it's rather disheartening to find yourself sore and struggling with weights for secondary movements that normally feel okay. And the only difference is whether I'm doing them same day as big movements, or the next day. Doing them next day is definitely worse.

Inclined Presses feel okay. The BB super sets feel okay too although I'm a bit bummed that I'm stuck at 20lbs because going heavier would invite elbow and wrist pain. Next is the DB super set and I wander over to the DB area. Little R is there. He and one other dude are the only guys worth sneaking glances at, physique-wise. I look at the sole Adjustable Inclined Bench. There's a 5 lb plate wedged under the seat hinge. Little R comes over and removes it, explaining that the seat itself tilts down towards the back support instead of being level, and that's bad for his back when he's doing shoulder presses. Uh, okay. I just nod a little, and don't feel compelled to say anything in response.

There's a gaggle of HS boys at the bench press. And a few HS girls who are actually lifting weights. Nice! I find the 25 lb DBs but no 20s. WTF? Little R has a pair of 20s and 25s, but I don't feel like asking to share. It takes me a few minutes to realize that "A-Rod," seated at the Smith, has the other pair of 20s. Ugh. I go to the front desk to grab the 2.5 lb magnetic discs figuring I'll just plop them onto the 15s, but by the time I get back to my inclined bench, the 20s are back on the rack. Hhmm. I don't return the discs right away though, in case I need them. But it's highly unlikely. I don't feel any stronger, but I'm happy that I'm not weaker either. Rip Skulls are okay at 40 lbs although a moment of doubt made the last two reps for the last set seem a bit iffy. Self-doubt will cause a set to fail so best to silence that voice! Easier said than done.

Watching the Olympics over the weekend makes me look up songs that are played during the millions of commercials. Unfortunately, this year's selection doesn't really include whole songs that are good, just catchy refrains that I wish carried through the entire song. Here's two for example: "I got soul but I'm not a soldier" from The Killers All These Things That I've Done (give a listen below), and Kaleena Zanders Stronger Than I've Ever Been with "If you knock me down / I get up again."

I don't actually think these songs will work in my workout mix the way that Elle King's Exxes and Ohs does (got that song from a commercial about a purse). Or the remixed Taylor Swift song, Shake It Off. Yes, I still love the Hillywood® Parody better than the original. And exciting news is that they are planning to do a sequel parody for Supernatural. Of course, there's always the fear that it won't be as good. But that's how it is with everything. You know when you've done good, but you don't know if you can repeat it. You just have to keep trying.


30 elliptical + 5 cool down
Program 1
Calories 330
Miles 2.93

HGPU 30 Yaaay!
Push Ups 60

Elbow Plank 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Elbow Plank 60s

Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 15
50 x 12
70 x 13
80 x 12
90 x 12
60 x 25
50 x 25

BB Front Raises s/s Upright Rows
20lbs x 12/15reps x 3 sets

DB Laterals s/s Rev Incl Flyes
20/25lbs x 12/15reps x 3 sets

Rip Skulls
40lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets

Mat Stretch

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