I planned to take the bird to a local animal hospital this morning. First I checked on the fledgling which was sitting on the edge of the towel nest, it's eyes closed. I thought it was sleeping but it wasn't. It had passed away during the night. Well, better than being eaten by feral cats. Still, it took me a while to get myself ready for the gym.
So, not only did I get to the gym late, but I was hungry as well because I hadn't had time to make breakfast either. I do my 10 minute warm up and then shove the Nexersys away from the mountain bike simulator. This is becoming a weekly routine. I decide with great uncertainty that today is the day I drop a round in Beginner and add it to Intermediate. The humidity makes busting a sweat easy. The machine keeps beeping at me because I'm hitting too hard. Yeah, yeah, I know. It's better once I load the Intermediate program. The faster pace and odd combinations really suit me. I like not having to pull my punches. I even blank the screen twice which messes me up for the next moves. But I don't care. I'm breathing hard by the last rounds, and it's exhilarating.
This is definitely a better workout. I stretch my lower back and then do LISS cardio on the Step Mill for 20 minutes. I'm perfectly happy just to sing along to my iPod because I'm so tired. The Mayor spends more time chatting than working out. Sunshine finally has the cast off his arm. Maroon, Shazam, Towel Guy, VestGirl, Tattoo Tank all come and go. I definitely spend too much time here.
I love my new used car, especially the A/C today as temps peak at 87F and I have groceries to do before retrieving my son to take him to his MineCraft mod-making class. Then we rush home for a snack and to change his clothes for his school's spring concert. My hubs makes it back from Boston in time to attend as well. It's a first. Tomorrow is Leg Day. Oh boy!
Thursday Workout

Calorie : 110 CALFlights : 41 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:20:05
Photos for actual stats:
6 rounds Beginner Follow Me
8 rounds Intermediate Follow Me
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