Monday, June 15, 2015

Feeling the Burn

I underestimated the strength of the sun this weekend and got a sunburn on my shoulders. It's not painful unless I'm pressed up against a bench trying to push 130 lbs off my chest. I can usually push for more reps but I was worried I'd actually rub my skin raw, especially since I always drop a towel down on the bench before I put bare skin/shoulders to any surface. So Benching was fairly awful. I did manage a good pump from the 25 reps at 90 lbs. And because my delts actually felt okay, I did Smith Inclined Benches. Nevermind that I warmed up with just two sets of DB Presses while I was waiting for Tattoo Tank to be done.

The Smith Inclined Presses felt okay today, and lessened my guilt with the Smith flat bench pressing. The gym wasn't really crowded but suddenly there were a lot of guys working out all around me. I especially dislike having The Mayork nearby because 1) he's so loud I have to turn up the volume on my tunes and 2) he's always got a crowd of people hanging off the equipment.

Today's a good day to mix up my delt routine. I do standing DB Lateral Raises superset with Bent Over Reverse Flyes. Just 3 sets of each. Then I take a measely 8 lb DB and do One-Arm DB Lateral Lying Side Raises. Those are exhausting! Then back to the DB rack for the 25s for another 3 sets of DB Lateral Raises. But these are so much harder now. An adjustable inclined bench is free so I can superset with DB Reverse Flyes. But I'm getting vexed with the JeFit app. I wish it would let me move my sets into the correct order instead of making me delete and re-enter all my data. Perhaps it's just the free version that's so frustrating?

I'm already thinking about cardio when I remember Triceps. A lot of the regulars are gone, replaced by HS and college kids. My first two sets of Close Grip Bench Press are fine, but I can feel the muscles in my arms and chest quivering. Not a good sign. I make it to 12 reps at 75 lbs then have to rack the bar for a moment. I can only eek out 3 more reps. Bleah! RIP skulls are equally as hard but at least I finish all my sets.

Am I too tired for 10 min of HIIT cardio and 20 min of LISS? I do 5 min of HIIT, take 5 min for LISS and then do another 6 min of HIIT before settling into the remaining 14 min for LISS. I'm wondering how much of this fatigue is due to having a sun burn. I can't even remember the last time I got a burn because I normally don't burn. But we were outside by a lake for a few hours at a 4H-sponsored fishing clinic that gives instructions and free rods and tacklesboxes to kids in our county.

A quick stretch, a lukewarm shower followed by bracing cold water. It's late by the time I get home because I spent the morning swapping out the storm window panels for screens. And I'm still figuring out my car: I think there's a way to change the rate on the Intermittent Wipers. It's an adventure, although I'm still waiting for my plates so I can get my car inspected and really, truly legal.

I've put on a few pounds over the weekend but I'm not surprised. We were at a friend's house yesterday and ate poorly. I'm always amazed at how inconsistent people are with their eating habits, swearing by organic this and that, and then eating the worst fast food on the planet (due to phenomenally high MSG content). I'm not an organic fanatic. I can't afford it either, so I pick and choose. But we don't eat fast food. Not just out of principle, but also because I just can't eat it: MSG gives me a headache that feels like a rubber band wrapped around my cheeks and ears, and I always get painful indigestion. I don't think I can process the fats. Which means when we got home, I still felt hungry and unsatisfied. Bleah.

Monday Workout
(3.83 miles cardio; 19,958 lbs moved)

Warm Up
Calorie :   72 CAL
Distance: 1.7 mile
Speed :    6.78 mph
Duration : 00:15:04
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 30x12
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x10
Set 4 : 130x6
Set 5 : 90x25
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 70x12
Set 3 : 90x10
Set 4 : 90x10
Set 5 : 90x10
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 20x15
Set 2 : 20x15
Set 3 : 20x15
Set 1 : 25x8
Set 2 : 25x10
Set 3 : 25x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 25x15
Set 2 : 25x15
Set 3 : 25x15
Set 4 : 25x15

Set 1 : 8x12
Set 2 : 8x12
Set 3 : 8x12

Set 1 : 45x25
Set 2 : 65x25
Set 3 : 75x12
Set 4 : 75x3
Set 1 : 15x15
Set 2 : 37.5x12
Set 3 : 37.5x12
Set 4 : 37.5x12
Calorie :   205 CAL
Distance: 2.13 mile
5 min HIIT / 5 min LISS
6 min HIIT / 14 min LISS
Duration : 00:30:00

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...